Well Done The STs
This is a fairly simple write-up. Unless your board name starts St
, in which case see next para, you got a point if you said "Gillingham 1", otherwise you didn't
. Most did, but not the 3 on top of our table
, so the chasing pack got a bit closer to the podium.
Turning to the Sts, they both forecast a 2-1 defeat
so picked up the bare 3 points for a win
. Which moved StanleyJosh up from 7th to 5th, 8 points behind our leader Monkey Hanger, and Stevie R up from 15th to 10th, pushing Accytom18, MikeA and Taypot, who had been sharing 10th, out of the elite.
We had gone max gung-ho this week
, 22 expecting a second successive home victory
, with only 4 on the fence and the 2 Sts on the other side. Also, Kiwi was awake
…… and so it didn't come to pass.
So, after leasing
another interlude against Liverpool U-21s, we roll on to the City of Birmingham
to play the Sky Blues of Coventry City. Who are doing all right, but are obviously beatable - but only if we score! Time for another goal or two, please Colby
On Stanley On!!