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Old 14-08-2010, 20:31   #3046
Senior Member

Re: Accy Web video jukebox.

before I retire-- brings me onto all the MULTIPLE hits that some of the contributors have bored us with -- where?? is the real music?? most of the music I put on this site is from experience - not from hours of looking at websites to outdo other people-or is it some kind of protection racket- whatever ultimately it won't work YOU WILL BE REPLACED
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Accrington Web
Old 14-08-2010, 20:41   #3047
Senior Member

Re: Accy Web video jukebox.

don't forget to go to church tomorrow flashgirl and repent thy sins
love your neighbour?
and stop[ being so uptight - after all I'm younger than you
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Old 14-08-2010, 20:51   #3048
Senior Member

Re: Accy Web video jukebox.

last word
a huge thankyou to all you guys and gals that have sent me PM's encouraging me to carry on with my music and all of it's diversity- forgive me for not replying to all - but you will know I really appreciate your support - even though ther are forces out there that think otherwise - you know me - I don't have to hide behind a AVATAR to put my point of view and music over - 'cogito ergo sum'-
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Old 14-08-2010, 21:06   #3049
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Re: Accy Web video jukebox.

The bouncy anthem of the summer.

Yolanda Be Cool & D Cup - We No Speak Americano

Point me to my podium.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 14-08-2010, 21:57   #3050
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Re: Accy Web video jukebox.

one last message
I did a statistical survey of all the entries on this site -----
those over 1000 'hits' have repeated themselves by 20%-----FACT
so if you have 20,000 'hits' - that equates to 4000 repeats
it might be time to call in the psychiatrists.
but don't b
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Old 14-08-2010, 22:41   #3051
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Re: Accy Web video jukebox.

took me ages to do this - but I am not afraid - I do not hide behind my AVATAR - this is before and after - how many of you are brave enough to come out of your closets??
I just wish my mate Al hiding away in Tasmania had the strength of character to stop relying on forgotten memories and be himself - just like he was back in the 60's - cummon AL-
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Old 14-08-2010, 22:54   #3052
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Re: Accy Web video jukebox.

Originally Posted by martin01 View Post
took me ages to do this - but I am not afraid - I do not hide behind my AVATAR - this is before and after - how many of you are brave enough to come out of your closets??
I just wish my mate Al hiding away in Tasmania had the strength of character to stop relying on forgotten memories and be himself - just like he was back in the 60's - cummon AL-
Martin, can I just point something out? The vast majority of Accyweb folk do not "hide behind their avatars". We just have them because it's a bit of fun. Mine's a 50's blues singer I like, but my real name's Steve Pilkington (as you know) and I'm sure most others would give the same response. As for Al, he enjoys talking about the old days, as many of us do. Is there anything so wrong with that?
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Old 14-08-2010, 23:45   #3053
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Re: Accy Web video jukebox.

Steve ------
we are playing around in cyberspace
you really are a concerned person - don't let it worry you!
my point is if someone wants to have a 'go at me' because they don't like my music - then 'show your face' and tell me why!!
you mentioned a while ago that ballet sends shivers up your spine (or something like that) BUT - the following is something that should be cherished and has been by generations - you can't get away from the fact that it is in your Psyche - and ti is the ultimate 'rock and roll'
now --- tell me you have never heards these 'strains'-
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Old 14-08-2010, 23:59   #3054
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Re: Accy Web video jukebox.

OK stevie
I'll tell you what we'll do seeing you're on line
WITHOUT looking up any music on the net we will have a late night competition
for every song /instrumental/musical that you can recall from MEMORY I will match
are we ready
fingers on the keyboard --
I will start
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Old 15-08-2010, 00:22   #3055
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Re: Accy Web video jukebox.

found an old gem..altered images produced by siousxie and banshees and i was there at leeds in 1980 to see this debut performance by altered images ( claire grogan) .....banshees were on later and were ace
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Old 15-08-2010, 00:22   #3056
Senior Member

Re: Accy Web video jukebox.

just as I thought
youi're not up for it - but
you're not on your own - there's not many that recall the music from yesteryear without having to resort to the ''dreaded'' trawl on the internet
which is a pity because there is sooo much music sitting in the brain just waiting to be expressed without having to resort to 'geriatric help' - meanwhile I suppose - that's what nurses are for??
THINK and keep THINKING and above all else THINK for yourself -
Martin -- good bloody night
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Old 15-08-2010, 09:32   #3057
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Re: Accy Web video jukebox.

Just one thing Martin you keep speaking about musical experience, is that just a figment of your very vivid imagination too, because I sure as hell have never heard of you in musical terms. I have however heard of most of the lads on here who are musicians and do know a bit about music and can play it too. The only thing we ever hear from you is self acclaim, which was never a great recommendation was it, trawling through YouTube doesn't mean your a musical impresario, its just that you have more time on your hands than most of use, who do have a life, even though some off us are greatly restricted these days. I'm sure with your great skills of surfing the net you could come up with a site which caters for like minded people just like you, which would save you boring the pants of the people who have been using this thread on Accy Web for years for shared musical pleasure, a fact that seems to have passed you completely by

Last edited by jaysay; 15-08-2010 at 09:35.
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Old 15-08-2010, 09:38   #3058
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Re: Accy Web video jukebox.

Martin, I think you must be confusing me with someone else, I have never in my life said that ballet "sends shivers up my spine" as I can't stand the stuff (although each to his own)! I'm also not into turning the jukebox section into some sort of competition.

So, if it's all the same to you, I'll just carry on using the jukebox for what it was intended for, and playing records that I like (usually one or at the most, two at a time).

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Old 15-08-2010, 09:45   #3059
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Re: Accy Web video jukebox.

love thy neighbour? i do....he's my dad

i can officially hide behind my avatar....because its me......cart on Martin, you amuse me somewhat
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 15-08-2010, 19:59   #3060
Senior Member

Re: Accy Web video jukebox.

nice sentiments Jay
remember what I said earlier
16,000 hits x 20% (fact) means that you have repeated (regurgitated) yourself
3,200 times!!!
quality is the key word and not quantity
My believe is that a site like this (not for those for self aclaim) is about the broad aspect of music --- from the heart and not from the trawl of the internet which a lot of the contributors seem to be doing.

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