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Old 05-12-2020, 14:57   #31
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Re: 2020/21 Prediction League; Game 16 v Milton Keynes Dons (home)

Stanley 4 v tothers 1
otherwise I might just go down the garden and chew worms
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Old 05-12-2020, 17:07   #32
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Re: 2020/21 Prediction League; Game 16 v Milton Keynes Dons (home)

I make that 12 players with a maximum!

Don’t think that’s ever happened before, Chimer?

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Old 05-12-2020, 17:27   #33
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Re: 2020/21 Prediction League; Game 16 v Milton Keynes Dons (home)

Originally Posted by Div3North View Post
I make that 12 players with a maximum!

Don’t think that’s ever happened before, Chimer?

Certainly not recently. Possibly when we first started doing this with a lot more players .

The question is answerable, but would probably take me until Easter, working full-time, so I'll settle for a firm maybe
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Old 05-12-2020, 18:00   #34
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Re: 2020/21 Prediction League; Game 16 v Milton Keynes Dons (home)

Absolutely love being wrong!
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Old 06-12-2020, 17:33   #35
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Re: 2020/21 Prediction League; Game 16 v Milton Keynes Dons (home)

AccyTom18 Comes Through The Middle On Maxi Madness Day

As m'learned friend has already observed, records were (probably) set on the maxi front yesterday, with 12 out of 28 players landing the full 5 points. The Roll of Honour was made up of AccyTom18, Ange B, Cashman, Choirboy, Div3North, Leylandii, Mab, Monkey Hanger, Nige B, StevieR, Valairian and Watchdog. Of whom only AccyTom18 was in the Top 6 before the game, meaning his score was enough for him to leap to the top of the table . Team Stanley, meanwhile, provided 2 of the 3 players who didn't forecast a win for Team Stanley , resulting in SHouse (1 pt) falling from the top perch down to 3rd, and SJosh (0) continuing his recent slide, down from 5th to 8=.

5 points for NigeB and Cashman saw them back into the elite at the expense of MikeA (3) and AccyMad (4). AndyD was the third defaulter, and his fence-sitting produced just a single point and a slide from 16th to 20th . Lots of chopping and changing elsewhere, too much to detail I'm afraid. Kitchener's second entry garnered him 3 points and relieved him of table-propping duties , while my correction of a long-running spreadsheet error relegated Rsg26 (P1 L1 BP0 P0) to share Accybeme's burden.

So - we were in the playoff places in the "As it stands" table for a wee time while we were winning and Ipswich losing. Is anybody else sore today as a result of pinching themselves too much? And now it's roll on Premier League Wigan - oh, sorry, that's bottom of League 1 Wigan - after the minor matter of The Solsjkaer Babes on Tuesday in the Troffy. Now what will be going through Coley's mind trying to sort a team out for that one? Run-out for Sean, surely, and a night off for Savin' Savin, but as for the rest .... who'd be a manager?

On Stanley On!!
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