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Old 19-05-2008, 21:33   #31

Re: 1,633

You also need to ask how many people don't come because thay don't like the antics of Coleman and the way his stupid attitude influences the way the players play with a scouse chip on their shoulders.
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Old 19-05-2008, 21:39   #32
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Re: 1,633

Think the real problem gets pushed along the wayside, fact of being a small town, sandwiched between other long standing teams in our surrounds, being out of the league 44years, multi cultural/people movement over the years, unemployment etc etc thats before we get to the footballing issues or even coley, in light of that he hasn't done too bad with what he had tbh & maybe looking outside scoucepool for talent on the cheap. Also improving on the efforts with fanbase & community links will help as well as hopefully good results on the pitch


Last edited by Stanleymad; 19-05-2008 at 21:41.
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Old 19-05-2008, 21:40   #33
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Re: 1,633

Originally Posted by Baudelaire View Post
You also need to ask how many people don't come because thay don't like the antics of Coleman and the way his stupid attitude influences the way the players play with a scouse chip on their shoulders.
don't honestly think theres many of them if any mate, in accy its either they go elsewhere or apathy. the latter the club can work on hard n they WILL see some results if they do.
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Old 19-05-2008, 22:00   #34
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Re: 1,633

Originally Posted by Stanleymad View Post
maybe looking outside scoucepool for talent on the cheap.

Problem is as I understand it there are no resources for a scouting setup. There are only so many matches Coleman & Bell can watch to find talent.

Somehow the club needs more investment. The gates will not improve dramatically for years if ever. The only rise will be through success and therefore the chicken and egg theory comes in to play. How do you be successful enough to get higher gates without the resources to help gain that success
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Old 19-05-2008, 22:33   #35
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Re: 1,633

This from Keith Hill in today's LT, on Rochdale, players,attendances and apathy

"We've brought young, hungry players in who wanted to be given an opportunity in the Football League," said Hill.

"It's not been a question on changing their attitudes - we've had to change the mentality of the town and the people around the football club.

"You hear, same old Rochdale, falling at the final hurdle, never achieved anything except League Two status'.

"I'm sick of hearing it and it is difficult to change the mindset of some of the supporters, I must admit.

"But they're all believing now. The majority of the crowd probably came for the first time today but hopefully they'll come back for Wembley.

"The only good thing about going to Wembley is winning and that's what we've got to do.

"We know how to win and we've got an appetite for it.

"If we keep knocking on the door then nobody will knock us back and that's the mentality we've all got."

Seems to echo some of the problems that Stanley have and if we're to move forward we need to emulate what Rochdale and Hereford have done. Hereford came up with us but have moved on where we have stood still, and they didn't spend a shedload of money. Sticking with some of the players that won the Conference hasn't worked and they've now been cleared out. We need a smaller squad of better quality players , augmented by the likes of Grant, Bell, Murphy etc to cover injuries. Hopefully with better players and some early home performances, support will increase. As Shakermaker has said, simple and fickle !!
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Old 19-05-2008, 23:21   #36
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Re: 1,633

Originally Posted by Tin Monkey View Post
I believe that it is very misleading to look for a correlation between gate receipts and team performance. I don't believe that JC's 'building' of the squad was only based on the 1600+ fans through the turnstile, as the figures don't really tally.
We haven't just lost games this season due to lower ability players, but because of poor tactics and a general lack of awareness of other teams changing theirs.

Next season I think that the budget for playing staff will be more reflective of the gates and then we'll see how JC does then.
the projected turnover of the club for the first season in the FL was £1m according to the quotes given last time a balance sheet was published (around nov 07) Average gates of 1600 would produce less than £400k in gate receipts based on a tenner apiece (allowing for kids/concussions etc). Wages can be 60% or 65% of the total turnover of the club. Quite obviously the gates are being supplemented by other means of large income. There is the £250k from the TV rights money and IIRC the Fraser Eagle sponsorship of shirts and ground was £250k per year over three years (according to the reports at the time). That allows for around £100k of 'other' income which can't be right as that is only £2k per week

Originally Posted by Pendle Red View Post
There will also be Money from Shirt Sponsor, Board Advertisng, Football League Revenue, Transfer Fees recieved.
there is a large pot of income but the pot of expenditure must also be a massive drain. Each form of income is going to have to start producing more revenue. How that is done is another matter entirely but if you look at each aspect separately and make it into its own little business that must produce then surely you can't end up negative?

