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Old 15-10-2009, 08:48   #136
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Re: 1000 Shares Issue!!!

Originally Posted by DevonStanley View Post
Also, you might like to contact David (?) Conn at The Independent, he's long been running articles about struggling football clubs and how their supporters are frequently hoodwinked by the clubs' directors. David Conn, I believe, lives in the Manchester area and if you are serious would quite likely come to talk to you - as would Supporters Direct.

He also wrote a book called 'The Football Business' which is well worth a read. It may be a little dated as it was published over a decade ago, but the theme of how the 'suits' (ab)use the loyalty of the fans seems just as relevant today as it did in the '90s.
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Old 15-10-2009, 09:32   #137
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Re: 1000 Shares Issue!!!

Originally Posted by Willie Miller View Post
Everyone will have their opinion on this.....

For me, fans were desperate for a share issue when they were spending Illyas Khans money. Now it is thier money on the line, fans are negative... Bizarre!

Some will take it up, some won't!
If I was a "won't" I still wouldn't post anything negative for fear of changing someones mind who will commit £250 to the cause

Rob & David have taken some flak but have come up with step 1 in a legitimate plan for the future. ASFC must be self sufficient whether a benefator is out there or not. After all, Jack Walker passed away at Ewood & the spending slowed down.

The value for money issue is irrelevant. Nobody should be buying a share as a business deal. Its to save the club. Its to own a piece of ASFC however small. Its something to tell people over dinner parties. I am an ASFC shareholder! Briliant. It will be a weeks wage but I am in.... The value of Stanley, to me, is priceless & so I will get my 0.001% of priceless.

On Stanley On!
Spot on Willie
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Old 15-10-2009, 09:41   #138
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Re: 1000 Shares Issue!!!

The way some people are slagging him off you would think that David O'Neill had been in charge at Stanley for years. For God's sake he has only just taken over. He took over a Club in a mess, a mess that has been caused by ERIC WHALLEY. Why is ERIC WHALLEY getting away with it and all the flack is being aimed at David O'Neill. EW jumped ship and left this mess for DON to sort out. DON said that Stanley would not go under and he has come up with a scheme to keep them going. Please do not belittle this scheme. If you agree with the scheme then support it, if you don't agree with it please do not put other people off. If you want to take your wrath out on anybody take it out on the person who put us into this mess with his mis-management - ERIC WHALLEY
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Old 15-10-2009, 09:54   #139
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Re: 1000 Shares Issue!!!

Originally Posted by JEFF View Post
The way some people are slagging him off you would think that David O'Neill had been in charge at Stanley for years. For God's sake he has only just taken over. He took over a Club in a mess, a mess that has been caused by ERIC WHALLEY. Why is ERIC WHALLEY getting away with it and all the flack is being aimed at David O'Neill. EW jumped ship and left this mess for DON to sort out. DON said that Stanley would not go under and he has come up with a scheme to keep them going. Please do not belittle this scheme. If you agree with the scheme then support it, if you don't agree with it please do not put other people off. If you want to take your wrath out on anybody take it out on the person who put us into this mess with his mis-management - ERIC WHALLEY
I Totally AGree!!!!.the negative brigade are the same people who failed to secure World domination through the ASSF!.Support the club and stop thinking about personal gains!.If you don't like the idea and concept and your only contribution is to criticise the Directors et al, then perhaps you should "go forth"..............Sour Grapes!!!!!!
British by birth, English by the Grace of God!

Last edited by Redskin; 15-10-2009 at 10:01.
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Old 15-10-2009, 09:55   #140
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Re: 1000 Shares Issue!!!

The two previous posts are spot on. Its fine to berate the DON, but lets not slag of Eric Whalley, who in my opinion was largely responsible for this mess

Last edited by caretaker; 15-10-2009 at 09:56. Reason: spelling
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Old 15-10-2009, 10:01   #141
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Re: 1000 Shares Issue!!!

Originally Posted by caretaker View Post
The two previous posts are spot on. Its fine to berate the DON, but lets not slag of Eric Whalley, who in my opinion was largely responsible for this mess
Whalley has not been forgotten and neither have those two directors.
I think the DON has done OK, of course it could have been better but we look like we will live to fight another day so give him another chance.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 15-10-2009, 10:03   #142
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Re: 1000 Shares Issue!!!

