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19-10-2004, 21:12
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Re: Accrington Poets.
Thinking about it...are there any short stories lurking out there?
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19-10-2004, 21:15
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Re: Accrington Poets.
Hastily checking the curtains ..................... I'll have a hunt for that poem.
20-10-2004, 07:35
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Re: Accrington Poets.
Thanks, Bob and Willow, I'm glad somebody liked it. Looking forward to seeing your poem, Willow.
I liked your little story about your mum rushing home to avoid getting caught up in the crowds coming away from "t'Stanley". Somehow, I can't imagine folks living on Whalley Road hurrying homewards to miss the crowds flooding out of the IES...more's the pity.
20-10-2004, 08:27
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Re: Accrington Poets.
This was written when Sultan Street was cobbled and the Coppice was bald.
A young lad came t’our fair town in th’eart o’t’ Lancashire hills.
In a disillusioned tone ’e sighed “It’s nobbut muck’n’mills!”
Well it may be a bit of a mucky place but there’s green parts ’ere an’ ther
An’ most o’t’mills’ve bin pulled down tho nobody seems t’cer.
I could take yer a walk through cobbled streets, or up t’Parade t’t top.
We could climb up t’coppice if you like then just keep runnin’ till we drop.
Then lookin’ back y’d see our town, all th’ouses nesstlin’ close t’gether
An’ ther in t’fields little grey lambs, snuggled down in t’moorland heather.
That lad said ther were nowt in our town, nowt as he could love.
Well his heart can’t be owt like mine. To me it passes way above
All sorts of places, towns an’t’like as y’ear about in song.
But maybe that’s cos it’s mi ‘ome and I’ve lived ‘ere so long.
20-10-2004, 08:45
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Re: Accrington Poets.
:emotion-9 :emotion-9 :emotion-9 :emotion-9 ........what can i say?
20-10-2004, 08:49
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Re: Accrington Poets.
Love it!...well worth the wait, Willow!
20-10-2004, 09:46
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Re: Accrington Poets.
Well done Willow! That was really good, Is there any more?
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20-10-2004, 11:20
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Re: Accrington Poets.
Matilda Harrison
Born 1837. Died 4th March 1893
“Born in humble circumstances and largely uneducated, Matilda’s reading was confined mainly to the Bible and books that the local Sunday School libraries possessed that came her way. Her poems were, for the most part, confined to “In Memoriam” verses and the contemplation of life in its poorer aspects physically.
She managed, through the kindness of friends, to be able to publish a book of her poems under the title “The Poet’s Wreath” in 1890.
From this book, a poem on Dr Clayton, whom she had known:
One by one, our friends are passing,
Quickly from this mortal sphere,
Old familiar forms have vanished,
True and loyal, fond and dear.
Eyes that shine with love’s own brightness.
Hearts that throbb’d with love’s sweet thrill;
Hands that ministered in kindness
Now are cold and still.
In her preface to the poems, Matilda craves the indulgence of those who have had the advantages of an education, which she had not, and in a reply to a question as to how she wrote her poems, she says:
“I may honestly say I cannot tell. I only know that at certain times and under certain influences there is the unfolding of a higher nature, the rolling away of the mists and shadows of earth and the conscious and exquisite delight of a more congenial existence in the higher realms of thought, then, and only then, can I write.”
She could not write to order but only, as she herself said, when the spirit of the muse seized and carried her, as it were, away from earthly troubles and sorrows.
The Angels Wreath
I sat me in twilight’s poetical hour.
To await the poetical tide,
But a mass of confusion pervaded my mind
And a subject I could not decide.
Impatient, I laid down the pen to withdraw
From a task that so fruitless would seem,
When a voice whispered near to me,
Stay mortal, oh stay,
I’ll weave thee a beautiful dream;
With the words came came a feeling of exquisite bliss,
And the mortal sight closed to the world….
…Asked the bright being for whose honour’d head,
He had entwined a coronet so rare;
He smiled as he answer’d, for one who is not
To the world either wealthy or fair,
But one who has wept neath its cold bitter scorn,
And borne her full share of its sorrow.
But ever remember’d earth’s dreariest night
Would be lost in a glorious morrow.
For one who has wrought out a beautiful life,
By a thousand noble deeds,
Whose name never shone in the records which boast
Of empty professions or creeds.
Matilda lived and wrote most of her poems at number 26 Augusta Street, Woodnook. Where she passed away on the 4th March 1893. She was interred at Accrington Cemetary."
