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Old 22-07-2006, 09:58   #16
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Re: A.S.F.C.Supporters Club Meeting

No need to apologise mate.. I dont mind being wrong.. does happen you know

But I at least explained my views.. You should explain yours... If the constitution of the supporters club has changed then why not tell people... The majority of people have turned against the supporters club because of the secrecy... even members are kept in the secret if god forbid they cant make a meeting..

I believe you 100% if you say I am wrong.... but at least explain it
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Old 22-07-2006, 10:37   #17


Re: A.S.F.C.Supporters Club Meeting

I have attended a few meetings despite it being an 80 mile round trip, sometimes I’m too knackered to drive, therefore I wouldn’t be safe flying down the motorway for an hours worth of meeting.

For me I’d like to see some sort of summery of the minutes so I have an idea of what’s going on and can make the judgement as to whether the extra effort should be made to attend the next one.

It would be nice if their could be a coming together of the OSC, The Club itself and the Ultras and any other affiliated groups to produce a monthly or even quarterly newsletter for members “supported by Mr K’s. Photographs” giving us all the opportunity to know what’s going on rather than drawn out debates and disputes on the message board.

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Old 22-07-2006, 11:19   #18
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Re: A.S.F.C.Supporters Club Meeting

oh christ here we go again....

What is the big deal in putting the minutes of the meeting on the messageboard?
"Oh no they don't, they're getting classified information for free!"

The way I see it is that a select few make all the decisions in the OSC.
If that is to continue (& it most likely will) then the supporters who come and watch the games should at least be told what is being decided.
For the people who can't get a word in edgeways at the meetings for the decipherable grunts of old codgers stuck in North West Counties league mentality.
New suggestion? Noooooooooo, the horror!!
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Old 22-07-2006, 11:20   #19
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Re: A.S.F.C.Supporters Club Meeting

Originally Posted by ossyclogger
I take it that you have never joined any sort of club then ? You will find that if you join any club you will probably have to pay to join.

While the OSC's aim is to support the club in any way it can, it is completly independant from the club,and so we have to raise funds like any other organization.Far from being elitist, we have members all over the world and anyone is welcome to join.
Mmmm im a supporters club member or was 2005-2006 season & i have never made a meeting simply because it was inconvienient time for me & i got membership as an xmas pressie before you ask, i have never had a mail, newsletter or email or anything to encourage my support despite the membership fee of £8!!!! Was anyone of the supporters club bothered or know im a member??? Quick to take the money off me but not interested otherwise, so i do agree with comments made so far about minutes being available for absentees & encouragement for members - also the realisation that members may struggle with attending meetings or have problems with current times. As a supporters club relying of memberships then surely members of the club & future ones must be a top consideration as well as runnings with ASFC.

Sorry i shan't be renewing my supporters membership as all i gained from it was the badge & i can get one from club shop cheaper

Just my opinion on my exp.
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Old 22-07-2006, 12:35   #20
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Re: A.S.F.C.Supporters Club Meeting

I hesitate to ask this and have done for a couple of years, but:

is anybody interested in a new form of supporters club? Many people have been and gone from the OSC who I would deem to be important and integral to the future of any support orientated initiative.

If there is enough interest then it can go ahead.
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Old 22-07-2006, 14:06   #21
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Re: A.S.F.C.Supporters Club Meeting

For the last time, I will say. If you are already a member you can attend the meetings. If enough of you attend you can vote through anything you want. The AGM is due shortly. Come and vote in your own commitee. There is no need whatsoever to start a new club.If all you want to do is moan about things then carry on. I will however do my best to get somewhere on the supporters club website to publish newsletters and minutes, which is something that it seems to be lacking at the moment.

In conclusion I will say don't forget that the next meeting of the OSC is at 7pm on the 14th of August. I look forward to seeing many of you there. Don't forget that you can join on the night.
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Old 22-07-2006, 14:56   #22
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Re: A.S.F.C.Supporters Club Meeting

Ossyclogger, I don't think there is any need for the sarcasm you seem to display on occasions when all we want to do is drive things on.

