Fencesitters Make Progress as Defences Survive
8 people correctly called this as a draw - 3 points for them

. 12 people bet on Bet's clean sheet - 1 point for them

. And PMIG's default predicts us firing blanks all afternoon - 1 point for him

. Nothing for the rest of us

Valairian, following his usual tactics, was the only other pessimist, and 29 of us thought we'd win

As a result, 4 of the fence-sitters are now in the Top 6 - Teach second, F19 third, Kiwi 4th and AccyBeMe sixth. Bdc, NigeB and Cmon Stanley all moved up, but the last of the 3-pointers was Winstanley ASFC, who finally moved clear of all the occasional players into 46th

. I thought this would mean I could do a single table covering all the regulars, but it's still too big to attach like that

AngeB remains top of the heap, but her lead is cut to 1 point.
Roll on the Iron - the greater the challenge ......
On Stanley On!