A Bit Of Daylight At The Top
34 for us, 3 sitting on the fence and none for them

– hardly surprising we were 1-0 down at half time then

. But all’s well that ends well

– if not for the fencesitters

. Of these, Football19 and Norwich Stanley picked up a bonus for Crawley 1, and Red-Osbornello didn’t..
The rest of us took at least 3 points, with max 5s going to Ossy Kid (16th to 12th as a result) and Winstanley asfc (37th to 35th). 4 points went to shedloads of people, far too many to list. At the top of our table, AngeB increased her lead over LongLostSon to 4 points, while Outback Ozzy climbed over MikeA into 3rd, 2 points further back. No other changes in the Top 20, and not a lot further down either.
So it’s roll on the Carp Fishers (sounds like an opera) again on Tuesday, and revenge will be sweet, won’t it, especially as it will see us up to 4th

. And if Northampton keep on doing their stuff, we’ll only be 4 points behind Oxford with 2 games in hand when we play them on Saturday

…. So only 1 point behind with 2 games in hand by Saturday evening

! Surely playing without Windass, Crooks and McCartan won’t make that any less likely, will it?
On Stanley On!!