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Old 05-12-2004, 19:49   #1

Roy's Avatar

4x4's should they be banned?

There is much talk going on at the moment about whether 4x4 vehicles should be banned from citys, or even completely banned! It's quite amusing to read some of the articles that anti-4x4 people are distributing. Anyway, as many of you know I am an evil 4x4 land rover owner and I obviously think a 4x4 ban is completely out of order and silly.

Anyway, I want to do my bit against the anti's so in case you are interested there are a few facts on this website:

Obviously this is a heavily biased towards 4x4's site, but still it brings some good points forward.

Personally I think the outcome is already planned. No ban will be imposed but tax will be increased on 4x4 vehicles, kind of like a 'think yourselves lucky you got away with just that' situation!
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Accrington Web
Old 05-12-2004, 20:32   #2
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Re: 4x4's should they be banned?

What are they gonna do about people carriers - some of them are bigger than 4x4s?
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Old 06-12-2004, 00:51   #3
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Re: 4x4's should they be banned?

Originally Posted by vorlon24
What are they gonna do about people carriers - some of them are bigger than 4x4s?
Much of my job as a coach driver entails school runs. I can cope with suicidal mothers driving down the centre of a country lane in her "people carrier" completely oblivious to the coach that is trying to avoid her by going into a hedge..........but it is hilarious to see their faces when (or if) they stop and realise that they have to REVERSE!! as there is not enough room for both vehicles.

This is what primarily gives people a bad impression of 4x4 or people carriers, that the drivers are incapable of any complicated maneuver like reversing or parking. I am sorry to say that young mums are most at fault as they take their offspring to school. Why do they opt for these vehicles when a metro or similar will do the job better and cheaper? (and safer)
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Old 06-12-2004, 08:31   #4
Resident Waffler

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Re: 4x4's should they be banned?

Originally Posted by vorlon24
What are they gonna do about people carriers - some of them are bigger than 4x4s?
Some families have people carriers because they have more than 3 children/2 adults (or comparable variation) in the family and choose to transport them legally. It was a 4x4 which ran over my daughter and I wonder how much different her injuries would have been if it had been a smaller car. But then again it could have been worse if it had been a bigger vehicle.

Not that I see any sense in banning 4x4s. I think that is one step too far. I know one family where they had two vehicles - one was a 4x4 and the other was a little mini. The wife drove the little one round town and for shopping etc, but then all families can't afford two vehicles.

Maybe it's just a case of people should be able to drive properly whatever vehicle they have.

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Old 06-12-2004, 14:22   #5
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Re: 4x4's should they be banned?

Why do they opt for these vehicles when a metro or similar will do the job better and cheaper? (and safer)

I think its to show off what they have got, to be honest in the UK the roads arn't really wide enough for all this 4 x 4 rubbish unless your a farmer and with the price of petrol then unless you want to be better then the Joneses why wont you have a Honda, Nissan or similer.

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Old 06-12-2004, 14:26   #6
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Re: 4x4's should they be banned?

A titchy car is all very well if you are only thinking of it as a runaround or for shopping but if you want to take the family on holiday and need enough room for the luggage and the kids (not to mention possibly towing a caravan) you need more than a mini.

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Old 06-12-2004, 14:38   #7
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Re: 4x4's should they be banned?

4x4's Should not be banned ( and of course will not)

But they should be discouraged from the mainstream as should people carriers.

If you live on a farm, down a country track, in snowy conditions(mostly), or choose to play in them(looks fun) Then you should be entitled to drive the APPROPIATE vehicle.

But if you are just a bad driver who feels more confident in a bigger vehicle, or if you have "small mans disease" (feelings of inaquacey(?)) And want to bully the rest of society with 2 tons because of your disease.Then you should be taxed all the way too heaven and back.......

Why do the "rich set" need a X5, Range Rover, Landcruiser etc to take the kids to school or shopping?? An audi A4 Tdi is a lot nicer looking, fast, economical..???

Have you seen the dents the back door of a 4x4 being slung open by a spoilt 12yr old can inflict on our poor cars????

I drive a vw diesel saloon..... I was in a taxi (people carrier) vw with the same engine as my saloon and when he was not looking I had a fiddle with his trip computer.. His people carrier was averaging 21mpg(long term) around town obviously, my saloon car gets 38mpg round town with the missus driving, and she is a nutter!!! At the end of the year that is a lot of wasted fuel and money, and damage to the enviroment.

Something needs to be done to discourage this american attitude of if I can afford it why not waste it and I don't care what I damage in the process

I love all vehicles in the right hands and right place but this careless, selfish attitude needs addressing and yes ROY I agree, it will end in taxation not fair to all but how do they police it???

I have a friend with 5 kids so yes some people have the use for a people carrier, but not as many as we see making the roads look UGLY!!!!!!!!

