Accybeme Surges Forward With Renewed ……. Pessimism??
I'm well used to telling you lot off for cock-eyed optimism

, but this week I was more astounded to discover that one of you was sad enough

to believe we might lose at home to a team that have only one once all season

. And rather more astounded to discover he was right

So it's congratulations

to Accybeme for his perception and for moving up from 6th to 5th at Accymad's expense. Apart from that, two mild pessimists forecast draws and each picked up a point - Taypot's 2-2 also saw him move up a place from 14th to 13th, overtaking Cashy, while AndyD's 1-1 did nothing for him position-wise, leaving him 31st and the strongest of our regular players

(i.e. he's supporting the rest of us).
The rest of us got nowt

. I'm not sure whether this is is any way related to me getting this week's starter for 10 right for the first time ever, but I won't do it again. Also, Kiwi, leave the "New Thread" button alone

will ya? and Di, get up the Crown next time

please ……
So, roll on a little light relief against the Class of 92

before hostilities recommence in earnest against the Brewers next Saturday. We quite often do better against teams who are going well - could do with one of those fairly soon methinks

On Stanley On!!