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Old 23-06-2006, 15:30   #1
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David Cameron....fake plastic torie

Finally, the NME years itself away from the Arctic Monkeys weekly image it has had for so long & got something spot on right.

"What has been rock's most bizarre moment in 2006? Pete Doherty and a syringe? Arctic Monkeys madness? The Embrace football song? Nope, that accolade goes to Conservative Party Leader David Cameron's attempts to go indie.

In an echo of Blair's cool Britannia - when the newly appointed PM invited Noel Gallagher, Alan McGee and the crème of Britpop round for tea at Downing St - the Tory leader has spent the past six months trying to rebrand himself as a hip new politician for the 21st century. Out went the tie and the gas-guzzling car; on went a pair of Converse and the bike clips.

Such was his enthusiasm to cover all bases from Heat to NME, he begged himself invites to the V Festival and Victoria Beckham's World Cup bash, co-opted Bob Geldof into his Globalization and Global Policy group and claimed Radiohead played 'Fake Plastic Trees' just for him during a charity show. Radiohead rushed, horrified, to deny this.

...Asked at a magazine editors conference about knife crime, he launched into a tirade against black music and in doing so explosed himself as the right-wing, narrow-minded Tory he'd been trying so hard to conceal. "I would say to Radio 1, do you realise the stuff you play on saturday nights encourages people to carry guns and knives?" he said.

Is this why Conservatives have a 10 point lead on Labour now?
Is this what we want?
Are we a nation of masochists?
Yeah, it's really trendy for liberals to moan about Blair right now - mainly because Bush mugged us into supporting the 'war on terror' - but do you really think the Conservative party are going to make things any better?
If David Cameron is to be the next PM and solve our social ills, then surely, he needs to come up with a more original rap than this.
OK, he likes Arctic Monkeys and The Smiths - big whup. That's like saying you like 'sunshine'.
It doesn't make you eligible to lead us into a third world war and it certainly doesn't qualify you to start meddling in a world you know nothing about."

Read the full article in this week's NME...

Last edited by shakermaker; 23-06-2006 at 15:32.
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Old 23-06-2006, 15:57   #2
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Re: David Cameron....fake plastic torie

If I was in search of serious political discourse and dialogue, the last place I would want to look is the NME. This is a pathetic little rag whose only purpose is to market the latest piece of manufactured 'musical' thrash to gullible young idiots like the one starting this post. In fact, I think I'd find more political debate within the walls of the BB house than in the pages of this codswalllop.
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Old 23-06-2006, 16:01   #3
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Re: David Cameron....fake plastic torie

Tealeaf - you're a ****. I take it the word has been starred out by now; but i called you the 'c' word, because you are one. Yes, I'm big and clever.

As always, you thick git, you have missed the point completely - the article was highlighting how political idiots should stay away from music. Much like you should stay away from the Music forum as, like Cameron, you know nothing relevant.
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Old 23-06-2006, 16:20   #4
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Re: David Cameron....fake plastic torie

Originally Posted by shakermaker
As always, you thick git, you have missed the point completely - the article was highlighting how political idiots should stay away from music.
So that is what it was all about. Well, unfortunatly I could see neither argument, logic, evidence, or conclusion; just meaningless graffiti, fit only for the proverbial ****house door.

I am alwys more than willing to engage in serious political debate, providing of course, there is a reasonable opponent. Unfortunatly, you do not - nor I doubt you ever will - fall into that category.
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Old 23-06-2006, 18:12   #5
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Re: David Cameron....fake plastic torie

What is the matter with you?

It is not about politics.
It is about music.
Pure and simple.
Designed to keep you toffs away from us moany teenagers.
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Old 23-06-2006, 19:37   #6
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Wink Re: David Cameron....fake plastic torie

Originally Posted by shakermaker
OK, he likes Arctic Monkeys and The Smiths - big whup. That's like saying you like 'sunshine'.
Ok, Shakey, taking you at your word that this thread is about music and not politics, what's the above all about? Does it mean that it's impossible NOT to like these bands? The Arctic Monkeys are just another mediocre rock band and the Smiths are the biggest load of miserable, self-pitying, navel-gazing camel dung I have ever heard in my life.

I could name you a few bands that really know what rock 'n' roll is all about - bands that could blow your NME-approved media darlings off stage. And if David Cameron listened to 'em, he might REALLY start rocking out!
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Old 23-06-2006, 21:33   #7
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Re: David Cameron....fake plastic torie

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris
Ok, Shakey, taking you at your word that this thread is about music and not politics, what's the above all about? Does it mean that it's impossible NOT to like these bands? The Arctic Monkeys are just another mediocre rock band and the Smiths are the biggest load of miserable, self-pitying, navel-gazing camel dung I have ever heard in my life.
OK OK hold on - though The Smiths are one of my favourite bands ever; I will shade over the last comment

The point is that Cameron is trying to get 'in' with the NME readers type of scene - and to that genre of music lovers; liking Arctic Monkeys & The Smiths is pretty much taken as a given. Therefore Cameron is not fooling anybody within that particular group.
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Old 23-06-2006, 23:23   #8
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Re: David Cameron....fake plastic torie

Originally Posted by shakermaker
Finally, the NME years itself away from the Arctic Monkeys weekly image it has had for so long & got something spot on right.

"What has been rock's most bizarre moment in 2006? Pete Doherty and a syringe? Arctic Monkeys madness? The Embrace football song? Nope, that accolade goes to Conservative Party Leader David Cameron's attempts to go indie.

