14 played this week - 4 abstained for one reason or another, including the leader Haggis (I hope Holt has not scared him off!!!)
4 homers and 4 draw mongers, which leaves 6 going away and in the process, securing themselves some points..
Biggest winner/mover is Cashy, who had not troubled me prior to this game, then BANG, hits a maximum out of the park
Cashy, Greger, ossy kid, pifco, teach and I

got points for County winning.
Along with Cashy, my good friend (and predecessor) Chimer also got his first point for his Desmond

Kiwi got a point for the same
The game finished 2-0 to Notts. County and unlike the loss at Newport, this was - according to the stats - the correct result.
Kelly in goal kept the score respectable by all accounts....
Sickness in the camp is never a good thing, let us hope that everybody is fighting fit for Crewe game, as I\we really, really, really (Vale next up

) need some results
I will knock up a table of sorts and post later, cannot take the risk of losing this post.
Take care everybody and thanks as always for playing
Come on you Reds!!!!