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Old 26-04-2015, 21:15   #31
Senior Member+
Chimer's Avatar

Re: 2014/15 Prediction League - Game 42 v Dagenham & Redbridge (away)

Headline Writer Lost For Inspiration After Witnessing Abdication

Points for 7 pessimists and 2 scoreless drawmongers, but no maximums . 4 points for Teach and Accybeme, including the bonus for our blank, 3 points for Football19, Stevie R, Yerself ...... and both Bs, so the season record is now Ange's on her own . 1 point for Bdc and Winstanley, the aforesaid drawmongers. Nowt for anyone else .

Not a lot of movement either. F19 and Accybeme up from 6th and 7th to 5th and 6th, pushing Bdc down to 7th. Yerself up from 18th to 15th, and Stevie R from 25th to 23rd.

With one game to go, Deeayess could take 3rd from Teach with a 5-0 win, while Teach could take 2nd from Nige with a 5-1, with 4-0 producing a tie with no way of splitting on countback (unless I invent another rule ). 9 people currently outside the Top Ten could get in there yet, if they get a maximum and enough others don't .

So roll on the Stags next Saturday, and let's hope the Stanley boys can give the Crown Ground faithful something good to remember over the summer .

On Stanley On!!
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Zero Tolerance of Intolerance
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Accrington Web
Old 27-04-2015, 11:02   #32
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Re: 2014/15 Prediction League - Game 42 v Dagenham & Redbridge (away)

Originally Posted by div3north View Post
my analysis is that Hartlepool have the best chance of picking up the points they need, despite having the worst goal difference;
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