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
Problem is as I understand it there are no resources for a scouting setup. There are only so many matches Coleman & Bell can watch to find talent.

Somehow the club needs more investment. The gates will not improve dramatically for years if ever. The only rise will be through success and therefore the chicken and egg theory comes in to play. How do you be successful enough to get higher gates without the resources to help gain that success
OSC will buy the Egg, have we any volunteers for the purchase of a chicken?

The club has to find ways of increasing its revenue from every angle but every angle is being ignored from what we see.

the Clayton End bar was dry for the Bury match. The away end bar was dry. At the Clayton End there was a queue from 3:35 with at least 30 people in it that were all in time for two pints. I don't know what the away end was like but I would hazard a guess that they drink more than home fans. Especially when they outnumbered our end about 3 to 1. There also has to be more variety in the drinks please. Especially seeing as we dont do draught beer the cans or bottles keep for some time so there is no excuse for not having the stock.

The Crown has picked up recently but the club could still do more to entice people in. Shirt signings? autograph or picture days? more Stanley oriented theme nights? OSC discounts? happy hours?

The Club shop. The OSC backed away from doing certain lines of clothing as the club said they were doing them - but there is never any stock of things like th efleeces or the hoodies. The Ultras wanted to buy 40 hoodies (at cost) but backed away so as to avoid upsetting the club. Maybe its not a money spinner in one respect but it is awareness when fans are wearing them around town.

Post match in the bar has been really poor over the last few months. A bit more razzmatazz maybe a happy hour if we win and better presentations for Man of the Match. There are folk who go in every match but for many you can take it or leave it because you don't feel like you are missing anything. BOGOF has brought a bit more professionalism to the Presnetation because at least you can hear what he is saying. Make an effort on this one please and I am sure that more folk will come in.

Be more aware of what the fans want and at least make it look like you are listening. For years Rob Heys has said that the club do listen to the fans but to some extents I beg to differ. I know that this site is not flavour of the month with the club or the Ultras etc but it is representative of what is being said by the common fan in the pub. Forget the arguments about whether this or that should be said or not - it is being said and more than likely will never cease to be said regardless of league position. I hark back to threads surrounding the Leicester match last season. Due to the Foxes fans being all-ticket there was confusion whether the match itself was all ticket or not. The debate rumbled for a few days and brought out unnecessary comments about other things and more highlighting of the various shortcomings. It could all have been avoided if one of the numerous club officials who do read this board every day had just posted something to the effect of "pay on the gate" - discussion ended. Yes you could have just picked up the phone but do they really want to have to field many calls when one post could have finished it?

That is the nutshell of where the club could pick up massively and cheaply. Communicate what is happening at every possible juncture and the tittle tattle disappears. Where specualtion is rife it gives way to rumour and conjecture which is rarely accurate. That in turn feeds the doom mongerers and the circle continues. Talk to us and make us ffel like valued customers again please.

Above all else communicate to the absent fans. It is no good complaining that people aren't coming unless you are aggresively pursuing them. I understand that these things cost money but for every ten new fans that come you have £1300 in the till over a season. Reckon on wanting another 300? then spend the money that 50 people would bring on advertising around town. £6500 would go a long way around town with a few appropriate billboards/cinema-taxi adverts/full page spreads/leaflets/competitions. Just being there is not enough to entice the customer.

None of these comments are intended destructively and none of them are anything new to the powers that be. But they are what I think are essential ingredients to attracting the casual fan. There are many more little areas that could be hugely improved on with a bit of investment but you'd be reading all day if I listed them.