The fundamental problem is the lack of communication, the next problem is the lack of interest in other peoples projects for example red and white fortnight. The first problem you now appear to want to take steps to improve and that is a good thing. The second problem may be a case of us and them I dont know.

I don't have time to dedicate to regular 'commitee' work or else I would have nominated myself a long time ago. The Ultras have stated many times that we do not want to hinder or knock the OSC but some times the opportunity has to be taken or else you will just meander along without us knowing anything that happens.

The Ultras have a website where we discuss whatever needs to be done now or later. There is a consensus that we should keep things to ourselves, but I will always post anything that I am involved with on here because this is where it will get most traffic. The more people know about something the more it is likely to be a success.

Is there room for more than one OSC? Of course there is. The more clubs there are the better. York have about four official clubs. Its not about competing, its not about we raised more than them, its not about we are better than them. Its about whats best for the club and how best can we improve things.

Lets stop knocking each other and being sarcastic and lets back each other.

If we have an idea we will try to expand it as soon as possible and link it with a recruitment drive (not for the Ultras, but for new fans). The one thing I admire the OSC for is that when they have an idea that they approve they do have people who are dedicated and will traipse around the town seeing whoever.

We will never again see the two factions merged as we have different beliefs on how best to support our club, but we should be able to work together on the same ideas from time to time and that would be beneficial to both our parties.

Many people don't like the idea of the OSC because they haven't the time or energy for officialdom, they like the idea of the freelancing Ultras where they could do as much or as little as they want when they want and be kept in the loop. The downside to our group is that they assume they are too old to be with us, or they don't like the name, or because they dont sing they are not an Ultra. An unofficial proper supporters club would be the logical crossover.
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Old 22-07-2006, 15:48   #23
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Re: A.S.F.C.Supporters Club Meeting

For the last time, I will say. If you are already a member you can attend the meetings. If enough of you attend you can vote through anything you want. The AGM is due shortly. Come and vote in your own commitee. There is no need whatsoever to start a new club.If all you want to do is moan about things then carry on. I will however do my best to get somewhere on the supporters club website to publish newsletters and minutes, which is something that it seems to be lacking at the moment.

In conclusion I will say don't forget that the next meeting of the OSC is at 7pm on the 14th of August. I look forward to seeing many of you there. Don't forget that you can join on the night.

Fancy paying for my ticket, I and a few others overseas get no infomation what so ever, do we get to vote? if we do, what on? what are the 2 sides to the story? etc etc. I joined to put my support to Stanley and hopefully to give some imput, it has'nt happened, I have recived no minutes from any meetings, I don't know who was voted in to what position, in fact it was as someone mentioned an expensive badge.

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Old 22-07-2006, 17:12   #24
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Re: A.S.F.C.Supporters Club Meeting

I have held back and held back from commenting on this subject in the vain hope that common sense would prevail, however, it seems that all that is happening is that we are going round in bloody circles!!

I belive that Ossyclogger is right in what He turn up to A meeting and put forward your ideas for change and vote em a fairly active member of the OSC, I have tried on at least one occasion to explain to the 'older' members of the OSC that we are seen as somewhat outdated and unapproachable ( I know we are not unapproachable, however a lot of fans dont!), only to be told that its not up to the OSC to approach the fans, but the other way round!!

Now I dont agree with that in any way, in fact since that was said to me I havent attended a meeting..........I know that kinda defeats the object, but one or two people cant change things on thier own, hence Ossycloggers rally call should be heeded..............the more members we can get to the next meeting, both old and new, who think that we need to move in a different direction, then the better chance we have of actually affecting change.

Macca, you have the beginings of a solid idea in your last post, we do need an independant but yet official SC, properly run, minuted and organised, which is TOTALY transparent to all, however when we looked at posting minutes on the net, I feel sure there was a data protection problem...........perhaps Henry Morton could put us in the picture regarding this?

