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Old 21-03-2017, 22:24   #31
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Re: 2016/17 Prediction League; Game 18 v Morecambe FC (away)

Originally Posted by Morecambe_Red View Post
Shrimps back to form in this one.

Last 3 games against Stanley win draw win so be nice to have back to back seasons with no defeats against Stanley.

Shrimps 3 Stanley 1 Peter Murphy , Paul Mullin and Lee Molyneaux Fatty Arbuckle with a consolation. Crowd 1,577
Erm, you were saying . . . . . . . Suppose you were a bit right with the Murphy prediction, shame he was offside & who's Fatty Arbuckle??
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Old 21-03-2017, 22:32   #32
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Re: 2016/17 Prediction League; Game 18 v Morecambe FC (away)

Originally Posted by AccyMad View Post
Erm, you were saying . . . . . . . Suppose you were a bit right with the Murphy prediction, shame he was offside & who's Fatty Arbuckle??
Probably can't spell Billy the Whizz ...... Or have we signed YFB without me knowing
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Old 24-03-2017, 22:47   #33
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Re: 2016/17 Prediction League; Game 18 v Morecambe FC (away)

AccyMad Still On Top As Table Returns From Canada

Clearly I should leave the country more often – 10 points from 4 games, 3 away, thanks lads …

11 March – Exeter 0 Stanley 2

We were commendably restrained in our forecasting for this one, only 12 expecting an away win against playoff contenders, with 10 hoping for a draw and 7 expecting the worst. Happily Stanley were less restrained , and the faithful were duly rewarded. DaveinGermany was most rewarded with the only maxi, which moved him up from 14th to 10th, at the expense of Tommy McQueen. Most of the faithful got 4 points, enough for MikeA and Mab to move above Accybeme into 3rd and 4th respectively, on countback, and for Leylandii and Div3North to take up 6th and 7th ahead of Ossy Kid and Monkey Hanger. Meanwhile at the very top, Kiwi John took 3 points to close the gap on AccyMad to a single point.

14 March – Stanley 5 Leyton Orient 0

So after an away win against playoff contenders, most people thought at home against relegation favourites should be easy peasy, but nobody thought it would be quite as easy peasy as it turned out. A new player, Lord Love Rocket (I can’t believe I just had to type that) came closest with a 4-0 prediction, providing him with 4 points and a place in the table at 36th= out of, now, 43. For the rest, apart from the few who I think now feel they daren’t predict a win in case something dreadful happens , it was mostly a matter of whether you felt a third consecutive clean sheet was likely. Of our Top Ten, only MikeA and DaveinGermany backed Mr Rodak, Mike just moving a point closer to the top two while Dave moved up from 9th to 10th, climbing over the hanging monkey. And of the Ten, only Accybeme took a pessimistic view which led to him conceding 5th place to Leylandii.

18 March – Yeovil 1 Stanley 1

3 wins on the trot and confidence floods back, 19 of us expecting another away win with only 6 on the fence and 5 fearing the worst, or admitting to negative psychology of one form or another – doesn’t work if you admit it chaps! So only a draw this time, and only 2 maxis, for NigeB, boosting him from 15th to 12th, and for Kiwi John to reclaim the lead from AccyMad, going 3 points clear. 3 points for Monkey Hanger and Tommy McQueen, up from 10th and 11th to 7th and 9th, pushing DaveinGermany out of the Ten, and for JimsLad and Outback Ozzy, up from 23rd= and 25th to 23rd alone and 24th. One point for nearly everybody else.

21 March – Morecambe 1 Stanley 2

Even more confidence now against the friendly enemy, 20 for the away win this time, against 4 on the fence and only 3 pessimists / reverse psychologists. And rewarded again . 7 maxis this time, the most significant being AccyMad’s, taking her back on top by a point again, and NigeB leaping from 12th to 8th. Mab and Leylandii also maxis, moving up to 3rd and 4th pushing MikeA off the podium. And maxis also for Monkey Hanger (7th to 6th), Accytom18 (16th to 15th) and St06nc2 (32nd to 29th). Respect to Accybeme whose relentless pursuit of reverse psychology finally caught up with his position in a big way, dumping him from 6th to 12th. Tommy McQueen was also eased out of the Top Ten on countback by DaveinGermany, who took 4 points to Tommy’s 3. And another new entrant, Morecambe Red joining us in hopes of a gloat , but now doomed to sit pointless at the foot of the table until someone else joins with as unsuccessful a prediction (or he has another go of course).

Phew! Roll on the Mariners tomorrow then. Unbeaten in 9, scoring 21 goals for 19 points - ain’t life so sweet compared with Boxing Day, when we’d gone 9 without a win, scoring 2 goals for 2 points . A season of 3 halves, so far ……

On Stanley On!!
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