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View Poll Results: world Cup - How far will England go?
Group Stage - England Win 0 0%
Group Stage - England Runners Up 0 0%
Group Stage - England OUT! 4 14.81%
Last 16 - England lose 3 11.11%
Quarter Final - England lose 10 37.04%
Semi-final - England lose 4 14.81%
Semi-final - England lose on penalties 3 11.11%
Final - England lose 0 0%
Final - England lose on penalties 0 0%
Final - England Win (??????????) 3 11.11%
Voters: 27. You may not vote on this poll

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Old 10-06-2010, 19:29   #46
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Re: World Cup England - Place yer bets!

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
Nothing wrong with being optimistic. I'm really hoping that England do well as this could be my last World Cup. Thing I love about the World Cup is that it is hard to predict, as any one of the teams can have an off day and lose against "lesser" opposition. And any team can punch above its weight and slay a giant ... the Aussies almost did for Italy last time, and would have won if it hadn't been for that god awful penalty call. But I'm really looking forward to the Cup .... got in a good supply of Lancaster Bomber, my England shirt, and my crying towel just in case In a way, it's a lot more exciting than the Hockey World Championship, when all that commentators have to do is figure out who will come second to Canada
I would imagine Eric, there would be quite a lot of support in Canada for England. Especially when we play America, I would of thought.
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Old 10-06-2010, 22:06   #47
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Re: World Cup England - Place yer bets!

Originally Posted by Bernard Dawson View Post
I would imagine Eric, there would be quite a lot of support in Canada for England. Especially when we play America, I would of thought.
When it comes to football, Canada gets real ethnic. I already have one $50.00 bet with my buddy Mario Gencarelli, and it's a no brainer who he will be cheering for. And Fern DeSouza just down the street already has his Portuguese flag flying. And my doctor, Chris Kozanitis ... well, guess what, he thinks Greece has a chance. But most of agree, anybody but America I'm hoping for a clean sweep this year: Canada's men and women won hockey gold .... the Blackhawks won the Stanley (my first choice among the teams that had a chance) ... And if only England can win the World Cup. '66 might seem like a long time ago, but the Hawks fans have waited 49 years for that Stanley Cup ... the fans stayed loyal, and stood behind the team ... We are probably all England fans on here, and whatever we think, we are all hoping for a win. But if they take the field, and give everything they have, that will be good enough too.
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Old 27-06-2010, 15:54   #48
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Re: World Cup England - Place yer bets!

Congratulations, then to Cashy, Harwood Red and Spuggie, for accurately predicting England’s inglorious exit from the World Cup at only the second hurdle. This was not a particularly difficult forecast - we were lucky to get beyond the group stage - and as such I hope you made a small investment at the bookmakers in order to get some free money in return.

As for the rest of you – may I respectfully suggest that you all arrange a visit to your GP as soon as possible. You are all suffering from delusions of the world about you and varying doses of medication are obviously necessary. In the extreme cases - those who somehow believed that England would win the cup – then sectioning in a madhouse and a long course of straitjacket treatment is probably the only remedy.

Meanwhile, our team – that pathetic band of brothers - shall now return from Africa in the knowledge that their expedition has resulted in the biggest national embarrassment on the part of Englishmen there since the Battle of Isandlwana in 1879. The German game has been England’s worse result since our participation began in the World Cup. If our so-called palyers have any sense of honour, they will alter their uniform of M&S grey suits to yellow suits and replace the Three Lions with three little pussy cats.

No doubt there will be a phalanx of police guards to meet them at Heathrow Aerodrome. I can only hope that amongst those policemen will be members of the City of London’s serious fraud squad ready to arrest the entire team for the crime of obtaining money by false pretence (and possibly high treason). As for the Italian, he should not be allowed to pass immigration but instead should be relieved of his passport in order for the stamp ‘Persona Non Grata’ to be clearly marked within. He should then be placed on the next available flight to Bologna or wherever, never to return to these sacred shores.

Whatever else happens, let us just make sure that these scoundrels are never again let loose in England colours. They successively failed to beat a motley collection of ex-colonial Sunday afternoon-in-the-park footballers, camel herdsmen and then just managed a win against a country hardly larger in size and population than that of the Borough of Hyndburn and which did not even exist some fifteen years ago (and which I am unable to locate on any map).

