OK, sweeping up the last 2 games in one go here ...
Swindon 2 Stanley 0
Low number of entries for this one and the pessimists correctly held sway, with 16 voting for them, 10 diehards keeping the faith for us and 7 fencesitters. Only Jaysay and Smudgie got the score spot-on to take a max 5 points. As a result, Carpon overtook LancsDave to lead our table by 2 points, with David1 closing up to 1 point further behind (which is probably why he sent me a PM nagging me to get on and publish the resuls ). NigeB gained a few places towards the bottom of the Top 10.
Stanley 2 Port Vale 2
Confidence returned in force for this one, 22 for us, 6 for the draw, 7 for them, with several of those allegedly employing reverse psychology. Only C'monStanley spot-on this time, but with David1 and LancsDave scoring 3 points to Carpon's 1, the top of the table closed up tight, with LancsDave leading Carpon on countback with both on 75, David 1 still 1 behind. Jaysay moved up to join Sparkie 7 points further back, completing the top 5.
And welcome to 2 new players, Dazzagee and Winstanley ASFC (don't know how you can use a keyboard with those paws mate

Full table attached, but it will surely change tonight when we get back to winning ways