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Old 06-11-2003, 20:08   #1

WINGY's Avatar

Post It never rains but it pours

well on returning home yesterday from disney i found a little present, a puddle of brake fluid on the drive. Hmmmm not good.
being that i was knackerd needed a garage in a hurry, so phoned whalley motors who collected the car no charge and went off and did a great job. im now a few hundred quid light but well pleased with the work. ;D
To top things off i have had 2 new tyres fitted today by Empres motors who are by far the cheapest around
the nice guy found more faults and nobody has time to do it, looks like im getting my hands dirty tomorrow :'(
[email protected]

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Accrington Web
Old 10-06-2004, 22:10   #2
Junior Member+

Re: It never rains but it pours

a few hundred pound light for a bit of brake fluid sounds a bit pricey for a split brake pipe or was it something more serious, also going back to my pro main dealer arguement all of them have to do a full vehicle inspection with every car bought in to the workshop as there "care of duty" which is now a legal requirement. this helps to identify all other faults and defects which may be unknown to yourself. not that i am main dealer bias or that i work in one. hehe
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