20-08-2018, 10:15
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Re: 2018/19 Prediction League; Game 3 v Charlton Athletic (home)
Nice View From The Fence
Sitting on the fence was the right place to be on Saturday  , once Jordan completed what sounds like a frantic game of pin-ball in the Charlton box by slotting the equaliser. It will also be a frantic scramble to maintain a place on top of the podium, as this is now shared by four 6-pointers. Mab and Football19 added a point each to last week’s maxis to stay there, being joined by Kiwi John  and myself  , getting maxis this week to add to a single previous point. Pifco was the third maxi this time, but with nothing to add is one of several sitting a point behind our leaders. And Lord Stiffupperlip has 6 points from 2 draws-without-bonus (right result, completely wrong score) but is denied a top-of-the-podium place by the countback rules  .
So let’s roll on down to Oxford on Tuesday and see if t’Reds can add a point or three to their total – I think 3 more would make it an officially “good start but there’s a long way to go” , wouldn’t it  Never heard “win away, draw at home” touted as a recipe for success, but wouldn’t knock it ….
On Stanley On!!
Zero Tolerance of Intolerance