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Old 26-11-2010, 09:34   #1
Resting in Peace
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The Johnnie Cash Project

So an Item on BBC last night about this and looks very interesting, especially for fans of he late Johnnie Cash
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Accrington Web
Old 27-11-2010, 06:47   #2
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Re: The Johnnie Cash Project

dislike stuff like this, someones in his family is it for the money , it all started with that scheming cow the widow Lennon ... bloody Yoko Ono has made more money out of her dead husband than he ever made in his life thru outdated copywright laws , to me once you are dead (original artist) your work should be copywright free. Prime example being .. the descendants of Moses can't claim copywright on every Bible sold,(as much as they would probably like to) so why should sodding Yoko bloody Ono and other heirs to dead artists be able to claim
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