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Old 19-06-2005, 20:44   #1

Angry wacky races for formula 1

what a bloody waste of a sunday night,just finished watching the alledged grand prix and cant come to terms with what has happened.
1.michelin tyre is found to be substandered.teams ask if a chicane can be put in to lower speed which was not done. on grid all of them go on parade lap the only six left in the field.
as the rest pulled out who were on michelin.
having sat there and watched all of the wacky races i feel that f1 has just had a right good kick in the{whatevers**MR ECCLECSTONE is a legend at performing interviews.can i say sorry to every one else who was subject to that tonight.HEY look on the bright side you were not in indianapolis.just dont know what to put are the fia wrong for not doing the chicane also good on the drivers and teams for all sticking together
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Old 19-06-2005, 23:27   #2
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Re: wacky races for formula 1

Thats why I spent the weekend watching Le Mans 24 Hr. Four classes of cars in a fifteen times greater grueling race, night racing the lot thrills & spils & all. Mind you tellie dont beat being there-next year here we come again, hopefully. Well done to Aston Martin in their first race back after 50 years & Mr Pescorola in his own team venture coming second to the mighty Audis, heres hoping more old & new faces make the grade for 2006. In between follow the GT class around the uk;try looking at for one team preview. See Mr Ecclestron Formula 1 aint all there is to motor racing.
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Old 19-06-2005, 23:37   #3
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Re: wacky races for formula 1

to me its another rip off of punters,if the tyres were unsafe this should have been sorted out before the day,and if they couldnt then the race should have been postponed /cancelled or whatever and punters re-embursed.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 20-06-2005, 05:47   #4

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Re: wacky races for formula 1

hang on a minute... the teams choose the tyres they use, if they are found to be substandard then they should take it up with the manufacturer! The teams that pulled out should all be severely punished for that. Why should the track be changed just to suit people that obviously made the wrong choice in tyre?
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Old 20-06-2005, 06:46   #5
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Re: wacky races for formula 1

Roy, If I remember seeing correctly they asked to swap to a different tyre as the Michelin one was not holding up to the circuit and was deemed unsafe. The governing body refused to let them change tyres. OK, Michelin want their arses kicked for getting in such a situation but I would not want to be driving a 200mph+ car on tyres I know are not safe.

I'd echo Big Al, though, there is a lot more to Motorsport than F1. In fact I'd go as far as to say F1 is the biggest turn of in Motorsport.
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Old 20-06-2005, 06:56   #6

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Re: wacky races for formula 1

At the end of the day they chose poor tyres. The rules (just brought in this season mind you) state that tyre choice cannot be changed part way through the race weekend. They should all know what they are doing with tyres by now. How come the bridgestone tyres were fine? It came down to choice, those that made the wrong choice should have to live with that and not just go off in a strop demanding changes to the track and changes to the rules. I am sorry, but the teams that did not race have brought shame on F1 and should defo be penalised.
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Old 20-06-2005, 07:17   #7
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Re: wacky races for formula 1

I have to disagree with you Roy. If those tyres were unsafe then it would have been madness to go out and race on them. I know motor sports are dangerous but I would have hated it to end up total carnage out there. It's a pity that once the tyres had been deemed unsafe that they didn't relax the rule about not changing them on safety grounds.

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Old 20-06-2005, 07:26   #8

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Re: wacky races for formula 1

It is dangerous on any tyre racing around a F1 track. Where do you draw the line? Thats why it is interesting (was interesting). It's dangerous playing football, how many injuries occur every week? Does it stop them?

There where a couple of punctures due to bad tyre choice, so slow down then and pay the price for making the wrong decision, or risk all and go for it anyway - those where the two decisions they should have been having to make. The choice they made of pulling out was wrong.
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Old 20-06-2005, 07:33   #9
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Re: wacky races for formula 1

I take your point about danger in sports but that's why they have "fouls" in football isn't it? They can't just go around the field kicking the living daylights out of each other in order to get the ball. I don't think I would enjoy watching a race knowing that the tyres had been deemed dangerous and that they shouldn't really be using them but hey what the heck some people enjoy bull fighting but I wouldn't watch that either. I suppose it all comes down to personal opinion. I've got a "thing" about the Grand National too.