Once again, it’s back to the drawing board. I have only one firm prediction and it is this – the Englishmen who will one day lift the World Cup are not yet born.

Last edited by Tealeaf; 27-06-2010 at 16:01.
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Old 27-06-2010, 15:56   #49
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Re: World Cup England - Place yer bets!

now the if onlys start .. if rooney was fully fit, if that goal had have counted, if crouch had come on instead of heskey ....
<img src= border=0 alt= />

The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone
anyone want to argue
well tough!!!
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Old 27-06-2010, 15:58   #50
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Re: World Cup England - Place yer bets!

Originally Posted by shillelagh View Post
now the if onlys start .. if rooney was fully fit, if that goal had have counted, if crouch had come on instead of heskey ....

if only we weren't crap
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Last edited by Stanleymad; 27-06-2010 at 17:26. Reason: for language
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Old 27-06-2010, 15:59   #51
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Re: World Cup England - Place yer bets!

Capello is just saying "We played Well"

Kinda sums up one of the things thats wrong in our country...he gets paid how much??....and he honestly thinks that!!

We need to take a ruddy great Machette to the level of payments made to premier league footballers!

Best Regards - Taggy
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Old 27-06-2010, 16:01   #52
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Re: World Cup England - Place yer bets!

Originally Posted by Taggy View Post
We need to take a ruddy great Machette to the level of payments made to premier league footballers!

Best Regards - Taggy
Doesn't need a machette for everybody to cancel their Sky subscription. Cut the money at source
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Old 27-06-2010, 16:22   #53
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Re: World Cup England - Place yer bets!

Still, there may be some good news. The only benefit made from the England World Cup campaign has been that of the South African and Chinese economies (the former through visiting fans, the latter through through the export of St Georges Flags). I wonder, therfore, if there is not a recyling business opportunity to be made with the latter. Surely some enterprising person can come up with some ideas?
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Old 27-06-2010, 17:12   #54
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Re: World Cup England - Place yer bets!

my dad thinks he's funny, he's now flying his England flag at half mast
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 27-06-2010, 17:32   #55
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Re: World Cup England - Place yer bets!

Originally Posted by flashy View Post
my dad thinks he's funny, he's now flying his England flag at half mast
Lots of folk I know are burning theirs
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Old 27-06-2010, 17:35   #56
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Re: World Cup England - Place yer bets!

Originally Posted by flashy View Post
my dad thinks he's funny, he's now flying his England flag at half mast
Woulda been funnier still if he'd flown it Half mast before the first match, tell him. its all very well many get carried away wi our chances, i suggest those should now be carried away n injected wi a dose of realism. n Tealeaf mate, i only forecast that round cos we were in such a crap group, n that was touch n go.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 27-06-2010, 17:36   #57
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Re: World Cup England - Place yer bets!

Yeah...things are funny. I've switched over to Film4 and on there is 'The Truman Show'..which I've seen before but which I sometimes get confused with' Groundhog Day'. With either, the theme is roughly the same - and that is the script played over and over again so that everyone knows what the end result will be. Just like the England football team - a different cast, same plot and we all know the ending - never happy.

Last edited by Tealeaf; 27-06-2010 at 17:40.
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Old 27-06-2010, 17:56   #58
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Re: World Cup England - Place yer bets!

Anyway, maybe starting next week we could have a Euro, the Frogs and the Eye-Ties...maybe with the grand final two weeks today with a winners trophy of 'The Best of the Worst'.
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Old 28-06-2010, 06:16   #59
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Re: World Cup England - Place yer bets!

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
Doesn't need a machette for everybody to cancel their Sky subscription. Cut the money at source
Be interesting to see if there is a reation...probably not, but one lives in hope!...I'm ok with my freeview box, never paid money into sky's coffers!

Its gonna be interesting in a years plus time, when the full effects of Government cuts start to hit us all, if the general public will support the ridiculous financial packages put in place for our "Premier"?...footballers and Managers.

On a performance point...surely, surely itstime now to put a cap of the number of foriegn players each team can field!...I mean a significant cap which states that perhaps 75% of players should be from these shores. Then perhaps we can develope strong national teams again, whilst still benefitting from the skills that some top clas foreign players can bring!

Best Regards - Taggy
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