The Ultras do a great job, of that there is no doubt, however they are not as transparent as they could be ( ie secret area of the Ultra site, to which you have to be given permission to view/post), which is why some of the OSC members are not sure of the direction you are going............not a dig , mearly a personal observation.

I will be going to the next meeting, in the hope that just maybe some of you will follow and help us to affect the changes that we sorely need, it would mean a totally different direction for the OSC, but I for one feel that change is long overdue.

Change CAN happen but only with support and input from you guys, so come along to next meeting and help us to achieve it now rather than later.

Ok now climbing down from my soapbox.............


Messrs Khan and Marsden I thank you

Thursday 31st. March 2011, a new dawn over the Crown ground.
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Old 22-07-2006, 17:22   #25
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Re: A.S.F.C.Supporters Club Meeting

ukcowboy... how on earth have you so totally missed the point ?

see BazF post right above yours
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Old 22-07-2006, 17:32   #26
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Re: A.S.F.C.Supporters Club Meeting

quote¬ however when we looked at posting minutes on the net, I feel sure there was a data protection problem...........perhaps Henry Morton could put us in the picture regarding this?¬

Kipax, sorry if you think I didnt understand where Bazf was coming from, perhaps I should have made that a little clearer, however the highlighted part of the quote above applies to Bazf's problem.......I have pmd HM to ask him to clarify the position, but am sure that the Data Protection Act stopped us from taking the idea of keeping all informed via email/internet etc.


Messrs Khan and Marsden I thank you

Thursday 31st. March 2011, a new dawn over the Crown ground.
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Old 22-07-2006, 17:38   #27
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Re: A.S.F.C.Supporters Club Meeting

What about telling him and others the agenda for the meeting and what they can vote on.. thats got nothing to do with data protection.. If you want to put yourself forward as spokesman for the OSC then answer the questions dont skirt round them

Members want more than an 8 quid badge..

They want at the very minimum to know whats going on.. to even suggest data protection stops you letting members know whats happening is ludicrous

They want the ability to vote on things or know what the agenda of a meeting will be..

Members who can get there but are undecided want to know the agenda..

All thats happening at the moment is total secrecy

data protection ? sorry but....guffaw!!!
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Old 22-07-2006, 17:54   #28


Re: A.S.F.C.Supporters Club Meeting

Is it not a fact that the Data Protection Act 1998 relates to the use and storage of personal information held by the Club or OSC on an individual rather than the clubs or OSC activates. It should not affect the sharing of information relating to the minutes of a meeting or the results of the meeting.

I think this is more of an issue of non-members gaining the same level of information as those who have paid a membership fee. The OSC site should have a section (password protected) open to the members to view the minutes and activities the world over. Then it’s a simple fact of parting with eight quid. I’m not happy with this situation and will hopefully participate in resolving some of these issues. The fact that I will part with another 16 quid this year will be a personal choice.

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Old 22-07-2006, 18:02   #29
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Re: A.S.F.C.Supporters Club Meeting

The private section on the ultras website that ukcowboy refers to was setup so things to do at other grounds could be planned.. if the opposiiton know your coming with tickertape or whatever then they will search every person...

Simple fact is... the OSC is too secretive.. they dont even let memmbers know whats going on let alone non members.. thats the problem... full stop! There commitment, hard work and dedication can not be questioned in my opinion.. they work hard with only one aim.. and thats to do good for the club... no one is suggesting otherwise as far as I can see.... the only problem is and the reason why so many wont be renewing membership.. is the secrecy.... its worse than the bleeding masons
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Old 22-07-2006, 18:14   #30


Re: A.S.F.C.Supporters Club Meeting

Alright, how about developing Macca's idea and a group of us get together and discuss ways of changing things. However, that will mean the possibility of individuals getting involved directly and giving their personal time as well as talking about it.

I’ve read a lot of good points from most contributors; the only thing lacking is the commitment to change it. Abstention saves you eight quid, it won’t change anything.

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