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16-06-2009, 08:24
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Re: A.S.F.C. FF Bid.....
The ff now has a name....Accrington Stanley Supporters Fund Ltd and 3 directors were voted in last night.... one of whom Peter Shaw was also voted in as Chairman.
There is now a very strong committee with a wide spread of knowledge and experience, the main aim of the group is to secure the future of Accrington Stanley football club.
The dialogue between the club and the fund will now start in ernest and with both parties only wanting the best for the future we SHOULD be onto a winner.
Stephen Lowe
Stephen Lowe PROUD to support Stanley
16-06-2009, 09:04
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Re: A.S.F.C. FF Bid.....
What committee, voted in by whom?
Maybe I am missing something?
16-06-2009, 09:35
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Re: A.S.F.C. FF Bid.....
Originally Posted by Pendle Red
What committee, voted in by whom?
Maybe I am missing something?
Same here, seems if u couldnt skive work to attend the original meeting ya missed out on further ones.....................transparency
Mind u pressing concerns are the supporters club, seems thats in jepordy too while the new venture grows its out with the old.
16-06-2009, 09:47
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Re: A.S.F.C. FF Bid.....
sorry chaps we do not intend to hide anything but as speed was of the essence at the first meeting when we thought a winding up order was a few days away we have acted as quickly as possible.
It was not a case of voting people in or out we just needed people to act, a public meeting is on the agenda but no date has yet been confirmed.
Hope this helps if not you can PM me and I will send you my number
Stephen Lowe
Stephen Lowe PROUD to support Stanley
16-06-2009, 11:00
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Re: A.S.F.C. FF Bid.....
Originally Posted by Stanleymad
Same here, seems if u couldnt skive work to attend the original meeting ya missed out on further ones.....................transparency
Mind u pressing concerns are the supporters club, seems thats in jepordy too while the new venture grows its out with the old.
Mel, the supporters club is most definatley NOT in jepordy, far from it infact. It is just as Steve says above,honest!
Transparency is at the top of the page for the new company,however for now, all the legalities have to be taken care of as a matter of urgency.
Gimme a call if your worried 
16-06-2009, 11:13
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Re: A.S.F.C. FF Bid.....
does ASSF Ltd have a bank a/c to accept pledges yet ?
16-06-2009, 11:19
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Re: A.S.F.C. FF Bid.....
Originally Posted by ukcowboy
the supporters club is most definatley NOT in jepordy,
I think it probably is to be honest. Too few people to do anything whilst further down the road a new group (the FF) starts its life with a group of 14 COMMITTED fans striving to do everything in its power to improve the club. There is room for both but will that happen?
Lesley has stood down as Chair of the OSC and will not be at the next meeting, nobody has so far stood forward to replace her. Nobody is willing to sort the memberships out and badges/cards for this year (6 weeks since the AGM) have not been ordered (takes at least 4 weeks to come).
I was willing to try again this year with the OSC but imho the FF takes enormous priority and that is where all my energies will be going.
As for the committee, Ilyas did say at the first meeting that the committee would be formed by all those who volunteered themselves there and then. 14 people did so. As Loweiy said, speed was the order of the day and will continue to be so, you can't hang around forever whilst people decide whether they can or can't put themselves forward. The first meeting was called when it seemed as though there was a possibilty that ASFC may cease to exist, if someone couldn't arrange to finish work earlier than normal (with over a weeks notice) for that meeting then how could they possibly commit themselves to the next 12 months worth of hard work? Valairian managed to finsh work early and get to two meetings at short notice and he comes from Crewe. Its not a knock of anybody but thats how it is.
There will be opportunity to get involved shortly but in order to get the ball rolling we had to start somewhere.
keep the faith.
16-06-2009, 11:29
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Re: A.S.F.C. FF Bid.....
The query re: the supporters club.
Yes I did stand down and that decision was made well before the publicizing of the tax problems with stanley in fact I had stated at the AGM that I didn't want to re-stand for the position of Chairman.
Can I clarify that I can't attend the next meeting of the supporters club due to being away on holiday and not because I don't want to. As for the cards and badges they were ready to be ordered, artwork decided but it was decided not to re-order as any extra cash people have we felt would prob be directed towards the fighting fund.
