Fortune Favours The Faithful As Cashy Closes The Gap
The Pilgrims are not having a good season, but we were far from unanimous in thinking the long trip to Devon would see an end to our mini-slump. 17 kept the faith

against 6 drawmongers

and 5 total pessimists

, and as this is a time for faith they were duly rewarded

. None of the faithless 11 even managed to sneak a bonus point, which serves us (yes, including me

) right.
Most of the faithful went for 2-1, which brought the bare 3 points. the 3 of 3-1 saw Div 3 North staying 4th, but in closer touch, and Andy D climb from 14th to 11th=. Backing our first clean sheet in 8 saw Cashman close in to only 3 points behind our pointless leader Lord Stiffupperlip, pushing ahead of Kiwi John on the podium on countback, while Mab moved up from 10th to 7th and DaveinGermany from 20th to 15th.

But the day's honours and only maxis went to MikeA, bursting into the elite with a surge from 12th to 5th

, and LongLostSon working his way through the lower middle of the field

from 22nd to 18th=. The major losers

were Football19, dropping from 5th to cling on to the last place in the Top Ten, and MonkeyHanger, making room for MikeA by falling from 8th to 13th.
Among the 3-pointers was Smobile, making his first appearance this season and joining the table at 34th= out of 38, equal with LordLoveRocket (damn, I've typed that again

), returning for his second appearance and first points.
So, with one wheel back on the wagon, it's roll on the Shrews for a Boxing Day non-Derby. We owe them one for stopping our unbeaten run back in October, so let's give them 3

, and get our goal difference back into the black.
On Stanley On!!