On The Fence Still The Place To Be
But most of us jumped down on the Red side of it for this one

, with only Dav007 going the other way

. And of course it was the remaining drawmongers that profited

, with Lord StiffUpperLip and Stevie R picking up maxis, and LongLostSon and MonkeyHanger just the basic 3 points. As a result, Lord S moves up into 2nd place from 3rd, only behind our leading Antipodean on countback, and Stevie climbs from 10th= (one of 6) to 7th. MH and LLS made more significant gains with their lesser rewards

, 28= to 15 and 30= to 18= respectively.
Most of the faithful got a point, more from their goal (13) than from ours (4). Only the 4 who went for a 2-0 win joined Dav in pointless purgatory. So little movement in the table, although there are now only 10 in the Top Ten

. And 28 players this week, which is an improvement, down to returnees rather than new players.
I seem to remember a couple of seasons back we kept dominating teams, especially in the first half, without winning games, and from the Beeb report it looks like this was one of those days again

- the difference being this time we didn't then lose after going behind against the run of play.
So it's roll on the Brewers. I'm thinking we need

our first home win here, before we start coming up against teams who've had properly good starts to the season - what say you?
On Stanley On!!