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Old 19-12-2006, 15:08   #1
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Exclamation Help to save LIVE Music and Dancing

This is from and on behalf of Moorland Folk

"Bands like us have a problem in that we can't play live in many venues unless they comply with difficult and expensive restrictive legislation. This legislation threatens to kill off live music."

You can help by signing an on-line petition at the Downing St Website (more details below),
it's quick and easy and will help live music in the future,
David Higginson
(And please pass it on to others)

The Petition

We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to recognise that music and dance should not be restricted by burdensome licensing regulations.
The recently introduced changes in licensing law have produced an environment where music and dance, activities which should be valued and promoted in a civilised society, are instead damaged by inappropriate regulation. We call on the Prime Minister to recognise this situation and take steps to correct it.
Panjenix -> Nuff Sed!

No-One is completely useless........
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Accrington Web
Old 19-12-2006, 20:34   #2
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Re: Help to save LIVE Music and Dancing

What is this legislation Zero?
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Old 19-12-2006, 21:19   #3
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Re: Help to save LIVE Music and Dancing

It`s the usual stealth tax via liscensing, pubs are having to pay more for liscences for live entertainment, then you`re not allowed to dance unless they have a dancing licence. Restrictions are imposed on the number of members in bands, if there`s more than 2 then you need a different licence. This is the main reason we`ve stayed a duo for so long. The pub trade is dying a death no matter how much binge drinking the chavs do, longer opening times (wages) cheap supermarket beer, bad enviroment (chavs) all contribute to pubs outside the x-factor-karaoke-slapper-bar genre being driven under. Live entertainment is one way pubs catering for a more discerning clientele attract punters, if legislation makes this more expensive and a right bloody ball ache to be dealing with then publican just don`t bother anymore. I aint had a pay rise since we started celtic cross in 1996. There`s lots of pubs who`ve packed it in, and people moan say "It`s always bloody duo`s" this is why. There`s been a campaign aimed at straightening this out for a long time, I had some printouts at gigs a while back, maybe this petition is the culmination of that.

You can put a duo in a pub playing to 200 people.
But you can`t put in a quartet playing to 6.

They even once claimed that your mini disc counted as a band member.
Well he aint getting paid.

Darwen council were serious wonkas over this with numerous witch hunts, grassing and blashemies. The music scene seems to have slowly built up a bit but it`s never what it was.

I don`t think its the PRS to blame, they kinda work for musicians, It`s definitely Govt. but hey I`m not a politician, just an antagonist.
I know it`s wrong but I can`t put it right.

Objection is the first step to change.

Congrats you stayed awake til the end of the post
Panjenix -> Nuff Sed!

No-One is completely useless........
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Old 19-12-2006, 23:17   #4
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Re: Help to save LIVE Music and Dancing

Thanks Zero, the pub music scene is rapidly vanishing into oblivion & it ain't good at all.
I'll sign.
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Old 19-12-2006, 23:58   #5
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Re: Help to save LIVE Music and Dancing

I've signed. I'm all for live music and places where bands can perform are getting a bit thin on the ground these days which is such a shame.

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Old 20-12-2006, 00:05   #6
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Re: Help to save LIVE Music and Dancing

pre kareoke as it is now... most corner pubs had organ and player and people would get up to sing or there would be a turn. I believe licences killed that off for a lot of back street was far better than kareoke as we know it today

Will go sign...
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Old 20-12-2006, 00:08   #7
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Re: Help to save LIVE Music and Dancing

i've signed
i know how hard it is for venues and live acts with the ever increasing government legislation causing ever increasing costs to the live entertainment industry
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Old 20-12-2006, 06:39   #8
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Re: Help to save LIVE Music and Dancing

Have to agree, these restrictions remind me of Cromwell and the Puritans . Are these restrictions national or local ? ( Zero mentioned Darwen as an example in an earlier post) seems to me this is a local issue since the local authority is now responsible for licensing pubs and entertainment venues , I think one or two local politicos check into this site now and then, maybe someone with local contacts could make them aware of this thread and ask for their views on the subject .
In no way am I suggesting that the Hyndburn council get involved in the local music/arts scene (God forbid that we have art by a kommittee) but as a first step they could review and ease up on unneccessary restrictive rules and regulations that would encourage a more vibrant live music scene.
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Old 20-12-2006, 11:52   #9
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Re: Help to save LIVE Music and Dancing

It is a national Issue but it can depend on the local authorities as to how Hopkinsesque they are in enforcing it.
Panjenix -> Nuff Sed!

No-One is completely useless........
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Old 22-01-2007, 21:51   #10
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Re: Help to save LIVE Music and Dancing


This is a bit to important to disappear off page 1 with only 49 views.

Sorry to the other 48 who`ve seen it.
Panjenix -> Nuff Sed!

No-One is completely useless........
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Old 22-01-2007, 21:56   #11
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Re: Help to save LIVE Music and Dancing

ive done it
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
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Old 23-01-2007, 14:58   #12
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Re: Help to save LIVE Music and Dancing

Me too!!
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Old 02-07-2007, 18:48   #13
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Re: Help to save LIVE Music and Dancing

I got an e-mail telling me the Govt's response to this petition today.
Here's the link.

licensing - epetition response
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Old 02-07-2007, 19:04   #14
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Re: Help to save LIVE Music and Dancing

after filling in the forms for two premises licences .i would have to say completley the oppersite.aslong as you put these things in your aplication it is easer and so much more cheaper than having to have several licences any pub that is having problems is because of badley planned aplications the most expensive thing is prs the fees they charge have trebled since the new licensing came in.
"A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort."
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Old 02-07-2007, 22:29   #15
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Re: Help to save LIVE Music and Dancing

I just got my email from Downing Street. I think I need to read it again when I'm more awake.

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