This week produced the shortest ever thread with only 28 posts making forecasts in between D3N's incisive introduction and my terminal drivel. 7 default scores kept the entry number at 35, with a pretty even split of 15 for us, 9 for them and 11 for the draw. And them thems had it
2 of them thems had it spot on, so it's take a bow (of sorts) Bdc and Deeayess who, along with Accybeme, made leaps up the table from already good positions
. Bdc 15th - 6th, Das 13th - 4th, Abm 8th - 5th. At the top, both Bs took 4 points, while Tommy McQueen went missing for the fourth time this season
, meaning he now only leads Nige on countback for 2nd, and trails our leader Ange by 5.
And all that's left if I've to get this posted before the Bury game is to say roll on the Shakers. Time for the season to take an upward turn again, please ... 3 home games out of 4 should help, shouldn't it
On Stanley On!!