I will also add that I think that we have come a long way in short time and Rome wasn't built in a day - but it only takes a day to knock it down. I have ideas and try to act on them via the OSC, the Ultras have ideas and try to act on them through their various ways. If we all did a little more then we could make a difference.
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Old 20-05-2008, 20:25   #37

Re: 1,633

Can I just add a bit of a contentious comment in that Stanley may move forward quicker if they are seen as a more modern club rather than continually focussing on a past that few if any current and potential fans remember. A new future with a new forward thinking nationally recognised manager would help.
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Old 20-05-2008, 20:38   #38
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Re: 1,633

We've won an award from the Notts County Mad end of season listings!

The 'nothing' award: Accrington Stanley

This is not a nice award to dish out at the end of a great League Two season but Stanley are not exactly basked with compliments from the divsion's followers.

It is not easy for a side of Accrington's size and resources to survive in the Football League two seasons on the bounce, for that they deserve credit, but <TABLE cellSpacing=4 cellPadding=0 align=left border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=center align=middle><TABLE borderColor=#000000 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=1 0><TBODY><TR><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD class=arial8wht bgColor=#fdd017>

</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>it is fair to say it is a pair of games most sides would prefer not to see on their fixture list.

They have done ever so well to survive again but it is only a matter of time before they sink out of the league.
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Old 20-05-2008, 20:45   #39
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Re: 1,633

about the club shop aswell the tracksuits the players wear at most of the games the black ones i would of got one of those but i dont think the club do them and yet clubs like rovers, burnley sell team tracksuits
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Old 20-05-2008, 22:48   #40
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Re: 1,633

Originally Posted by Redraine View Post
We've won an award from the Notts County Mad end of season listings!ng' award: Accrington Stanley

This is not a nice award to dish out at the end of a great League Two season but Stanley are not exactly basked with compliments from the divsion's followers.

It is not easy for a side of Accrington's size and resources to survive in the Football League two seasons on the bounce, for that they deserve credit, but <TABLE cellSpacing=4 cellPadding=0 align=left border=0><TBODY><TR><TD vAlign=center align=middle><TABLE borderColor=#000000 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=1 0><TBODY><TR><TD></TD></TR><TR><TD class=arial8wht bgColor=#fdd017>

</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>it is fair to say it is a pair of games most sides would prefer not to see on their fixture list.

They have done ever so well to survive again but it is only a matter of time before they sink out of the league.
If it weren't for the six points they took off us again they might not have appeared on our fixture list but might have had the consolation of staying on Wrexham's whilst at the same time seeing their close neighbours Mansfield stay up.

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Old 21-05-2008, 12:01   #41
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Re: 1,633

Originally Posted by Baudelaire View Post
Can I just add a bit of a contentious comment in that Stanley may move forward quicker if they are seen as a more modern club rather than continually focussing on a past that few if any current and potential fans remember. A new future with a new forward thinking nationally recognised manager would help.
can i be contentious also, what planet are you on? wheres the funds fer this nationally recognised ones wages.
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Old 21-05-2008, 16:32   #42
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Re: 1,633

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
can i be contentious also, what planet are you on? wheres the funds fer this nationally recognised ones wages.
Baudelaire is right bring in an ex high profile footballer who doesn't need the money(wages) just wants a stepping stone and they will have far better contacts than the scouse duo who signed more clowns than chipperfield circus last season.
Backward thinking, cloth capped idiots who adore Coleman and company need to wake up who's going to invest in a club that loses the amount of games we lost at home this season.
We need fresh impetus to take us on to the next level.
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Old 21-05-2008, 16:36   #43
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Re: 1,633
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Old 21-05-2008, 17:17   #44
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Re: 1,633

Originally Posted by Darwenred1968 View Post
Backward thinking, cloth capped idiots who adore Coleman and company need to wake up who's going to invest in a club that loses the amount of games we lost at home this season.
We need fresh impetus to take us on to the next level.
and backward numpties like you need to realise that the money isn't there to fuel your spending spree.

A high-profile ex top drawer pro (like Alan Shearer?) may come for next to nowt but he would expect money to be available for his transfer fee's and the wages of the high calibre personnel he would bring with him.
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Old 21-05-2008, 17:30   #45
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Re: 1,633

until we get more people at the FES we aint going to be able to buy players! coley is doing a great job with the resoureces available! so until more people come an watch stanley, we aint going to pay for any players
Stanley Ultra's Red and White Army

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