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Old 20-06-2005, 09:29   #10
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Re: wacky races for formula 1

Originally Posted by Roy

There where a couple of punctures due to bad tyre choice, so slow down then and pay the price for making the wrong decision, or risk all and go for it anyway - those where the two decisions they should have been having to make. The choice they made of pulling out was wrong.

Exactly if they know that there tyres cannot stand up to the corner that they wanted to put the chicane at the top speed then the drivers who are using the Michelin tyres should have just slowed themsleves down through that corner! even if it does mean a slower race or losing the race, the fans would have prefered that than watching six cars,

After all nearly every sport was created as entertainment for the crowds but unfortunatly this is one thing that all world class sports have forgoten!!!
The Voice of the Terrace
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Old 20-06-2005, 13:44   #11
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Re: wacky races for formula 1

Remember 1994 Imola: Left one real gent of formula one dying in a hospital bed due to the beaurocrats trying to impose the impossible on the teams. Bear in mind it is not Bernie Eccleston & his cronies who take the risk of slamming into concrete at 200mph +. They have brought a stupid rule in to try & up the image of motorsport but made a bad descision, they are human after all but won't admit it. The teams invest millions in design & actual racing & also line Mr E's pocket at the same time. It is not him that would face a lawsuit as the Williams team did with the Italian authorities if anyone had died after Mitchelin clearly admitted they got compounds etc wrong & made clear the implications if teams ran on their tyres. He could have easily put things right before the race, negotiations were going on on Saturday, but stuck to the rules are rules & must take the consequences for his descision not to back down on a clearly dangerous & life threatening law. Funny how it didn't happen at Le Man or at other motor sports events innit.

Last edited by big al; 20-06-2005 at 23:01.
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Old 20-06-2005, 14:55   #12
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Re: wacky races for formula 1

For the poor unfortunates like me who watched (part of) the race(???) You may have noticed that the minardi boss said that nine teams had agreed to the chicane being put in with the exception of ferrari. Also to just slow down 14 cars by braking is more dangerous than not braking at all. Dont forget there are no brake lights on F1 cars. Also it was not just one tyre that was faulty it turned out to be 11.
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Old 20-06-2005, 16:10   #13
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Re: wacky races for formula 1

I assume big al is referring to the death of Ayrton Senna? May 1 1994
Roland Ratzenberger died there too, the day before.

Anyway, back to the topic - do any of you remember the rain-drenched 2003 Brazilian GP?

This was the one where all the Michelin teams had a suitable tyre, but the Bridgestone runners (ie Ferrari...) didn't.

As a safety precaution, all the teams had to follow the safety car for a few laps until it was deemed safe to race.

So although the FIA can change the rules to suit Ferrari, they can't to suit 7 teams and the millions of fans around the world.

The arrogance of Ferrari and Jean Todt obviously know no bounds.
"The Hour of Scampering is usually around teatime, according to the Vorlon/Human Translation Dictionary."

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Old 20-06-2005, 23:00   #14
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Re: wacky races for formula 1

Thanks Vorlon, knew it was early 90's but still fresh in my mind. Obviously Mr Eccleston drinks Horlicks at night! Or takes strong sleeping tablets.
Have just read FIA taking Michelin to task. Apparently they brought two types of tyres & have a history of supplying racing teams in the Indy so must have been aware of the wear the banked surface takes on tyres. Following Ralf Schumakers crash on Saturday they advised seven teams to withdraw but made offer to ship in suitable tyres. However this breached the regs set this season that teams can only use two nominated sets of tyres but both were deemed unsafe by Michelin. So cock up by supplier or silly ruling? Bet the FIA win!!!!

Last edited by big al; 20-06-2005 at 23:10.
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Old 20-06-2005, 23:21   #15
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Re: wacky races for formula 1

At 75 Bernie doesn't need to drink or take anything at night. Have you seen his wife ?????
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