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Old 26-01-2009, 15:50   #106
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Re: about message board ?

long ago my toys went out of the pram, i have followed accy for decades and for some little **** like you on here, you need your head checking out (mcr adim ). sticks and stones never broke anyones bones but grimps used to, hope i never bump into you. Up the acc.

*Edited for swearing*

Last edited by ZOMBIE; 26-01-2009 at 16:33.
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Old 26-01-2009, 16:04   #107
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Re: about message board ?

Posted via Mobile Device is that a threat? Have i ever made a threat towards you? No so why the need for violence? I thought this was an forum where everyone had a freedom of speach! i suppose i guessed wrong!
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Old 26-01-2009, 16:08   #108
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Re: about message board ?

you are just taking the **** out of two many pepole on here
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Old 26-01-2009, 16:22   #109
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Re: about message board ?

Originally Posted by MCR ADIM View Post
I thought this was an forum where everyone had a freedom of speach!!
Thats what people have been saying all along and you disagreed
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Old 26-01-2009, 16:25   #110
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Re: about message board ?

Seems to me MCR ADIM that the freedom of speech on this forum is only right if everyone agrees with you.So grow up and realise that not all Accy supporters are happy with the way the way things are going,and yes i will support Accy in whatever league they play in but i don't want to see them back in the conference DO YOU.Perhaps if you put something constructive on the board then it could be discussed without any problems,and as to your comment that we are playing well ?,if thats the case why are we still in the bottom 6.By my reckoning if the other 3 teams hadn't been deducted a large number of points we'd be in the s--t right now.

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Old 26-01-2009, 16:34   #111
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Re: about message board ?

Can we all calm it down please?

This is an open forum and people are free to express their views, even if they don't always please people at the club. Don't make this personal, as we're all fans after all.
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Old 26-01-2009, 17:00   #112
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Re: about message board ?

Posted via Mobile Device no i think its because i dont agree with you more like! Because i have different views than 95% of memebers on here that if someone has a different view of the club/players than they dont like it! I posted what i think and i got called stupid! Etc etc and why because my post was different! No-where on this post will you find me calling other members or threating them! I have an opinion i voiced it just like you all have! But the threats etc is abit far!
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Old 26-01-2009, 17:29   #113
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Re: about message board ?

i hav my views on my things i never call pepole out but you call me out with highlighting my name well thats all i hav to say on this if you would like to pm me you can
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Old 26-01-2009, 17:54   #114
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Re: about message board ?

Originally Posted by MCR ADIM View Post
we have a good footballing side! Have some really good players jimmy ryan, ewards, charnock, p mullin, turner! Were playing better football this season!
MCR ADIM - I asked you this earlier but you have not replied. Let's try again.

I wonder if you could let us have your thoughts on (1) why we didn't beat Barnet, and (2) why there were only 1056 people at the FES on a day when there was no counter-attraction at Blackburn or Burnley.
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Old 26-01-2009, 18:06   #115
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Re: about message board ?

Originally Posted by Revived Red View Post
MCR ADIM - I asked you this earlier but you have not replied. Let's try again.

I wonder if you could let us have your thoughts on (1) why we didn't beat Barnet, and (2) why there were only 1056 people at the FES on a day when there was no counter-attraction at Blackburn or Burnley.
1. i cant answer the question only the management and players can answer that question i can only assume we werent playing to the ability we have seen them play this season

2. becuase credit crunch, people have fallen out with the club as posted ealier in the section 3 people would of came but went to watch another game! poor away support from barnet

why do you think there was only 1056 people at the game on saturday
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Old 26-01-2009, 18:32   #116
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Re: about message board ?

Originally Posted by MCR ADIM View Post
1. i cant answer the question only the management and players can answer that question i can only assume we werent playing to the ability we have seen them play this season
"the ability we have seen them play this season". Which few games are those? Why are we struggling in our current position?

