StanleyJosh Sets The Early Pace
So it's just about worthwhile publishing a Prediction League table after four games. This shows 31 of you have engaged with us so far this season, mostly the usual suspects from years past but with a sprinkling of new blood

, albeit two of the sprinkle didn't play this week. Disappointingly, the news of a glittering prize this week produced exactly one new player

, which makes Northern Soul all the more welcome.
Anyway, StanleyJosh leads the way having got 3 out of 4 results right

, plus a few bonus scores. Tom D and Mab occupy the lower steps on the podium, 2 and 3 points behind, each helped by picking up a maxi, a feat which has so far eluded SJ. Mab was
not helped by missing the Oxford game

, but hardly anyone got any points there anyway

The Wombles game brought a sense of reality to your forecasts

, or maybe a few people realised they're unlikely to win a season ticket if they forecast a Stanley win every week. So naturally Stanley overperformed, for five minutes at least, laughed at the pessimists

, rewarded the loyalists

, and made us all happy

(I assume

The table is attached. Do please all have a look and check to see that I have scored you correctly - I have been known to make mistakes

. If you can't get your head around the confusing scoring system, do PM me and I'll walk you through exactly how I've got you to where I've got you.
So it's roll on Rochdale on Saturday, after this evening's pleasant little diversion of a first-for-some-time competitive game against some Barrowboys

. The Dale kick-started their season on Saturday with a win over Barton's Codheads in the first Lancashire League game of the season, so hopefully that'll be enough for them for a while.
On Stanley On!!