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View Poll Results: world Cup - How far will England go?
Group Stage - England Win 0 0%
Group Stage - England Runners Up 0 0%
Group Stage - England OUT! 4 14.81%
Last 16 - England lose 3 11.11%
Quarter Final - England lose 10 37.04%
Semi-final - England lose 4 14.81%
Semi-final - England lose on penalties 3 11.11%
Final - England lose 0 0%
Final - England lose on penalties 0 0%
Final - England Win (??????????) 3 11.11%
Voters: 27. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 05-06-2010, 20:11   #31
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Re: World Cup England - Place yer bets!

thinking on it again I do think this is a blow for England.. Terry alongside Ferdinand got us comfortably into this World Cup.. they are used to each other and we have had the results we needed with that central defence...Dawson has replaced Ferdinand in the squad but who will play alongside Terry at center back..Dawson.. King or Upson?..non are what you'd call world class defenders.
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Old 06-06-2010, 00:47   #32
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Re: World Cup England - Place yer bets!

i agree mancie none are world class defenders of those 3, but nor was ferdinand of late, theres no question to me about that, n on that basis i can't see it making much differance.
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Old 06-06-2010, 04:18   #33
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Re: World Cup England - Place yer bets!

Was surprised to learn from Accy webber "South Aussie" that the US (been nowt in the US media about them) has a team in the competition , seems they beat the Aussie team in a pre-competion friendly .

hope this isn't the wrong thread to post this comment in , suppose the moderators should decide if this should be an England only thread and us overseas Accy-webbers should have a World Cup thread of our own
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Old 06-06-2010, 06:56   #34
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Re: World Cup England - Place yer bets!

Originally Posted by steeljack View Post
Was surprised to learn from Accy webber "South Aussie" that the US (been nowt in the US media about them) has a team in the competition , seems they beat the Aussie team in a pre-competion friendly .

hope this isn't the wrong thread to post this comment in , suppose the moderators should decide if this should be an England only thread and us overseas Accy-webbers should have a World Cup thread of our own
Steeljack... the USA are in group C along with England
opening game in group C - England V USA 15th June 3pm GMT
USA are no mugs and are Englands toughest opponents in our group..they beat Spain 2-0 last year in the Conf cup ending Spain's run of 25 matches unbeaten.
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Old 06-06-2010, 09:20   #35
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Re: World Cup England - Place yer bets!

Well stuck my choice in but the real compition will be between the WAGS. They will be out strutting their stuff in the hope of making money out of it. At least when England leave the Wags go as well.

All comments above are nothing to do with here and therefore not the resposibility of the Accrington Web site owners admins or mods.


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Old 06-06-2010, 09:27   #36
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Re: World Cup England - Place yer bets!

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
Steeljack... the USA are in group C along with England
opening game in group C - England v USA 12th june
USA are no mugs and are Englands toughest opponents in our group..they beat Spain 2-0 last year in the Conf cup ending Spain's run of 25 matches unbeaten.
Sorry I got the England v USA match day wrong... it's 12th June kick off 7.30pm GMT
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Old 07-06-2010, 09:19   #37
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Re: World Cup England - Place yer bets!

I've got a tenner on the US to beat England at 13/2.
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Old 07-06-2010, 20:40   #38
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Re: World Cup England - Place yer bets!

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
I've got a tenner on the US to beat England at 13/2.
That's a very tempting price Tealeaf..I couldn't believe the odds when I saw them.. I just can't bring myself to backing against England.
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Old 08-06-2010, 09:33   #39
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Re: World Cup England - Place yer bets!

Watched a bit of their match against the South African Amateurs on SPN yesterday afternoon Joe Cole looked sharp, but Rooney is going to watch his language, gave the ref a real mouth full, he's been warned if he does it on the big stage it will be an early bath and Tealeafs 13/2 bet will look very good, although like Mancie I couldn't back against ENGERLAND
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Old 08-06-2010, 16:46   #40
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Re: World Cup England - Place yer bets!

At 13-2 its quite possible i could back against em, Talented though rooney may be, he his also a total knobhead, n the yanks have already said they will try damned hard to wind him up, which aint that difficult. so may be worth a tenner, Those who say they can't back against em, i say - since 66 what they ever done fer you? apart from let ya down.
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Old 08-06-2010, 18:39   #41
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Re: World Cup England - Place yer bets!

