A Flying Start - for the Pessimists
Apologies for the lateness of the first summary of the season, I was away from my computer and can't do anything significant on my phone - my thumbs are too big

In fact I was oop north at the Crown, which explains the result - Formby in 1978 remains the only Stanley win I've ever witnessed there
Anyway, given the usual early season optimism amongst the punters, the results from the prediction league can be covered quite quickly - Dav007 and OAFCWOOB got 4 points and Stevie R got 1. The rest of us got nowt
30 players in all, most of the usual suspects / last season's regulars in, but no word from Outback Ozzy

. The only brand new player was OAFCWOOB - I can make a stab at what OAFC might stand for

, but if WOOB's an acronym it's got me beat.
As per usual, I won't be publishing a table until 4 games in. It gets harder to add new players once there's a table, and I hope a few more will rock up over the next few games.
So it's roll on down to the Gas - without Kayden

And will Andy Mangan collect our first red card of the season in the first half, or wait until the second

On Stanley On!!