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Old 14-10-2009, 17:46   #91
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Re: 1000 Shares Issue!!!

Originally Posted by VALAIRIAN View Post
I will guess 100%
I think you are being very buoyant. OK....alot of the guys on this website will take up the offer. But are people on here representative of your typical ASFC fan, in terms of the money they have available to purchase these shares? I think guess is that the posters on here have a financial profile with an higher average disposable income than that of the other 1200 or so attending fans

Aside from that, there is no prospectus that I have seen relating to this share issue other than the details published on the club website. It would appear that there are no inherent voting rights with these shares and as for possible future dividends, I think you can forget about it - those will be confined to the A shares.

To put it quite simply, if this was a share issue offered by a business other than a football club such as Stanley, with the immense brand loyalty that it commands, no investor would touch it with the proverbial bargepole.

Nevertheless, these shares will be purchased. But like previous over-optimistic projections on turnstile income, I doubt if the share offer will be fully taken up - and I also doubt if it has been underwritten. I suspect the the powers-that-be are looking at an anticipated take up figure of 500, which with the rest of the funds available should just get us out of the mess - for now. 'Owt more will be a bonus

Last edited by Tealeaf; 14-10-2009 at 17:49.
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Old 14-10-2009, 17:50   #92
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Re: 1000 Shares Issue!!!

Can I just ask has anyone actually bought one of these today ? I sent 2 emails at 9am as I'm on holiday in Scotland at the moment and have not received a reply ( one to Rob one to the commercial dept) had credit card ready all day with phone on me. !!!!!
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Old 14-10-2009, 18:09   #93
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Re: 1000 Shares Issue!!!

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
because it may take a while to sell them?
That doesn't make it a "longer term income generator" though, does it. Whether it's £250k over a month or £250k over a year it's still £250k. That's all this scheme can ever generate and seeing as the people who own the club aren't putting in any more money it's obvious that ASFC will be in a perilous position once more. It'll be a miracle if it's not before the start of next season.

Mr O'Neill, the offer from the ASSF would've been beneficial in the long term. ASSF would've cleared all debts and there'd still be a massive amount of shares to be bought at affordable prices. That would've been a "longer term income generator".

I'm not going to spend a week's wages on a share package if any amount of it will be taken back by whoever paid for the shares that are being sold.
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Old 14-10-2009, 18:20   #94
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Re: 1000 Shares Issue!!!

Has there been any reference made to a cut-off date at which the share offer formally closes? Or will it be open-ended while there are shares available to sell? Anyone know?
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Old 14-10-2009, 18:41   #95
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Re: 1000 Shares Issue!!!

Everyone will have their opinion on this.....

For me, fans were desperate for a share issue when they were spending Illyas Khans money. Now it is thier money on the line, fans are negative... Bizarre!

Some will take it up, some won't!
If I was a "won't" I still wouldn't post anything negative for fear of changing someones mind who will commit £250 to the cause

Rob & David have taken some flak but have come up with step 1 in a legitimate plan for the future. ASFC must be self sufficient whether a benefator is out there or not. After all, Jack Walker passed away at Ewood & the spending slowed down.

The value for money issue is irrelevant. Nobody should be buying a share as a business deal. Its to save the club. Its to own a piece of ASFC however small. Its something to tell people over dinner parties. I am an ASFC shareholder! Briliant. It will be a weeks wage but I am in.... The value of Stanley, to me, is priceless & so I will get my 0.001% of priceless.

On Stanley On!

The Voice of the Terrace

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Old 14-10-2009, 18:55   #96
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Re: 1000 Shares Issue!!!

You have got to view this in 2 ways......

1 Chance to buy a bit of ASFC history, Get a shirt, Tickets and Certificate, with a TOKEN share attached to it, and helping the club at same time. This is firmly aimed at Loyal supporters and interested people. AND I think that it is well thought out for those people and will recieve a fair response.