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
That's a very tempting price Tealeaf..I couldn't believe the odds when I saw them.. I just can't bring myself to backing against England.
The problem with you, Mancie is that you are a dreamer rather than a realist. As for England winning the World Cup, then you may as well believe in tooth fairies - they ain't going to happen.

Did you see England's performance last night? The word pathetic would be an understatement. I wonder exactly what the pre-game pep talk will be like in the changing rooms at 7pm on saturday night. Maybe something like this:

USA Manager:

Right...c'omon you guys...think what these Limey bastards have done to the coast of Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, & Florida...think of 1776..1812..think of the 1950 World Cup...they're there for the taking..etc..etc..etc.

England Manager:

(Capellio - for it is he): Hey...Rooney..takea da kabab outta ya gobba.

Rooney: F off..etc..etc..etc.

Last edited by Tealeaf; 08-06-2010 at 18:46.
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Old 10-06-2010, 17:53   #42
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Re: World Cup England - Place yer bets!

I did the optomistic thing and voted for an England win ... and why not? It's possible. And I don't think the lack of form in the friendlies is anything to go by. The guys will take it to a higher level when the real games begin. Italy could do it again ... but they struggled in the last World Cup and should have lost to the Aussies. France, I don't think so. Germany could win, they are always tough. Spain have the talent. Netherlands are powerful up front, but iffy at the back ... Argentina have a great team, but Maradona is quite possible off his rocker, and will probably screw things up ... all in all, anyone of the top eight teams can do it. And I wouldn't write off the US; they have some solid players. Donovan didn't look out of place in the Premier League when he played for Everton.

I managed to predict the winner of the Stanley Cup (Chicago Blackhawks in six games); so, hopefully, I'm on a roll with my predictions.
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Old 10-06-2010, 18:40   #43
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Re: World Cup England - Place yer bets!

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
I did the optomistic thing and voted for an England win ... and why not? It's possible. And I don't think the lack of form in the friendlies is anything to go by. The guys will take it to a higher level when the real games begin. Italy could do it again ... but they struggled in the last World Cup and should have lost to the Aussies. France, I don't think so. Germany could win, they are always tough. Spain have the talent. Netherlands are powerful up front, but iffy at the back ... Argentina have a great team, but Maradona is quite possible off his rocker, and will probably screw things up ... all in all, anyone of the top eight teams can do it. And I wouldn't write off the US; they have some solid players. Donovan didn't look out of place in the Premier League when he played for Everton.

I managed to predict the winner of the Stanley Cup (Chicago Blackhawks in six games); so, hopefully, I'm on a roll with my predictions.
You could be right Eric, I remember 66 and the build up there, they were, well, to put it mildly, bloody awful, to say the least, and we have to remember the likes of Hurst and Peters were virtually unknowns with very few caps, but they replaced the likes of Greaves and the rest is, as they say History, but watching England of the years you have to be an optimist if nothing else
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Old 10-06-2010, 18:49   #44
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Re: World Cup England - Place yer bets!

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
You could be right Eric, I remember 66 and the build up there, they were, well, to put it mildly, bloody awful, to say the least, and we have to remember the likes of Hurst and Peters were virtually unknowns with very few caps, but they replaced the likes of Greaves and the rest is, as they say History, but watching England of the years you have to be an optimist if nothing else
Thats not a great recommendation, our strikers are not unknown, n rooney apart the rest are *******.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 10-06-2010, 19:10   #45
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Re: World Cup England - Place yer bets!

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
You could be right Eric, I remember 66 and the build up there, they were, well, to put it mildly, bloody awful, to say the least, and we have to remember the likes of Hurst and Peters were virtually unknowns with very few caps, but they replaced the likes of Greaves and the rest is, as they say History, but watching England of the years you have to be an optimist if nothing else
Nothing wrong with being optimistic. I'm really hoping that England do well as this could be my last World Cup. Thing I love about the World Cup is that it is hard to predict, as any one of the teams can have an off day and lose against "lesser" opposition. And any team can punch above its weight and slay a giant ... the Aussies almost did for Italy last time, and would have won if it hadn't been for that god awful penalty call. But I'm really looking forward to the Cup .... got in a good supply of Lancaster Bomber, my England shirt, and my crying towel just in case In a way, it's a lot more exciting than the Hockey World Championship, when all that commentators have to do is figure out who will come second to Canada
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