Valairian Ruins The Headline On A "Point or Nothing" Day
Originally Posted by VALAIRIAN
That was the 28th out of 29 posts this week, and the only one

not to forecast a Stanley win. I head the headline all ready until I found Joe's contribution - it was going to be "You're Unanimous - Unanimously Wrong!"

. You were still all wrong, mind

Which meant if you thought Cheltenham would score once, you got a point

, and if you didn't, you didn't

. And most of us did, only Andy D, Cashman, D3N, Mike A, Ossy Kid, StanleyJosh (missing in action this week), Tom D and the aforementioned Valairian scoring blanks.
Which in turn meant little dramatic movement in our table, especially at the top, where MonkeyHanger moving up one at Andy D's expense, and AccyMad pushing Mike A out of the Top Ten, constituted the only action. Lower down, Choirboy's gain of 3 places (14= to 11=) was the move of the day

So now it's roll on another set of Robins tomorrow, this one doing worse than the last lot

. Hopefully we won't be in one of our "be nice to the teams in the basement" moods

, which we've thankfully avoided so far this season. I feel the situation is delicately poised just now

..... we do need to buy a goal or two from somewhere.
On Stanley On!!