2 You may want to invest in the club by a Share Issue, and get a voice and vote in ASFC's future, and help ASFC in the long term. This is not such an opportunity.
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Old 14-10-2009, 18:59   #97
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Re: 1000 Shares Issue!!!

Originally Posted by simon View Post
2 You may want to invest in the club by a Share Issue, and get a voice and vote in ASFC's future, and help ASFC in the long term. This is not such an opportunity.
Anyone who wants that should now be join ASSF or OSC & be a driving force in a Supporters Trust....

The Voice of the Terrace

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Old 14-10-2009, 19:00   #98
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Re: 1000 Shares Issue!!!

Originally Posted by Willie Miller View Post
For me, fans were desperate for a share issue when they were spending Illyas Khans money. Now it is thier money on the line, fans are negative... Bizarre!

On Stanley On!
...But it not a case of being negative. The Illyas offer, as far as I understand, encompassed the purchase of A shares....OK, in a diluted form, but nevertheless giving some voice by the supporters into the running of the club. This does nowt, other than allow for a bit of reshuffling the balance sheet.
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Old 14-10-2009, 19:15   #99
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Re: 1000 Shares Issue!!!

Originally Posted by Willie Miller View Post
For me, fans were desperate for a share issue when they were spending Illyas Khans money. Now it is thier money on the line, fans are negative... Bizarre!
Too right but this is not a share issue as such more of £250 for a picture of a share and a shirt/ticket package, not being negative just want people to realise what they would be buying, I think I've sold two already, just need Mrs B to start thinking how I do to make it 3.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 14-10-2009, 19:19   #100
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Re: 1000 Shares Issue!!!

I don't see this as being a replacement for what Ilyas Khan was proposing. It's a money making venture and if it 'reshuffles the balance sheet' in a positive way, then it's a great idea. This isn't a reallocation of shares. It's the same thing that happened 17 or so years ago when John Alty sold B shares for £10 each. They were never worth that and never will be, but people bought them to have a little piece of the club.
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Old 14-10-2009, 19:26   #101
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Re: 1000 Shares Issue!!!

A tenner is more easily obtainable even £50 is but at 280 odd incl vat is too rich for mine and many's blood equates to more than 2 weeks wages for me! I wish as does many that the money was disposable, but big fry for the ordinary fan.


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Old 14-10-2009, 19:42   #102
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Smile Re: 1000 Shares Issue!!!

Originally Posted by Willie Miller View Post
Everyone will have their opinion on this.....

For me, fans were desperate for a share issue when they were spending Illyas Khans money. Now it is thier money on the line, fans are negative... Bizarre!

Some will take it up, some won't!
If I was a "won't" I still wouldn't post anything negative for fear of changing someones mind who will commit £250 to the cause

Rob & David have taken some flak but have come up with step 1 in a legitimate plan for the future. ASFC must be self sufficient whether a benefator is out there or not. After all, Jack Walker passed away at Ewood & the spending slowed down.

The value for money issue is irrelevant. Nobody should be buying a share as a business deal. Its to save the club. Its to own a piece of ASFC however small. Its something to tell people over dinner parties. I am an ASFC shareholder! Briliant. It will be a weeks wage but I am in.... The value of Stanley, to me, is priceless & so I will get my 0.001% of priceless.

On Stanley On!
As ever great post WM

19 Years in the Football League

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Old 14-10-2009, 19:42   #103
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Re: 1000 Shares Issue!!!

I can't afford a Porche, but I don't want to stop them making cars.
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Old 14-10-2009, 19:54   #104
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Re: 1000 Shares Issue!!!

Out of curiosity what do those who hold season tickets think. Those who don't have them are probably looking at the package as a good buy if they can use the ten tickets. Should they have done something different for ST holders ?
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Old 14-10-2009, 19:54   #105
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Re: 1000 Shares Issue!!!

Originally Posted by Tin Monkey View Post
I can't afford a Porche, but I don't want to stop them making cars.
Same here, but I do want them to reduce the price...
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