Kiwi Moves Clear As Drawmongers Prosper
Relative pragmatism seemed to set in amongst you

following our second away win on the bounce down at Brizzle, with only 12

expecting us to push the streak up to 3 and 10

sitting on the fence. Only 3 feared the worst, however …. and thanks to Mark Hughes (and Connor Ripley apparently) the worst didn't eventually come to pass

To the fencesitters the rich pickings, however, with maxis going to Accyborn, Football19, Kiwi John, Lord Stiffupperlip, MikeA and NigeB. This leaves Kiwi on top of the heap, two points clear of F19 and Lord S who are separated only by the countback rules. The rest are at least two more points back, with 15 in the Top Ten this week

, the 6 sharing 10th= holding 8 points to Kiwi's 14. The big climbers were MikeA, 14th= to 4th=, and Accyborn and NigeB, 30th= to 18th=.
So it's roll on Scunthorpe next Saturday, with the Reds surely looking for their first home win to put some extra sparkle on the away record - 7 points from the first 3 away games sounds good to me, however we got them.
On Stanley On!!