I think it is out of order macca for you to presume people didn't try and finish early to attend the first meeting (myself included) of the fighting fund, in fact many people don't have the choice of finishing early!!!!!!
Finally what the future is for the supporters club I cannot answer, it maybe that it lies dormant for a while until the current urgent issues have been addressed but it would've been nice if some of these "committed" fans had maybe been involved in the current supporters club but that opens a whole new debate.
I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
16-06-2009, 11:41
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Re: A.S.F.C. FF Bid.....
I wasn't having a go for people not being able to finish work early, I was making the point that if they couldn't get out of work for that first meeting then they wouldn't be able to commit themselves to the work ahead.
is that out of order?
16-06-2009, 11:42
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Re: A.S.F.C. FF Bid.....
Sorry Macca
I also take exception to your post as well, I was as you know present at the first meeting and susequently contacted Mr. Khan direct to volunteer my sevices, but alas was not informed of any other meetings taking place.
I also noticed there seemed to be those in the loop and those out of the loop in the last week or so? I may be wrong?
For this to work it has to involve everyone!!
16-06-2009, 11:47
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Re: A.S.F.C. FF Bid.....
Originally Posted by maccawozzagod
I wasn't having a go for people not being able to finish work early, I was making the point that if they couldn't get out of work for that first meeting then they wouldn't be able to commit themselves to the work ahead.
is that out of order?
Yes because I do believe it is still a massive presumption that people wouldn't be able to commit because of maybe one meeting... who knows what the individuals reason for not being able to attend the first meeting... maybe some were on hol, ill, or on shifts as a fireman, police etc but may still be able to commit fully at other times.
i personally was attending a sudden death of one of my tenants who had no family, now that doesn't happen very often... but I will hold my hand up to say that I would be unlikely be able to commit fully hence me standing down as chair, amongst other personal reasons
I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
Last edited by harwood red; 16-06-2009 at 11:49.
16-06-2009, 11:49
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Re: A.S.F.C. FF Bid.....
Ilyas was responsible for collating the initial details for people and then they were sent emails regarding the next meeting. I don't know what has happened if some details haven't been collated correctly.
if anybody feels that they would still like to be involved and their details were missed off then I can forward your details on.
Those 'in the loop' were the ones who were on the email list and were kept aware on a day to day basis of what was going on.
I will re-iterate though that at the second meeting it was agreed that no more would be allowed on to the initial committee because you have to draw the line somewhere at how many people could do the set up. As stated though, there will be a public meeting in the next few weeks at which point ALL ideas of progress and direction can be discussed.
16-06-2009, 11:56
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Re: A.S.F.C. FF Bid.....
Originally Posted by maccawozzagod
The new company will be signed up on tuesday and directors will be appointed. Volunteers were requested and seven people stood forward - 3 of those people were myself, UKCowboy and Loweiy. We won't necessarily become directors of the company as seven may be too many so we will thrash that out between ourselves and the lawyers on tuesday. If you weren't able to attend the meeting but still feel like you could or should be considered for one of these positions then you need to contact Ilyas as soon as possible. He gave his mobile number out to anybody who wanted it so if you haven't got it and would like to speak to him regarding this matter then PM me and I will PM it back to you. .
just to bring this back up (from the day after the first meeting). Opportunity was given but things had to move quickly. If you found my earlier post offensive then I apologise, but I don't think it was out of order.
16-06-2009, 12:04
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Re: A.S.F.C. FF Bid.....
Originally Posted by maccawozzagod
Ilyas was responsible for collating the initial details for people and then they were sent emails regarding the next meeting. I don't know what has happened if some details haven't been collated correctly.
if anybody feels that they would still like to be involved and their details were missed off then I can forward your details on.
Those 'in the loop' were the ones who were on the email list and were kept aware on a day to day basis of what was going on.
I will re-iterate though that at the second meeting it was agreed that no more would be allowed on to the initial committee because you have to draw the line somewhere at how many people could do the set up. As stated though, there will be a public meeting in the next few weeks at which point ALL ideas of progress and direction can be discussed.
So through no fault of my own, I have now been excluded 
16-06-2009, 12:10
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Re: A.S.F.C. FF Bid.....
as I said, I'll forward your details on Neil.
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