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Old 15-05-2008, 18:20   #31
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Those 10,000 or so rangers fans were a disgrace...

Originally Posted by onlyme View Post
Bugs me this. If this occurred for any other reason than a football game, it would cause uproar.

Instead, we make allowances becuase it was a big game and people had been drinking. Oh and the tv broke, so it justifies their actions???

Best watch out for me if my telly packs up whilst the Apprentice is on. I know what I can get away with now
don't see anyone making allowances or justifying the actions in this thread - go watch the Apprentice.
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Old 15-05-2008, 18:59   #32
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Re: Those 10,000 or so rangers fans were a disgrace...

Originally Posted by maxwell silver View Post
Any excuse to do their bit against the English.These have never got over Willy Wallace & all that centuries ago history.I know,my knucklehead relatives still go on about it.Did'nt stop them moving down here though to try & better themselves.And ,on a football point of view.If the Glasgow big two ever want to play against some quality teams south of the wall on a full time basis,last nights show of strength wont help.
I know your trying to stir here but I will reply anyway...

nothing to do with 'the english' william wallace or scots moving south ot the border????..
and no one even mentioned the glasgow 2 plying their football in england???...
try and keep to the subject of the thread eh - if you can manage it? or does acting stupid come naturally to you ?
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Old 15-05-2008, 18:59   #33
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Re: Those 10,000 or so rangers fans were a disgrace...

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
don't see anyone making allowances or justifying the actions in this thread - go watch the Apprentice.
I would have been better watching the apprentice
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Old 15-05-2008, 20:31   #34
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Re: Those 10,000 or so rangers fans were a disgrace...

sorry, didnt mean to imply anyone on here was condoning this or anything like that.
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Old 15-05-2008, 22:31   #35
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Re: Those 10,000 or so rangers fans were a disgrace...

i know some so-called rangers supporters were a disgrace yesterday but there was an undercurrent as there was known football hooligans spotted ie cockney brummies and mancs.the gmp police panicked and knew they were there ,theres even a rumour going about they pulled the plug because they didnt have the resources and knew it was going to kick off big time definately know there was spurs ,,chelsea, wolves,man utd football casuals there for a before you criticise and generalise all rangers supporters get your facts straight.everthing went fine an all the rest of the fanzones even if there was a shortage of food outlets ie none and hardly any crowd control or tiolets but it was still a back this morning...dissappionting result but a party...
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Old 15-05-2008, 23:33   #36
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Re: Those 10,000 or so rangers fans were a disgrace...

why do rangers fans call celtic fans "tim"?

as in the if u cannae do the bouncy ur a tim song?

and why the bouncy?
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Old 16-05-2008, 13:15   #37
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Re: Those 10,000 or so rangers fans were a disgrace...

Originally Posted by glasgow guy View Post
why do you use the word 'huns' ? - maybe you can explain in detail to the other users why you do? as most wont understand why....
its what the celts call us, its all sectarian bulldung, when i chear rangers i always say " mon the huns " as do the scottish friends i drink with, which is where i have prob picked up the term, and not nesecerily (sp) the real religious reasononing behind it...sorry if it offended you, even though i am a hun myself although not scottish
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Old 16-05-2008, 17:10   #38
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Re: Those 10,000 or so rangers fans were a disgrace...

Originally Posted by BLACKBURN RAVER View Post
its what the celts call us, its all sectarian bulldung, when i chear rangers i always say " mon the huns " as do the scottish friends i drink with, which is where i have prob picked up the term, and not nesecerily (sp) the real religious reasononing behind it...sorry if it offended you, even though i am a hun myself although not scottish
if you sat in ibrox and shouted .'mon the huns' you wouldnt last long at all..(trust me) as the use of that word is only used by celtic fans as you say, I am not offended by it as I have heard over the last 30 years supporting rangers - was just curious as to why it was used down here..
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Old 16-05-2008, 17:17   #39
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Re: Those 10,000 or so rangers fans were a disgrace...

Originally Posted by mani View Post
why do rangers fans call celtic fans "tim"?

as in the if u cannae do the bouncy ur a tim song?

and why the bouncy?
what a question.. - the term 'tim' is just slang for what some rangers fans call celtic fans, although they are also called yahoos by the majority of rangers fans (you have to read gullivers travels to understand why) the same way some celtic fans call us huns amongst other things- as blackburn raver has mentioned.
and in regards to the bouncy - well why not? its about all you can do in a stadium these days without getting thrown out and it looks quite good when everyone does it..

Last edited by glasgow guy; 16-05-2008 at 17:24.
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Old 16-05-2008, 18:21   #40
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Re: Those 10,000 or so rangers fans were a disgrace...

Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.

Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive.
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Old 16-05-2008, 18:23   #41
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Re: Those 10,000 or so rangers fans were a disgrace...

Originally Posted by yerself View Post
Lmao .... classic!!!
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

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Old 16-05-2008, 18:26   #42
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Re: Those 10,000 or so rangers fans were a disgrace...

thats actually quite funny...
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Old 16-05-2008, 20:38   #43
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Re: Those 10,000 or so rangers fans were a disgrace...

no wonder they were throwing but seriously when you watch the videos of all the violence most of them are not wearing any colours ive just heard hearts casuals were there with chelsea,of all people wigan,wolves and man city hooligans with a small band of rangers casuals the icf ...if you look at all the people in the videos there are no more than 200 so 10,000 rangers supporters you are a disgrace ,is slander . there was about 600 or so real rangers supporters having a sing song at midnight when a crowd of casuals ran past telling everybody to run in cockney accents.behold about 15 seconds after that the riot police came storming down clubbing everyboy women and men you had to run for your life.....ohh iforgot to add the indiscriminate pushing around with riot shields at the train station fact is the gmp lost control and lost control of its officers...
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Old 16-05-2008, 21:18   #44
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Re: Those 10,000 or so rangers fans were a disgrace...

as a scott myself i would like to point out that not all scottish people are mindless alcholics

some are cocaine addicts too
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Old 16-05-2008, 21:21   #45
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Re: Those 10,000 or so rangers fans were a disgrace...

Originally Posted by accyman View Post
as a scott myself i would like to point out that not all scottish people are mindless alcholics

some are cocaine addicts too

Ahhhhhhh bless how cute
Millions of sperm and you was the fastest??

Miracles do happen!!

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