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13-02-2006, 08:13
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Cliff Walmesley's
Anybody remember a mens shop called Cliff Walmesley's. I think It might have been on Abbey St.
13-02-2006, 08:15
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Re: Cliff Walmesley's
Sorry I put this on the wrong thread.
13-02-2006, 12:57
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Re: Cliff Walmesley's
That name rings a bell. I think my Dad used to shop there.
13-02-2006, 13:05
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Cliff Walmesley's
yeh alan next to the post office if i remember correctly (owd age) lol
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
13-02-2006, 13:18
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Re: Cliff Walmesley's
Oh yes, it's now the Maundy Grange charity shop.
13-02-2006, 15:45
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Re: Cliff Walmesley's
Was that the one on the corner of Infant Street? They had some quite trendy gear there in the 60's. Not as trendy as Harry Fenton's, but still quite good, nevertheless. Remember buying a pair of two-tone loafers there in circa 1966. They looked a treat with my check hipsters and floral shirt.
13-02-2006, 17:05
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Re: Cliff Walmesley's
I'll be in town tomorrow so I'll take a photo of the location if I don't forget.
13-02-2006, 18:19
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Re: Cliff Walmesley's
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
Was that the one on the corner of Infant Street? They had some quite trendy gear there in the 60's. Not as trendy as Harry Fenton's, but still quite good, nevertheless. Remember buying a pair of two-tone loafers there in circa 1966. They looked a treat with my check hipsters and floral shirt.
Yeh, can see the sign in my mind now ... real writing
Don't ever remember him being particularly trendy Wynonie .. just good decent tailoring aimed at the older age group. Quite expensive, and gentlemen only shopped there if something special required of better quality, ya' know pure wool cardigans and the like, if you could afford it.
13-02-2006, 21:19
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Re: Cliff Walmesley's
You're probably right, Kate. I may well be looking back at the shop through rose-tinted specs. Those two-tone loafers seemed pretty cool at the time though...
13-02-2006, 22:29
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Re: Cliff Walmesley's
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
You're probably right, Kate. I may well be looking back at the shop through rose-tinted specs. Those two-tone loafers seemed pretty cool at the time though...
Well, don't wish to insult your tast W. but you must av bin a youngster then and the word loafers smacks more of Noel Coward. Sure you looked cool anyway 
14-02-2006, 06:25
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Re: Cliff Walmesley's
I know what you mean Wyn, I used to buy some of my gear at Austin Reads, shirts, ties and the like. But Harry Fentons was the Mod shop. Yea Cliff W, It was up market,( sorry about that term phrase ) I seem to remember buying a jacket from Moffitts, It was tweed with a velvet colar, trendy at the time. But for gods sake dont compair us with Noel Coward. One from Les Dawson. My wife went mad at me last night, for spilling gravy down her nightdress, mind you I should'nt have been wearing it.
14-02-2006, 08:37
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Re: Cliff Walmesley's
Loafers?...Noel Coward?? I'll have you know, Kate, that a pair of Bass Weejun Loafers worn with a pair of 501's and a candy stripe, Oxford weave shirt with a button-down collar is the ultimate in style! Al knows what I mean, don't you, Al?
14-02-2006, 19:06
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Re: Cliff Walmesley's
Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
Loafers?...Noel Coward?? I'll have you know, Kate, that a pair of Bass Weejun Loafers worn with a pair of 501's and a candy stripe, Oxford weave shirt with a button-down collar is the ultimate in style! Al knows what I mean, don't you, Al?
'IS' the ultimate style ?? Wow, you still wearing this attire then ?
Looking at your age in circa 1966 you must have been around 14 years ... fast cat, eh ?
14-02-2006, 21:45
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Re: Cliff Walmesley's
Classic clothes, like classic music, never go out of fashion. I do still dress like this, when I'm going out on the town. But I don't have the dedication that I used to have and for much of the time, I dress in scruffs. The 14 year old me would be appalled!
14-02-2006, 22:07
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Re: Cliff Walmesley's
[quote=Wynonie Harris]Classic clothes, like classic music, never go out of fashion. I do still dress like this, when I'm going out on the town. quote]
Can't resist this one .. ' the oldest swinger in town ' 
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