And The Fence Remains The Place To Be
Although it didn't look like it until the 92nd minute, grr, grr

. And the fence was lightly populated on this occasion, with only Ossy Kid and Proccy Fan taking maxis, lifting them from 14= to 8=

and 17th to 13th

respectively, and Tommy McQueen climbing from 19= to 17= with his bare 3 points.
Once again, almost everybody else got a point for somebody's goal

, only Accybeme and Stevie R from Tuesday's Top Ten failing to do so, with Stevie falling out of the elite to make way for Ossy Kid as a result.
We welcome a new player in the form of Watchdog, who was amongst the single point scorers so soars into the table at 35=, leaving Ferret Man rooted at the bottom in 37th with 0 from 1. Watchdog's entry made up for your fearless reporter, who was so excited at actually making a home game that he forgot to enter

And so on we roll to Sarfend, who are not having the best of seasons so far - and best it stays that way on Saturday
On Stanley On!!