Nobody Saw That One Coming
Not with a 3-3 scoreline, anyway. 9 of us forecast the draw

, 5 of us thought Stanley would get 3

, and a different 5 thought Newport would

. But nobody went for 3-3 to pick up the max 5.
Of the 9 drawmongers, 6 (AngeB, Football19, Kiwi John, Sherry, Tommy McQueen and Stevie R) are now in the Top 11 of our table. The other 3 (Ossy Kid, Jaysay and NigeB) are more modestly placed, but all in the top half.
AngeB therefore consolidated her position on top of the table, now 4 points clear of Teach (52 plays 48) with F19 on 47 and KJ on 45.
We did have a new entrant this week in the shape of ncfc1, but as his prediction of 2-0 for them gained no points, and I'm guessing we won't hear from him again, I haven't added him to the bottom of the table

Roll on Cheltenham and their friendly stewards ........ On Stanley On!!