Whilst acknowledging the present situation warrants drastic action, sorry, for me at least, the "fresh start" idea is a non starter.
40 odd years without a football league team had it's detrimental factors....and I don't see how condemming the town to another potential eternity without a league side would solve anything.
The current apathy towards the club from the general public of the town may result in the club lurching towards a repeat of '62, however, to me, the way the general public views the club is a self inflicted wound / ailment.
To cut to the chase, get rid of the cancer that is slowly killing this club and it may have a chance of survival. Sit back idly and let it fester.......then it is doomed.
Whalley & O'Neill have some sort of vice-like death grip around the clubs throat. Mr Khan (and Mr Marsden ) put the money up to keep the club afloat / solvent when the sticky brown stuff was about to hit the fan. If either Whalley or O'Neill had any decency, they would step aside and let Mr. Khan and the club move forward.
Neither Whalley or O'Neill have the financial clout, nor I dare say, In my opinion, the inclination to take the club forward. Yet they both seem hell bent on sticking around, neither wants to lose face, but the bottom line, for me at least, their actions / inactions would probably see the club go tits up again.
But for Mr Khan's and Mr Marsden's generosity, neither Whalley or O'Neill would now have anything to squabble over. If, as it was brokered during the recent media articles, that means all sides sitting around the table and sorting this mess out once and for all, then the club and it's fans may have a glimmer of hope and a future in the football league.
I don't doubt, that without Eric Whalley's intervention, this club would still be languishing in the non-league. I am, like many others, grateful for what he did for A.S.F.C. back in the non league days.
However, I also remember, or did I dream it???, Whalley's statement, that once he got the club back to the league, he would step aside and let somebody better equipped move the club on to the next level. I don't see what either Whalley or O'Neill stand to gain by potentially presiding over the town's football league club going bust for a second time and securing historical infamy.
As the orginal poster said, we as a club have now become a laughing stock. The butt of jokes. Despised by fans of other clubs for the way we have conducted our business for the last few years. And when the buck stops, those are accusations that are laid fair and square at the door of the people who are presently "running" this club.
To me it's a case of put up or ship out. If either Whalley or O'Neill can't ease the situation, be it either financially, or by their actions and words; then it's time for both of them to clear off and give this club a chance. Step aside and let somebody who already has the backing of the clubs fans, try and take the club forward. I could use stronger words, however the rules of this forum dictate otherwise..