"MAX........... chop that soap box up and chuck it on the fire"
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Old 06-12-2004, 14:41   #8
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Re: 4x4's should they be banned?

Willow I have a passat and it tows a caravan very well and has more luggage space than a people carrier!!!!! and is not as ugly or UNeconomical....
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Old 06-12-2004, 16:13   #9
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Re: 4x4's should they be banned?

Friends of mine have a minibus because due to remarriage they have a huge family!

If people drive 4x4s in order to compensate for feelings of inadequacy or as a way of bullying other road users it fails as far as I'm concerned because I don't classify people in that way. As far as I am concerned what people choose to drive is down to them and not me.

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Old 06-12-2004, 16:47   #10

WINGY's Avatar

Re: 4x4's should they be banned?

Well i Drive a Discovery which is a 7 seater, i'm only 5ft5 and there's ussually only me in it, i average about 25 to the gallon and i go everywhere in it...
Why do you need it then i hear you ask?? because i work hard for a living and for my efforts i'm taxed to the hilt, i tax my car which is in the highest tax bracket. and then every time i buy copious amounts of fuel for my polluting beast i'm taxed on that!! But i love it, i pay for it so why shouldn't be able to have what i want??
I don't care who thinks they should be banned! i CAN drive it forwards backwards or anywhere i'm asked to so i will, and no amount of tax from the government will make me change it!!!
And with the state of the roads in this country it makes travelling far more comfortable...
So the answer is.............

I'D RATHER **** THE DOG!!!!!!
[email protected]

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If you want loyalty, get a dog!!!
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Old 06-12-2004, 17:55   #11
land of hope and glory

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Re: 4x4's should they be banned?

I think its to show off what they have got,

have any of you that says things like been hit head on by a 42 ton artic fully loaded,doubt it!the reason in driving these beasts is for comfort,safety, better visability and to keep themselves safe from other moronic drivers!what about your sports car?the rolls-royces, jags, daimlers the list is endless.your little runabout town car like a corsa is probably the worst murderer on the road and its faster!thats why all the boy racers end up round a tree!as for pollution i am glad i dont have to stand and wait for a bus, the c..p they kick out is awesome.One lung full of that and you have smoked thousands of fags in one do!
people buy what they want,and will carry on doing so!
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Old 06-12-2004, 18:07   #12
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: 4x4's should they be banned?

Originally Posted by WINGY
I'D RATHER **** THE DOG!!!!!!
For 1,000 Royski notes if you can tell me what it is wingy wants to do with his dog that he can't do to his landy.
All answers on the back of a postcard, pushed through the Administrators door. (Competition closes 6p.m December the 6th 2004)
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Old 06-12-2004, 18:27   #13
land of hope and glory

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Re: 4x4's should they be banned?

Originally Posted by Less
For 1,000 Royski notes if you can tell me what it is wingy wants to do with his dog that he can't do to his landy.
All answers on the back of a postcard, pushed through the Administrators door. (Competition closes 6p.m December the 6th 2004)
yooo!!less is that landy as in landlady or landy as in land rover?think i know!
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Old 06-12-2004, 19:30   #14
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Re: 4x4's should they be banned?

Originally Posted by Bazf
Why do they opt for these vehicles when a metro or similar will do the job better and cheaper? (and safer)

I think its to show off what they have got, to be honest in the UK the roads arn't really wide enough for all this 4 x 4 rubbish unless your a farmer and with the price of petrol then unless you want to be better then the Joneses why wont you have a Honda, Nissan or similer.
That Bazf is the most honest response so far, I've seen them on the school runs driving up right outside the school gates for all to see when they only live round the corner. There is no need for anyone to drive these vehicles in towns or cities unless like you say you're a farmer or maybe you need it for your job. To some men they think it's an extension to the small thing in their pants.

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Old 06-12-2004, 19:47   #15
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Re: 4x4's should they be banned?

Originally Posted by Bagpuss
That Bazf is the most honest response so far, I've seen them on the school runs driving up right outside the school gates for all to see when they only live round the corner. There is no need for anyone to drive these vehicles in towns or cities unless like you say you're a farmer or maybe you need it for your job. To some men they think it's an extension to the small thing in their pants.
do you see city slickers driving around in minis or popstars driving second hand bubble cars,do you see the queen pulling up outside buckingham palace in a volkswagon polo no dont think so!so why should the working man not have as much enjoyment out of his hard earned cash?If he wants to buy a hummer why not!We could all be driving the same car if there wasnt such a gap between higher and lower class.the 4x4 drivers pay as much if not more for there pleasure and its not only these drivers that only go round the corner to drop there kids off,its all car drivers that do it wether in a small car or upto a transit van!
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