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Old 20-07-2009, 20:04   #151
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: A.S.F.C. FF Bid.....

Originally Posted by shakermaker View Post
I just think that everyone should be getting behind David O'Neill now. The opportunity for issuing new shares has gone along with Eric Whalley.

Any serious amounts of money should now (in my humble) be put into the club via the many available avenues of sponsorship.
have yet to speak to anyone who is against the "DON" shaker, reading the link the issue yer on about has not gone, just put in abeyance fer future. the future of the "Club" after what happened back in 62 is fair disussion. IMHO.
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Old 20-07-2009, 20:06   #152
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Re: A.S.F.C. FF Bid.....

The Articles of Association of most smaller companies give existing shareholders first dibs when it comes to subscribing to new share issues so they can maintain their majorities if they have the cash and the inclination to fully take up their allocation. That's all the "fairness" existing shareholders are entitled to.

The club needs the cash to build and maintain a team more people want to come and watch (in the face of two Premiership Clubs) and to service debts eg HMRC and Professor Glasson.

Prudent housekeeping can only go so far. That cash will have to come soon and fairly consistently if not all through trading activities then in part through a share issue.

6th March 1962 - They turned off the gas but nothing could extinguish the flame!

Last edited by Haggis316; 20-07-2009 at 20:08.
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Old 20-07-2009, 20:37   #153
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Re: A.S.F.C. FF Bid.....

Originally Posted by VALAIRIAN View Post
The only way that I can see the ASSF/FF aquiring some share's would be if an existing share holder deceided to sell their share's to the ASSF/FF!! Here's hoping
Originally Posted by Bagpuss View Post
But that would not benefit the club only the shareholder who was selling, IMHO wasted money that would be better spent elsewhere within the club.
With a new share issue the money would be available for the club.
ASSF wouldn't buy anybodies shares though Valairian, because of the reasons that Bagpuss mentions.

The only way it would happen would be if somebody was to 'buy' the Dons shares for way more than they are 'worth' in order for him to buy back at the newly inflated price. As majority shareholder, and with Ilyas and one or two other more minor shareholders to back it, the idea could be pushed through (IMHO) but it would take a ridiculous amount of money wasted in order to do that.
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Old 20-07-2009, 21:24   #154
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Smile Re: A.S.F.C. FF Bid.....

All I am talking about at the moment - as things will have to move slowly - is for some of the shares to be mopped up, as it appears that most of the other shareholders do not seem to be bothered/interested! (I am talking about people with 10%,15% Etc.) Surely if the ASSF/FF could over the years aquire shares and therefore have a greater input into the club, that in the long run must be a good thing for the club! I understand fully that unless there is a new share offer then the club will not get any monies directly...

19 Years in the Football League

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Old 20-07-2009, 21:29   #155
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Re: A.S.F.C. FF Bid.....

Ilyas is already the second highest shareholder, so I don't see what difference owning shares would make. Shareholders have very little authority anyway, so it's nothing to do with being bothered or interested.
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Old 20-07-2009, 21:44   #156
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Re: A.S.F.C. FF Bid.....

until there is a nominal fee attached to the shares who is to say what they are worth?

eg, what did you pay for yours TM? and what whould it take for you to part with it?

it would be of no use to the average Joe (no pun intended Joe) but would of some use to a larger shareholder. And how many of those lesser shareholders would be willing to part with something that has more sentimental value than financial?
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Old 20-07-2009, 21:59   #157
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Re: A.S.F.C. FF Bid.....

Funnily enough, I found the share certificate last week when I was clearing out my loft. When I bought the shares in 1993 I paid well over the odds for them, as they were worth probably less than they are now. I remember my father saying that I was throwing the money away, but I knew that anyway. I bought the shares at a time when the club were in serious need of investment (sound familiar?), but I never intended it to any kind of investment and as the shares are still practically worthless, there's no incentive to sell them.
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Old 20-07-2009, 22:16   #158
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Re: A.S.F.C. FF Bid.....

so as a trading card so to speak it has no real monetary value, but if you were offered, say, a hundred quid for a 'worthless' piece of paper, would you accept it? (i'm not buying by the way)
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Old 21-07-2009, 08:26   #159
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Re: A.S.F.C. FF Bid.....

I'm not in any rush to sell them.
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Old 21-07-2009, 09:26   #160
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Re: A.S.F.C. FF Bid.....

Think I bought about the same time.Used to get invited to AGM's,but can't remember the last time.Possibly now we might get a vote !!
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Old 21-07-2009, 18:25   #161
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Re: A.S.F.C. FF Bid.....

Originally Posted by maccawozzagod View Post
so as a trading card so to speak it has no real monetary value, but if you were offered, say, a hundred quid for a 'worthless' piece of paper, would you accept it? (i'm not buying by the way)

You might not be, but ...... if a significant number of small shareholders were to sell their shares to the ASFF for a purely nominal sum (i.e. to all intents and purposes give them to the fund), then an ASSF rep would be entitled to attend shareholders’ meetings (assuming there are some in the brave new world of the Don) with a bit of clout.

For someone in Bagpuss’ position, who has already supported the club financially in the past, this might be an attractive alternative way of helping the ASSF without having to dig deep for more cash ……..

Of course it would be necessary to know more about how many shares actually exist, and how many might be made available in this way, to be able to work out if this might be worthwhile.

Just thinking aloud really, and no, I don’t have any shares myself, so I can’t make a selfless offer to kick things off …..
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Old 21-07-2009, 19:32   #162
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Re: A.S.F.C. FF Bid.....

Originally Posted by Chimer View Post

You might not be, but ...... if a significant number of small shareholders were to sell their shares to the ASFF for a purely nominal sum (i.e. to all intents and purposes give them to the fund), then an ASSF rep would be entitled to attend shareholders’ meetings (assuming there are some in the brave new world of the Don) with a bit of clout.

For someone in Bagpuss’ position, who has already supported the club financially in the past, this might be an attractive alternative way of helping the ASSF without having to dig deep for more cash ……..

Of course it would be necessary to know more about how many shares actually exist, and how many might be made available in this way, to be able to work out if this might be worthwhile.

Just thinking aloud really, and no, I don’t have any shares myself, so I can’t make a selfless offer to kick things off …..
Nice thought, but Ilyas already is a shareholder, the only way it would help is to build his share holding or alternatively put his shares into ASSF and the others offered even then I am presuming it would come nowhere near the D'Ons share holding. However, is there not a rule, that if a shareholder purchases somewhere over 29% of the shares in a football club he/she has to make an offer to buy the club?

Piston broke owd geezer, Stanley supporter and shareholder, Retired and loving it
Addendum, the views I express on here are my own, if you don't like them: TOUGH!
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Old 21-07-2009, 20:25   #163
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Re: A.S.F.C. FF Bid.....

all that hav them just give them to the the top a man ak
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Old 21-07-2009, 23:27   #164
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Re: A.S.F.C. FF Bid.....

Originally Posted by Grimps View Post
all that hav them just give them to the the top a man ak
what purpose would that serve grimps?
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Old 22-07-2009, 00:12   #165
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Re: A.S.F.C. FF Bid.....

we need to get all in the right hand and give all we can as fans to mr k then we may get more say at the club . if i had any % in the club i would give it . but we all do hav a% in the club as paying fans and my ponit is fans = club no fans no club
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