In an echo of Blair's cool Britannia - when the newly appointed PM invited Noel Gallagher, Alan McGee and the crème of Britpop round for tea at Downing St - the Tory leader has spent the past six months trying to rebrand himself as a hip new politician for the 21st century. Out went the tie and the gas-guzzling car; on went a pair of Converse and the bike clips.

Such was his enthusiasm to cover all bases from Heat to NME, he begged himself invites to the V Festival and Victoria Beckham's World Cup bash, co-opted Bob Geldof into his Globalization and Global Policy group and claimed Radiohead played 'Fake Plastic Trees' just for him during a charity show. Radiohead rushed, horrified, to deny this.

...Asked at a magazine editors conference about knife crime, he launched into a tirade against black music and in doing so explosed himself as the right-wing, narrow-minded Tory he'd been trying so hard to conceal. "I would say to Radio 1, do you realise the stuff you play on saturday nights encourages people to carry guns and knives?" he said.

Is this why Conservatives have a 10 point lead on Labour now?
Is this what we want?
Are we a nation of masochists?
Yeah, it's really trendy for liberals to moan about Blair right now - mainly because Bush mugged us into supporting the 'war on terror' - but do you really think the Conservative party are going to make things any better?
If David Cameron is to be the next PM and solve our social ills, then surely, he needs to come up with a more original rap than this.
OK, he likes Arctic Monkeys and The Smiths - big whup. That's like saying you like 'sunshine'.
It doesn't make you eligible to lead us into a third world war and it certainly doesn't qualify you to start meddling in a world you know nothing about."

Read the full article in this week's NME...
What a complete load of utter rubbish. Did you suddenly expect someone whos well spoken to simply listen to opera and nothing else? To try and say hes vote winning by giving his music tastes (regardless of the selective fact taking of your post and NME's, since they only mention the 'popular' music he mentions, not all) is ludicrous. Heck is he trying to win the votes of disabled people by talking about his disabled child, no he isn't. Get real.

Oh and, on a further note, if people actualy vote based upon the music tastes of a given leader, well, that just speaks for itself dosn't it.
formerly cyfr
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Old 23-06-2006, 23:26   #9

Re: David Cameron....fake plastic torie

I don't think the NME should be voicing its opinions on politics. It's a music magazine which should stick to what it knows best. Cameron may be a big fake who loves "The Queen Is Dead" (Great song btw. Fantastic lyrics) but that's no place for the NME. Comment on how good/bad the Smiths are or how amazing/crap Arctic Monkeys are. Either way... In my opinion at least, politics should be factual and objective. Not Fantastical and subjective.

So, I broke into the palace With a sponge and a rusty spanner. She said : "Eh, I know you, and you cannot sing." I said "That's nothing - you should hear me play piano."

Last edited by DeShark; 23-06-2006 at 23:32.
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Old 23-06-2006, 23:41   #10
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Re: David Cameron....fake plastic torie

Originally Posted by Cyfr
What a complete load of utter rubbish. Did you suddenly expect someone whos well spoken to simply listen to opera and nothing else? To try and say hes vote winning by giving his music tastes (regardless of the selective fact taking of your post and NME's, since they only mention the 'popular' music he mentions, not all) is ludicrous. Heck is he trying to win the votes of disabled people by talking about his disabled child, no he isn't. Get real.
Finally - one of Cameron's hemorrhoids gets involved.
Try and defend the bloke all you like, the clear fact is that his pathetic attempts to win votes through the NME are laughable.
Claiming to the world that Radiohead dedicate songs to him? At least lie about something believable you egit...

Originally Posted by Cyfr
Oh and, on a further note, if people actualy vote based upon the music tastes of a given leader, well, that just speaks for itself dosn't it.
This I agree with. I doubt many readers of the NME would vote based on the leaders musical taste - let alone vote at all. Nice target David

I'm not questioning Cameron's or the Conservatives credibility here, I admit to knowing nothing about politics nor wanting to; I just don't want any of the liars & schemers ruining the side of society which carries an ounce of truth with it - the music.
Hell knows I won't be able to put the Arctic's album on again without feeling dirty...
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Old 23-06-2006, 23:43   #11
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Re: David Cameron....fake plastic torie

I know this is a music thread but it quite is relevant.

'Dave' was on Jonathon Ross tonight.

Ok he's after the youth/trendy vote appearing on this programme, but he came across quite well.

Wossy asked some quite hard questions, about drugs, the war etc., but his answers were honest, which was quite refreshing.

The funniest question though was when he asked him if he had ever w*nked about Margaret Thatcher as a young lad.

He said no.

Again another brownie point in my book.
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Old 23-06-2006, 23:45   #12
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Re: David Cameron....fake plastic torie

How times have changed.

Blair got into power in '97 because he knew all the names of the Spice Girls and Major didn't.

Now it's indy bands that hold the keys to number ten.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 23-06-2006, 23:47   #13
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Re: David Cameron....fake plastic torie

Originally Posted by garinda
Blair got into power in '97 because he knew all the names of the Spice Girls and Major didn't.
and this....

may I note that our noel was snorting around £4000's worth of gear a week around this time!!!
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Old 23-06-2006, 23:50   #14
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Re: David Cameron....fake plastic torie

...and his then Missus Meg Mathews nicked a load of stuff at the party that night.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 23-06-2006, 23:52   #15
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Re: David Cameron....fake plastic torie

Originally Posted by garinda
...and his then Missus Meg Mathews nicked a load of stuff at the party that night.
what a legend!!

I know I'm not alone then...whenever I'm somewhere posh I always get the urge to steal something

oo I'm a disturbed youth - cameron's gonna be looking for a photo op with me in the 'morrow....
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