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11-10-2016, 20:11
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: Metal Detecting (Including Finds).
Due to the amount of coinage & "Dress" rings found, perhaps the field has been used for fetes/festivals/fairs/Bootsales or such like? 
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
12-10-2016, 14:54
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Re: Metal Detecting (Including Finds).
Originally Posted by DaveinGermany
Due to the amount of coinage & "Dress" rings found, perhaps the field has been used for fetes/festivals/fairs/Bootsales or such like? 
Apparently,according to the landowner,there was a fair/gathering on the land in the 60s.
He wasn't interested in my findings,"I'm nearly 70 and I work 65hrs a week,I've no time to look at that crap" was his response 
12-10-2016, 15:30
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Re: Metal Detecting (Including Finds).
Just thought I would say hi and Wow! you guys have entertained me for a good few hours.
I am totally new to this website after stumbling across it looking for some info on old Huncoat, I've always been interested in those that have gone before and always fancied some 'stick shaking' as you call it Accyexplorer 
Maybe Santa will bring me my very own stick and I may see you out there in them there hills, until then I will watch from the sign lines and eagerly await the pictures of the spoils!!
Oh and well done all involved in Mr Bonds medal saga, Im just a sucker for a good tail with a happy ending
12-10-2016, 16:46
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Re: Metal Detecting (Including Finds).
Originally Posted by lulubeaut
Im just a sucker for a good tail with a happy ending
Me too 
Last edited by gpick24; 12-10-2016 at 16:50.
12-10-2016, 18:56
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Re: Metal Detecting (Including Finds).
Originally Posted by Accyexplorer
I decided to go back to the area that I did this morning and have a few more hours searching.
I can't believe it,I found another 2rings,a silver butterfly brooch and a duckhams motor oil keyring along with a few coins
Attachment 54536
Would that field be off Leemings Pad, because I know who had gatherings there in the 1930's/
12-10-2016, 18:58
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Re: Metal Detecting (Including Finds).
Hi L,welcome to the forum.
I'm Jason, you'll find me mostly in this section because life's too short to be taken too seriously plus I have plenty of free time to shake my stick 
Sometimes,I'll stick my oar in the other sections but that mainly just to stir the pot
You,and others,may be interested to know that you don't actually need your own stick to shake,there are clubs that offer the chance to go along and use one of their detectors to see if you enjoy the experience before forking out your hard earned cash.
Anyhow,I hope Santa makes you happy,I may see you in rural Lancashire sometime 
12-10-2016, 19:01
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Re: Metal Detecting (Including Finds).
Originally Posted by Retlaw
Would that field be off Leemings Pad, because I know who had gatherings there in the 1930's/
No,it's a little more rural R,I may look that field up though 
12-10-2016, 19:36
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Re: Metal Detecting (Including Finds).
One of the rings from yesterday earned me some detecting time credit  .
So today,I decided to go back to the fields in search of lost goodies.
The weather wasn't bad and It wasn't long before I was into my first signal,after a short time digging out popped a 1890 one penny and in pretty decent condition too.I like the 1800's coins as the patina adds character.
Abyway,after 3hrs searching, the finds of note are:-
2 303 rifle casings
1 old lighter
1 old watch
1 earring
1 (blank) button
1 lead spindle whorl
1 pound coin and a bit of pre decimal pocket change.
15-10-2016, 18:52
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Re: Metal Detecting (Including Finds).
A bit of a mixed bag today,I decided to have a few hours in a local pasture permission.My first signal was similar to a ringpull tone but not quite the same,I wasn't going to even bother digging it but intrigued me.
I'm glad I did as it turned out to be a little pendant with a stone in the middle
Anyhow,The finds of note are:-
2 pre decimal pennies
1 gold ear stud with a stone
1 little pedant
1 item that looks to be a centre piece (for a shield?)
1 metal ring (maybe used to tie a horse to).
1 old button
21-10-2016, 18:28
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Re: Metal Detecting (Including Finds).
Today,I decided to go to Rishton Res and swing my thing for a few hours.
The ground was full of lead fishing weights,feeders and cans but I found a few intresting bits including a mobile phone,a 1868 penny and ny first axe head
22-10-2016, 19:24
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Re: Metal Detecting (Including Finds).
Today,I managed to get into a field which until today (due to a tractor malfunction) has been off bonds.
I didn't need asking twice,I was over the fence and detecting on fresh turned soil in a heartbeat.
It wasn't long before my detector started screaming.
I started digging and then,as a little clump of soil fell back into the hole i'd just dug, a Elizabeth the 1st (1570) half groat... "Yes" I yelled.The farmer came over to see why I shouted then quickly departed (shaking his head) once I showed him the coin.
Anyway,I had a couple of hours on this new part of the farm,the finds of note are:-
1 1860 penny
1 "bullhead" sixpence (183?)
1 Lizzy half groat
1 stamped cutlery handle...
...did I mention I had my first hammered coin
23-10-2016, 16:36
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Re: Metal Detecting (Including Finds).
Today,secretly wanting the tractor to still be broke,I decided to go back to the farm and have a few hours detecting.
It wasn't to be,as I drove down the lane I could see the tractor and farmer in what I'm calling 'the good field'.
I decided to detect in the field nearest to the road,I'm not over keen on it as you always get folk wanting to chat as they walk by,if I had a pound for everytime I've heard "have ya found owt?".
As I was detecting away,is wasn't long when I heard it "have ya found owt?" a voice shouted.I looked up and there was a chap giving me the universal 'thumbs up' hand gesture (could of been worse).
I walked over and had a chat with him,as we discussed the best places to search (everyone's got a story) a funeral passed by.
As a sign of respect, I took my cap off and the chap said "that's nice of you"
As quick as a flash,I couldn't help saying " yes,well we was married for 30yrs"......his face was a picture
Anyhow,on with the finds,the finds of note are:-
2 threpences
1 lady's watch
1 S shaped item (probably used to hang a oil lamp?)
1 two shillings coin
1 lead bag seal
1 (1800's) penny
1 (1800's) half penny
26-10-2016, 17:56
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Re: Metal Detecting (Including Finds).
I managed get in a few hours detecting on local field this afternoon,I shouldn't have really done this as I've been a bit achy recently.
But you know how it goes when,your sat about,you start getting itchy feet plus the weather was pleasant and my batteries were fully charged so I thought it would be rude not to.
Anyway,the bit of rain we had really seemed to have helped with the signals because I've gone over this field numerous times and I managed to get a good few bits.
I was using my coin sniper setting which seems to work better for the deeper items.It wasn't long before I found a lovely (navy?,gold gilt anchor) button and a pocket watch within 15ft of each other.
The finds of note are:-
3 buttons
2 and a half (corroded) coins.
1 pocket watch
1 musket ball
1 buckle
1 ear ring
1 handle (off a fishing reel?)
1 circular lead object (fishing weight?)
26-10-2016, 18:06
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: Metal Detecting (Including Finds).
Not bad, is there any water nearby? Only ask because the circular knobbly thing is a sea fishing weight & I'd say your "Reel handle" is more likely an old window latch.
Any more details on the watch? Inscription/date/Makers stamp (purely out of curiosity)
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
26-10-2016, 18:57
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Re: Metal Detecting (Including Finds).
Parts of the area were underwater years ago,it use to be a resiveour.
The watch is welded shut and I can't seem to find any markings.
Probably just tat knowing my luck,still it's a nice personal item 
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