Headline Writer Lost For Inspiration After Witnessing Abdication
Points for 7 pessimists and 2 scoreless drawmongers, but no maximums

. 4 points for Teach and Accybeme, including the bonus for our blank, 3 points for Football19, Stevie R, Yerself ...... and both Bs, so the season record is now Ange's on her own

. 1 point for Bdc and Winstanley, the aforesaid drawmongers. Nowt for anyone else

Not a lot of movement either. F19 and Accybeme up from 6th and 7th to 5th and 6th, pushing Bdc down to 7th. Yerself up from 18th to 15th, and Stevie R from 25th to 23rd.
With one game to go, Deeayess could take 3rd from Teach with a 5-0 win, while Teach could take 2nd from Nige with a 5-1, with 4-0 producing a tie with no way of splitting on countback (unless I invent another rule

). 9 people currently outside the Top Ten could get in there yet, if they get a maximum

and enough others don't

So roll on the Stags next Saturday, and let's hope the Stanley boys can give the Crown Ground faithful something good to remember over the summer

On Stanley On!!