Originally Posted by JEFF View Post
The way some people are slagging him off you would think that David O'Neill had been in charge at Stanley for years. For God's sake he has only just taken over. He took over a Club in a mess, a mess that has been caused by ERIC WHALLEY. Why is ERIC WHALLEY getting away with it and all the flack is being aimed at David O'Neill. EW jumped ship and left this mess for DON to sort out. DON said that Stanley would not go under and he has come up with a scheme to keep them going. Please do not belittle this scheme. If you agree with the scheme then support it, if you don't agree with it please do not put other people off. If you want to take your wrath out on anybody take it out on the person who put us into this mess with his mis-management - ERIC WHALLEY
Me too,well said.Lets get behind the club and move forward.As I have said before,if the DON,hadn't,as he said been in the wrong place at the wrong time,what situation would the club have been in with the HMRC.

Obviously it hasn't affected the Whalley's too much as Eric's wife was still seen having a laugh at the Rovers game!!
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Old 15-10-2009, 10:18   #143
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Re: 1000 Shares Issue!!!

At last! Could there be a light at the end of the tunnel of negativity?
I totally agree with the last few posts. The new regime will make (and maybe has made) some mistakes, but at least there are now signs of a positive future - or, at the very least, a future.
If you don't want to buy the shares, then fine - but does everybody want to know? I think not! I personally have not yet made up my mind, but I will not use my decision to encourage or discourage others. The decision will be mine alone - and my business!
I do, however, agree with Bagpuss, that the two directors should be named, shamed, and, if at all possible, removed. Those two have no place in the future of Accrington Stanley. However, as for the D'on, Rob, John, Jimmy and the rest, let's get behind them and support them, and the club, to the best of our ability. Just three words to finish.... "On Stanley On!"
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Old 15-10-2009, 10:29   #144
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Re: 1000 Shares Issue!!!

Originally Posted by Redskin View Post
I Totally AGree!!!!.the negative brigade are the same people who failed to secure World domination through the ASSF!.Support the club and stop thinking about personal gains!.If you don't like the idea and concept and your only contribution is to criticise the Directors et al, then perhaps you should "go forth"..............Sour Grapes!!!!!!

who wanted world domination? we were quite happy to stop at Accrington!
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Last edited by Mick; 16-10-2009 at 04:07.
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Old 15-10-2009, 10:36   #145
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Re: 1000 Shares Issue!!!

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post

who wanted world domination? we were quite happy to stop at Accrington!
Fork handles!!!!!!!!
British by birth, English by the Grace of God!

Last edited by Mick; 16-10-2009 at 04:08.
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Old 15-10-2009, 11:03   #146
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Re: 1000 Shares Issue!!!

Originally Posted by Redskin View Post
I Totally AGree!!!!.the negative brigade are the same people who failed to secure World domination through the ASSF!.Support the club and stop thinking about personal gains!.
So you're saying that the members of the ASSF...guys like Macca, Loweiy, Cowboy and Jeff (whose post you're agreeing with!) are in it for "personal gain"? Absolute junk. These people are amongst the most dedicated fans you could find. If you want to show your support for the Don, fine, but don't go slagging off hardworking and longstanding Stanley supporters.
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Old 15-10-2009, 11:12   #147
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Re: 1000 Shares Issue!!!

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
So you're saying that the members of the ASSF...guys like Macca, Loweiy, Cowboy and Jeff (whose post you're agreeing with!) are in it for "personal gain"? Absolute junk. These people are amongst the most dedicated fans you could find. If you want to show your support for the Don, fine, but don't go slagging off hardworking and longstanding Stanley supporters.

Take it with a pinch of salt, I'm generalising.............
British by birth, English by the Grace of God!
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Old 15-10-2009, 11:15   #148
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Re: 1000 Shares Issue!!!

Been to the club this morning and given my details to Martin, got very positive vibes there seems to be quite a lot of interest in the scheme should take a couple of weeks to sort out legal stuff etc.
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Old 15-10-2009, 11:16   #149
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Re: 1000 Shares Issue!!!

Originally Posted by Redskin View Post
Take it with a pinch of salt, I'm generalising.............
Well I'm not generalising when I say why do you continue to talk out of your arse???

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 15-10-2009, 11:19   #150
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Re: 1000 Shares Issue!!!

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
So you're saying that the members of the ASSF...guys like Macca, Loweiy, Cowboy and Jeff (whose post you're agreeing with!) are in it for "personal gain"? Absolute junk. These people are amongst the most dedicated fans you could find. If you want to show your support for the Don, fine, but don't go slagging off hardworking and longstanding Stanley supporters.
Totaly agree with you WH 100% all theses guys are what the DON would call True fans of Accrington Stanley and would do anything for the club and proberly have
ACCRINGTON STANLEY FC We few, we happy few, we band of brothers
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