It`s the usual stealth tax via liscensing, pubs are having to pay more for liscences for live entertainment, then you`re not allowed to dance unless they have a dancing licence. Restrictions are imposed on the number of members in bands, if there`s more than 2 then you need a different licence. This is the main reason we`ve stayed a duo for so long. The pub trade is dying a death no matter how much binge drinking the chavs do, longer opening times (wages) cheap supermarket beer, bad enviroment (chavs) all contribute to pubs outside the x-factor-karaoke-slapper-bar genre being driven under. Live entertainment is one way pubs catering for a more discerning clientele attract punters, if legislation makes this more expensive and a right bloody ball ache to be dealing with then publican just don`t bother anymore. I aint had a pay rise since we started celtic cross in 1996. There`s lots of pubs who`ve packed it in, and people moan say "It`s always bloody duo`s" this is why. There`s been a campaign aimed at straightening this out for a long time, I had some printouts at gigs a while back, maybe this petition is the culmination of that.
You can put a duo in a pub playing to 200 people.
But you can`t put in a quartet playing to 6.
They even once claimed that your mini disc counted as a band member.
Well he aint getting paid.
Darwen council were serious wonkas over this with numerous witch hunts, grassing and blashemies. The music scene seems to have slowly built up a bit but it`s never what it was.
I don`t think its the PRS to blame, they kinda work for musicians, It`s definitely Govt. but hey I`m not a politician, just an antagonist.
I know it`s wrong but I can`t put it right.
Objection is the first step to change.
Congrats you stayed awake til the end of the post