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Old 13-11-2011, 14:52   #16
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Re: Discovering Elbow...

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I bought the new Coldplay CD while I was away with Ma.......the cheeky chappie in HMV asked if it was a present or if it was for me....I told him it was for me......just because I have a bit of grey doesn't mean I can't enjoy some 'young' music.
Well done Margaret! I love Coldplay too's great when you have major housework to do - gets the momentum going, I put it on really loud -don't know what the neighbours think! Luckily I live in an old house with thick walls. Have been known to dance as well as sing to certain songs...

“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.”
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Old 13-11-2011, 15:05   #17
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Re: Discovering Elbow...

This is my favourite from Viva la Vida -the one I always sing and dance to!!!



“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.”
~ D. H. Lawrence
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Old 13-11-2011, 15:27   #18
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Re: Discovering Elbow...

I have had t his album on my MP4 player since it was released(I have all of Coldplays Albums).......this one of my favourites too.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 14-11-2011, 19:14   #19
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Re: Discovering Elbow...

I like Coldplay - it became fashionable a few years back for 'music experts' to have a good dig at them, but I never understood why. Have most of their stuff and listen to it often - apart from Yellow, I truly despise that track. Favourite album has to be Rush Of Blood To The Head.

^^ I got one of I Am Kloot's albums a while back. Gods and Monsters - was good as a full listen through, but no real stand out tracks for me tbh. Any Kloot recommendations Spignific?
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Old 14-11-2011, 20:14   #20
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Re: Discovering Elbow...

Originally Posted by Pudwoppa View Post
I like Coldplay - it became fashionable a few years back for 'music experts' to have a good dig at them, but I never understood why. Have most of their stuff and listen to it often - apart from Yellow, I truly despise that track. Favourite album has to be Rush Of Blood To The Head.

^^ I got one of I Am Kloot's albums a while back. Gods and Monsters - was good as a full listen through, but no real stand out tracks for me tbh. Any Kloot recommendations Spignific?
Glad to see there are plenty of discerning music lovers on Accyweb - I like a wide spectrum of music and even some of the new Tekno, Trance, Goa and High Tech etc that my boys subject me too -have even grown to like Slipknot and Korn.

Was to be seen singing and dancing to "Cemetaries of London" again -3 times in a row this evening while making an Apple Strudel -turned out quite well considering...

“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.”
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Old 14-11-2011, 20:47   #21
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Re: Discovering Elbow...

What did...? the dancing or the strudel?
I can't dance......don't ask me........except.......awwww. I danced with my dad at my Prize giving night....when I qualified as a Nurse. I asked my dad to come with me, as himself was working on nights and couldn't get the night off.
Once the prizes had been given out, there was a dance and a buffet.
Now my dad couldn't dance....but he took me onto the floor and we shuffled around.
He whispered in my ear how proud he was of my achievments. He stood on my new suede shoes with his TUF shoes.......the black mark never came out. I was a little bit irritated at the time.
Now when I hear To Dance with My Father Again it brings it all back. I get a lump in my throat the size of the rock of Gibraltar. After he died I used to take those shoes out and look at where his foot had left a mark.......isn't it strange what little things like that can mean?
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)

Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 14-11-2011 at 20:52.
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Old 14-11-2011, 20:49   #22
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Re: Discovering Elbow...

Now it is me who's feeling maudlin.

The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 15-11-2011, 17:31   #23
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Re: Discovering Elbow...

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
What did...? the dancing or the strudel?
I can't dance......don't ask me........except.......awwww. I danced with my dad at my Prize giving night....when I qualified as a Nurse. I asked my dad to come with me, as himself was working on nights and couldn't get the night off.
Once the prizes had been given out, there was a dance and a buffet.
Now my dad couldn't dance....but he took me onto the floor and we shuffled around.
He whispered in my ear how proud he was of my achievments. He stood on my new suede shoes with his TUF shoes.......the black mark never came out. I was a little bit irritated at the time.
Now when I hear To Dance with My Father Again it brings it all back. I get a lump in my throat the size of the rock of Gibraltar. After he died I used to take those shoes out and look at where his foot had left a mark.......isn't it strange what little things like that can mean?
It's always the little things that mean the most Margaret not the big planned gestures... I have never danced with my dad so you are luckier than me, I may still be in time though...

My lone dancing is more akin to 1960's style -think the sillouettes at the beginning of James Bond films!!! The Strudel was pretty good! Dancing less so probably
Off now to prepare some wild mushroom sauce for Tagliatelle (sorry for the foreign word!) have son's veggie girlfriend coming for dinner!! Have invested in a Seitan burger too whatever that is... to be followed by Strudel and ice-cream - sucks to the diet...

“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.”
~ D. H. Lawrence
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Old 15-11-2011, 17:39   #24
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Re: Discovering Elbow... are right. I didn't dance with my dad at my wedding.......this was the one and only time......and I had bought the suede shoes to go with my dress and first time on he ruins them...or that was what I thought, at the time.
After he had gone, I saw things in a totally different light.......I only had to look at the shoes, and I was there at King Georges Hall shuffling awkwardly around the dance floor with my dad. Guess fate wanted to give me something to help me through those tough old times.

Don't apologise about the foreign is what it is....there will be an english word for it, but not nearly so romantic or evocative.
I have never heard of a Sietan Burger...only a sedan chair and you wouldn't want to sink your fangs into one of those.
Himself has just polished off a plateful of my best Lancashire pud!
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 15-11-2011, 17:42   #25
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Re: Discovering Elbow...

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post are right. I didn't dance with my dad at my wedding.......this was the one and only time......and I had bought the suede shoes to go with my dress and first time on he ruins them...or that was what I thought, at the time.
After he had gone, I saw things in a totally different light.......I only had to look at the shoes, and I was there at King Georges Hall shuffling awkwardly around the dance floor with my dad. Guess fate wanted to give me something to help me through those tough old times.

Don't apologise about the foreign is what it is....there will be an english word for it, but not nearly so romantic or evocative.
I have never heard of a Sietan Burger...only a sedan chair and you wouldn't want to sink your fangs into one of those.
Himself has just polished off a plateful of my best Lancashire pud!
Yum -haven't had it in years!

I think they call Tagliatelle Ribbon pasta in English -and it doesn't sound as nice somehow...
I believe the original recipe had Oysters in it -now I am rather greedy for Oysters (I have expensive tastes!) but can't quite imagine them in a Lanky Hotpot!

“Beauty is an experience, nothing else. It is not a fixed pattern or an arrangement of features. It is something felt, a glow or a communicated sense of fineness.”
~ D. H. Lawrence
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Old 15-11-2011, 18:01   #26
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Re: Discovering Elbow...

Oh No! I couldn't eat them....they maybe the food of the rich now...but back in Victorian times they were the food of peasants and found their way into many dishes.
How did we get from Elbow to Oyster?
Maybe we should coin a new phrase 'you don't know your elbow from an oyster'.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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