Well Who'd Have Thought It ?
I don't mean who'd have thought of a second away win on the trot

, 17 of you thought of that …. no, it's Div3North's place on top of the podium

I'm going on about. I was wondering whether to publish the first Prediction League table this time, or wait till after the Blackpool game, having
not done one showing
me on top after Saturday, but there's no chance now
As the boss so modestly

pointed out in the Blackpool preview, he scored the only maxi on Tuesday night so leaps onto the top step, a position shared by Kiwi John and Leylandii, who from past performance are much more familiar with the rarefied atmosphere up there. Cashman, Pifco and Wynonie H are just a point further back, with Wyn lagging the other two on countback - forecasting 4 or 5 for us every week having not (so far

) proved to be a good route to the maxisphere.
Numbers were low this week, maybe the Tuesday game taking some of our regulars by surprise

. The faithful 17 were only joined by 5 fence-sitters and 2 pessimists, so 10 of our signed-up 34 were missing - including Benboy, Dav007, Ossy Kid, Proccy Fan and Tommy McQueen going awol for the first time this season

So the away bandwagon rolls on to the seaside on Saturday. I don't know what we're doing right, not a lot going off what you lot are telling me, but I don't really care all that much as long as it keeps happening
P.S. I have attached the table really …….
On Stanley On!!