The above is abstracted from, Crossley.R., Accrington a Century Ago
__________________________________________________ ____________
Though I am sure that there have been, and are, poets of greater facility in Accrington, there is something in the story and poems of Matilda Harrison that surprises and touches me. I’ll admit the mode of expression is more suited to the time when the poems were written, but I don’t think that diminishes her achievement in any way .
The poems of Matilda Harrison represent, for me, that spark of creativity in all of us, which struggles against almost insurmountable odds to find expression.
So, I thought that it would be a good idea to have our own poetry competition. I propose that it will be called The Harrison Wreath, in honour of Matilda Harrison and the wreath she imagined her muse entwining for an ‘honour’d head’.
The competition will be open to all ages and all sections of the community living in Hyndburn. And will be for a single poem of any length, in any style, that has, as some part of its subject, persons, experiences, situations or locations in Hyndburn.
The winner of the competition will be entitled to style his or herself “The Harrison Laureate.” for the period until a new competition is announced.
What do members think? Is this a runner, or is it going to fall at the first hurdle?
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22-10-2004, 00:18
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Re: Accrington Poets.
[QUOTE=WillowTheWhisp]This was written when Sultan Street was cobbled and the Coppice was bald.
A young lad came t’our fair town in th’eart o’t’ Lancashire hills.
In a disillusioned tone ’e sighed “It’s nobbut muck’n’mills!”
Well it may be a bit of a mucky place but there’s green parts ’ere an’ ther
An’ most o’t’mills’ve bin pulled down tho nobody seems t’cer.
This is so reminiscent of the way I felt when I first came here. My first thought was of a town that was run down and dilapidated..........but now I see beauty all around me, countryside and wildlife abound, even the cobbled streets hold a magic that is undefinable.............. Love the place!!
Pray that there is intelligent life somewhere up in space, 'Cause there's Bu""er all down here on Earth - (Eric Idle)
22-10-2004, 06:54
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Re: Accrington Poets.
Oooh thanks Busman you found the thread for me that I was looking for!
Sadly I think your first impression of Accy isn't far wwrong in a lot of cases because there's so much that needs to be done (like the state of Broadway for a start).
BUT, why I really wanted this thread was to reply to A-b that I think it's a great idea to have apoetry competition. How will the winner be decided? Will we all vote for the one which impresses us most?
Maybe it could be announced in the general chat forum so that more people become aware of it. That's just in case other people are as good as me at losing threads. I'm always losing my thread as anyone who knows me will tell you.
I loved the story of Matilda Harrison, she had such a beautiful way with words, and think it's a great idea to honour her memory with The Harrison Wreath. Perhaps the person who wins it could be awarded a virtual laurel wreath to add to their signature on AccyWeb.
22-10-2004, 07:29
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Re: Accrington Poets.
.>>Perhaps the person who wins it could be awarded a virtual laurel wreath to add to their signature on AccyWeb.<<
What a good idea Willow. I had thought it might be a wreath of Oak leaves since Matilda was Born in Accrington but I don't suppose it matters, or does it?
As to how it might be organised; We would need to appoint a jury to read and judge all the entries. Perhaps we might even announce the competition in the Observer and on Hyndburnlife too. Posters in the Library with entry forms (not too complicated). I'm sure that the Library Girls, Cath and Helen, would be only too happy to help. What do you think?
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22-10-2004, 07:33
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Re: Accrington Poets.
Excellent! Who is going to design the posters?
Oak leaf wreath? Now that sounds like an interesting challenge but very appropriate for Accy.
22-10-2004, 09:33
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Re: Accrington Poets.
The Harrison Wreath - nice idea, I'm all for it!
22-10-2004, 15:43
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Re: Accrington Poets.
Great Poems Wynonie and Willow - the Ghosts of Peel Park - whom could they be me wonders? very atmospheric,reminds me of Burnley Road Cemetery.
The Poetry Competition idea is good, but also in last few days had the idea to creat a Accrington Poetry Book it would have a picture and then a poem spread on two pages!Pictures and Poems from all ages,perhaps could combine it with a competition,but would need a sponsor!
Interesting stuff on Matilda.THere is a kind of magic about the area of Hynburn especially when you have been away for so long and then re-visit!Where there is muck there's Magic! hey!?!?!
22-10-2004, 18:32
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Re: Accrington Poets.
I like that idea, Kestrelx. Any ideas about a likely sponsor????
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