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26-10-2006, 10:56
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Re: The Masterplan
Probably a wise idea Spud!
I had Stop The Clocks on yesterday & I must say that the tracklist is very well done. Looking at the order on paper doesn't seem that fantastic (Talk Tonight to Lyla?!?) but it plays really well.
A very well spent hour & half 
28-10-2006, 18:00
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Re: The Masterplan
PMSL,The video's brilliant and like you said Shaker Liam's swaggering little animated chap is quite funny 
02-11-2006, 19:21
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Re: The Masterplan
Oasis are appalling and ls lowry is over-rated nuff said
02-11-2006, 19:28
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Re: The Masterplan
Originally Posted by meerkat
Oasis are appalling and ls lowry is over-rated nuff said
No reasoning, just big statements to make you look big.
It doesn't work.
Try having a proper opinion, failing that, bog off.
02-11-2006, 20:25
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Re: The Masterplan
Sorry Shaker,but the great battle of britpop in the mid 90's was won hands down by Blur.More musical talent & inventiveness,and that was just the drummer.Oasis are/were a one trick pony,nicked everyones back catologue,got Liam to whine "raaaaiiiiin,sheeiiiiine"over the top,dressed it up with some manc swagger & stone island gear and a million kids desperatley looking for a new scene after Madchester/aceeed fell for it.Okay i thought Definately Maybe was a great album,but the initial exitement soon vanished with the follow up.Give me The Gorrillaz anytime.I know your a big time Oasis fan & this is only my personal view,so don't be offended.I'm dissin the band ,not you.
02-11-2006, 21:08
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Re: The Masterplan
That's fair enough maxwell, you've got a reasoned opinion & I respect that.
Still....Morning Glory outsold The Great Escape 15 million to 1 and Oasis are still going making great albums that keep their fans wanting more. Granted, Be Here Now & Standing On The Shoulder Of Giants were rubbish.
Damon Albarn is just a cartoon for crying out loud 
I've got loads of time for Graham Coxon though - his solo stuf is way under rated.
Last edited by shakermaker; 02-11-2006 at 21:11.
02-11-2006, 21:16
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Re: The Masterplan
the video will win awards. true genius!!!
02-11-2006, 21:21
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Re: The Masterplan
Originally Posted by shakermaker
That's fair enough maxwell, you've got a reasoned opinion & I respect that.
Still....Morning Glory outsold The Great Escape 15 million to 1
Doesn't mean the music on Morning Glory was anyway better,Oasis just had a bigger fan base.And Albarns a cartoon?Nuff' said.
02-11-2006, 21:32
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Re: The Masterplan
Originally Posted by maxwell silver
Doesn't mean the music on Morning Glory was anyway better,Oasis just had a bigger fan base
It's true that selling loads of records doesn't mean you're any good (look at Phil Collins) but Blur always seemed too fake to me, especially with the sudden lads attitude that they adopted after Oasis emerged (the track Girls and Boys for example). Oasis don't have to try, they're down to earth & honest which is personally what I like from a band.
02-11-2006, 21:37
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Re: The Masterplan
sorry shaker but girls and boys was before the emergence of oasis!!!
02-11-2006, 21:54
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Re: The Masterplan
Hardly, there was all the hype, a demo released on an NME cassette & Supersonic released a couple of weeks later. Not to mention all the live gigs in '93
(and my compulsive need to be right  )
Anyway, the point is...Oasis are immense, always have been always will be 
Last edited by shakermaker; 02-11-2006 at 22:03.
02-11-2006, 22:04
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Re: The Masterplan
mate, they were on the musical radar in early 94 but nothing major and certainly not a threat to blur at that point.
Blur went all laddie in 92/93 when "modern life is rubbish" was released.
Hardly attributable to Oasis.
02-11-2006, 22:05
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Re: The Masterplan
Anyway back to topic, the vid is the muts nuts I'm sure most of you will agree, and the song is a stonker.
Can't wait to hear some new material soon 
Last edited by shakermaker; 02-11-2006 at 22:07.
03-11-2006, 08:17
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Re: The Masterplan
in the great musical debate of 95 between oasis and blur what did i do???
I sat on the fence basking in the sunshine that was one of the greatest moments in british music. BRITPOP, where every band and every song was a winner. Them were the days sonny (nostalgic).
actually i was in bosnia as a squaddie with my mum sending me NME and ringing my mates to find out what CD's to send. Bless her, at least i didn't miss out.
class video shaker, indeed and has revived the old tune well!!!
03-11-2006, 19:35
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Re: The Masterplan
Ill pontificate-and it wasnt a personal attack by any means shakermaker, you are young and this oasis thing will pass.
Oasis as a band are and were a conservative reaction to the aceeed house scene -Have you not heard of the term "dad rock"? Noel Gallagher comes across as ill informed, ill educated and downright spiteful in my opinion in interviews. He also supports New labour and therefore by proxy supports the war in iraq.Not that he has a proper political thought in his head, like all of britpop and "Cool britiannia" it was all posturing and ultimately a dreary reactionary bore.
The lyrics of the majority of Oasis songs are of a nonsensical nursery rhyme nature-good example being "I know a girl called elsa she's into alka seltzer" words written to fit in after gallagher has provaricated over which 3 out the 5 chords he can play hes using for his drudge.
Alex Petridis who is a fantastic music writer despises oasis as do most musical commentators-ipso facto it was Petridis who i nicked the "dreary reactionary bore" comment.
Anyway this is just my view, and not a personal slant in any form.Personally i spent 1992 to 1998 going raving till the backside fell out of that subculture.Best band of (very vaguely) similar nature has to be the happy mondays, at least you could have a groove to them.
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