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Old 08-08-2021, 13:05   #31
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Electric Cars

There are going to have to be some serous UTurns in the not too distant future.
The UK has something in the region of 32 million vehicles on the road.....and it has not the generating capacity to refuel all of these if everyone decided that they would go electric.

Not only that, but the way that electricity is generated right now is still reliant on non green sources.
Wind power is inefficient.....when there is no wind to turn these turbines where does the power get generated?
When it is too windy these turbines have to be turned off.
We cannot rely on Solar power as that also is a very unreliable source of power.....yes some panels will produce some energy from light, but not enough to refuel the electric vehicles that the politicians hope that we will all adopt before 2030.
It is pure fantasy that we can achieve this target.

If we reduced our carbon emissions to zero, it would make very little difference to the global climate because those countries who produce the largest amount of emissions will do nothing at all about it....they will not saddle their manufacturers with the problems that going green requires.
Population is the biggest driver of global climate changes.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 09-08-2021, 08:33   #32
God Member

Re: Electric Cars

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
Lets face it, it's a frog mobile, sooner wear a sign saying I'm an alphabettie than personally pay for & own a frog transporter.
at least i,ve found an issue we can disagree on. tried mercs and never had a reliable one. audi,s sound too much like a supermarket with high maintainance costs and BMW seems the must have transport for drug dealers especially if black with heavy tinted glass.
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Old 09-08-2021, 08:42   #33
God Member

Re: Electric Cars

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post

If we reduced our carbon emissions to zero, it would make very little difference to the global climate because those countries who produce the largest amount of emissions will do nothing at all about it....they will not saddle their manufacturers with the problems that going green requires.
Population is the biggest driver of global climate changes.
do not worry too much margaret. after we are all ashes there will be a few years of lower than average world wide temperatures, lower rainfall and sunny days. there will be a new swedish kid on the block shouting about the new ice age and we,d have to save some tropics species that are dying out with the cold and having to live with polar bears living in populated areas.
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Old 09-08-2021, 08:45   #34
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Electric Cars

Originally Posted by monkey hanger View Post
drug dealers especially if black with heavy tinted glass.

That's a bit of a broad stereotype isn't it? Not all the BLM are drug dealers, most are just customers.
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Old 09-08-2021, 08:54   #35
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Electric Cars

Originally Posted by monkey hanger View Post
do not worry too much margaret. after we are all ashes there will be a few years of lower than average world wide temperatures, lower rainfall and sunny days. there will be a new swedish kid on the block shouting about the new ice age and we,d have to save some tropics species that are dying out with the cold and having to live with polar bears living in populated areas.

It is too late in the game for me to be worried about you say I am close to the worm food scenario...but there is not much for those who come after us, to look forward to
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Old 09-08-2021, 10:36   #36
God Member

Re: Electric Cars

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
It is too late in the game for me to be worried about you say I am close to the worm food scenario...but there is not much for those who come after us, to look forward to
possibly the first time that those who are born today are in for a worse life than their parents, grandparents and great grandparents ever had. doubt the words of you do not know when you are born will ever get used again unless there is a big change that i for one cannot see happening. at least old time science fiction looked positive. writing the same stuff now would make 1984 look quite tame.
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Old 09-08-2021, 16:46   #37
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Electric Cars

Originally Posted by monkey hanger View Post
BMW seems the must have transport for drug dealers especially if black with heavy tinted glass.

Don't bother packing your winter Parka mate, when the easily offended are finished with you, you'll be on the midnight special express straight to Hell for that little quip.

As to the cars, can't really say I'm a fan of the "Big" German cars, (most of our cars have been Fords) in fact when I got here in the 80's, the big Mercs where used as Taxi's or "Turken Kutche" (Turkish coaches, to fit their extended families in) kinda puts a damper on the idea of the big Mercs being a classy car.
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Last edited by DaveinGermany; 09-08-2021 at 16:52.
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Old 09-08-2021, 18:19   #38
Full Member+

Re: Electric Cars

Originally Posted by monkey hanger View Post
at least i,ve found an issue we can disagree on. tried mercs and never had a reliable one. audi,s sound too much like a supermarket with high maintainance costs and BMW seems the must have transport for drug dealers especially if black with heavy tinted glass.
You missed the es
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