There is an article in todays Observer
club and fans play happy families
in a nutshell we have followed the lead given by Professor Glasson and done the same deal (cheque will be presented at the Burnley game)
we have offered our unconditional support to the commercial department to aid their efforts particularly in selling draw tickets. We will also further liase with the club to ensure that any fundraising efforts are not duplicated.
We will be holding a public meeting in the second week of August (date to rubberstamped with the club) at the clubhouse. At this meeting you can all ask any questions as to how we propose to move forward from this point on. We will also invite all members of the public to get involved with us at this point. We need your ideas as to how we can fundraise, and we need your help to do this. This is the point that we would ideally have been at a few weeks ago but the eventual takeover and its subsequent questions delayed this meeting. But this is the point where the fighting fund becomes more than 10/11 people sat in a room and should become an army of Stanley fans all willing to make more effort to stablise our club. We now need the man on the street to be seen on the street. Footsoldiers if you will (not cannon fodder though

The share issue is not going to happen any time soon, so likewise Ilyas Khans money is not going to happen any time soon. The money pledged by Mr Khan is explicitly for use in a share issue and The Don (and fellow majority shareholders) have indicated that they are unwilling to travel this route.
If I'm honest this has split the committee somewhat (but peace has broken out) as some think that is our only purpose whilst others think that the FF should become other things. From becoming other things what do we do with any monies raised? do we a) feed it directly to the club to do with what they will? or do we b) save the money and do with it what we will? This point does still need to be ratified by the committee because there are valid points on both sides and there are members of the public who will not contribute to the fund whichever route we take.
All in I will agree with Rob Heys in the Observer when he says that both parties have indicated their willingness to work with each other
because we all cheer for the same side. Anything that the FF is unable or unwilling to proceed with will be taken to the next OSC meeting for us to see if we can do it via that avenue.
The Don and his team (six were present) talked about various things at the meeting. They hinted at projects that were ongoing and plans that they have. I can't say anymore as any facts given (very few, mostly conjecture) were given in good faith that they wouldn't leave the room) but the upshot of it all was that the club are taking great strides towards professionalising the structure of the club. The feeling was that this season will continue to be a struggle because of everything that is going on, but providing we are safe come May we should be in a far better position for the following season. I very much doubt that the misery and disappointment that we have all felt this close season will be remembered by this time next year.
and we have beaten Morecambe to a signature they wanted after also shafting them over Jimmy Ryan