Cashman Mystery, Stanley Misery
Here's the mystery:
Originally Posted by cashman
I expect yer apology at around 10-5 Nige. 
And this was Cashy's
only post in this thread

. I decided this probably wasn't a disguised a 10-5 Stanley forecast

, although under the circumstances it wouldn't have made any difference in terms of points scored

I only tell you this 'cos I hate writing up a defeat .......
Although defeats do tend to have more impact on the table

, and in this case the only two regulars to vote against returning to winning ways both took 4 points and made significant moves, Monkey Hangar stretching his lead at the top out to 5 points, and Nige B moving up from 8th only to 6th, but more importantly

on equal points with those sharing 3rd.
The only other regulars to score any points

were Proccy Fan and Stevie R, one each for "Lincoln 2", but not enough to move them up from 18th and 19th respectively.
Two new players did open their accounts, SalfordImp taking 3 (grrr!) and Accyborn (but where is he now?) just the one. They sit 32nd and 33rd= respectively in a table of (now) 39. I have to say if the Imp who's been trolling the match thread had ventured into Prediction League territory I might just have ignored him, but SalfordImp will be more than welcome to return for another go at the end of the season

Disappointingly low number of entries this week

, I'm guessing 3 weeks off has got you out of the habit of entering - it certainly seems to have got our forwards out of the habit of scoring

. So it's roll on Creepy Crawley - best we pick ourselves up for this one, or it's going to look as if we're entering one of our wintery slumps, albeit after a cracking start

. Hey ho ....
On Stanley On!!