Originally Posted by MCR ADIM View Post
2. becuase credit crunch, people have fallen out with the club as posted ealier in the section 3 people would of came but went to watch another game! poor away support from barnet

why do you think there was only 1056 people at the game on saturday
I think you are partly correct when you say "credit crunch" - we are all much more careful with our money. But we want to watch football, and we want to feel valued as fans. What is the club doing do show its appreciation of its fans? Please don't accuse everyone of being negative for no reason. There are good reasons for any negativity. We ALL want to be positive. The sad reality is that the club has made promises to some fans which it has not fulfilled. How can they possibly be positive?

People are not negative because of some silly whim. They are negative because they feel the club is letting them down. And they are correct. As many others have said, the club seems intent on alienating its loyal fans. And these loyal fans, now disillusioned, are quite justified in expressing their disappointment at the behaviour of a club that many (including me) have supported since the 1950s.

Not only has the club failed to build on what it achieved three years ago, but it is in danger of destroying it.
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Old 26-01-2009, 18:57   #117
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Re: about message board ?

Three other people would hve made it 1059,not earth shattering is it,what i want to know is,when we were in our last season in the conference and winning promotion we were averageing 2300 + gates and over.We stood on the Clayton end getting ****ed wet through whenever the weather took a turn for the worse.Then after 44 years in the wilderness we regain our league status and over a season or so our gates have dropped by nearly half,could it be they are disilutioned by what they've been watching?.I'd like to know what your answer is to that MCR,even with a new roof on it's not made any difference,if you know what the answer is please would you enlighten us because i'd sure like to know.
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Old 26-01-2009, 22:46   #118
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Re: about message board ?

Originally Posted by Stanleymad View Post
What happened to the grant??
as far as I know grant money is paid towards structures required to fulfill ground grading requirements. Only a percentage of the final figure is payable (40%?), therefore we would only get paid for the 'new stand' when work is underway/completed

Originally Posted by MCR ADIM View Post
if your a diehard than you go every game despite what you think of eric and the backroom staff
quite true. The club is bigger than one man - if your problem is Eric then realise that the club will still be there when Eric is gone. Who he is replaced by is a different matter entirely but what happens if you don't like the new bloke/bloke-ess? Eric is not a greedy chairman out to line his own pocket, we don't make enough money for that! So please carry on paying your admission fee's. It is for Accrington Stanley.

Originally Posted by afrikaaner View Post
it's the few who think the management right upto the chairman can do no wrong who spoil this forum
Every football club forum in the country is full of negativety. Morecambe are in their 2nd season in the football league, have had excellent cup runs on the back of a play off trip to Wembley. They have a new £6m stadium due for completion by the end of next season - what have they got to be down about? But they are, they find problems with every facet of their club because they are football fans and want better from their club. Probably only the big two in this country have reason not to be negative - but they still will be. The Ultras have their views, the cowshedders have theirs and Accy Web have theirs. We need to respect that everyone differs on opinion and rather than singing where you can shove your accy web you should be posting the good stuff that is apparently lacking. I have read that Accy Web isn't the same anymore without posters of old - well where are they? If they all came back and started posting again then some of the 'drivel' would be diluted by newer, wittier, upbeat posts, n'est pas?

Originally Posted by MCR ADIM View Post
why do you think there was only 1056 people at the game on saturday
many reasons can be attributed but the credit crunch would only be jumping on a hyped up media bandwagon. The truth is that at the beginning of the season we still only had a similar number of Accrington on the ground and this was before the recession was anywhere near biting. When we were in the Conference we attracted many more Burnley and Blackburn fans. These 'floaters' could have a proper pint at half time and watch the scores come through on the TV in the bar. You can't do that now so many of these people spend free saturdays doing something else. We aren't winning. Winning sides will always attract higher crowds. Kipax always eulogises that a winning side is the only thing that will bring the crowds flocking - I disagree. It will bring the numbers but lots of other things could also do that. When we did have a winning side the crowds weren't that much higher but it was still an improvement. The problem was that no money has ever been spent purely on 'this one's for the fans'. We increased the capacity because we had to. We put the roof on because we had to, we are putting seats in because we had to, we put extra toilets in because we had to. It is always the same and probably will be for some time. It is done at the last possible moment and as cheaply as possible. People are sick of it. Delaying the roof must have cost us hundreds of fans that got fed up of paying good money to get wet. Not being able to get a decent drink at half time will have cost us fans, not being able to sit down in the stand without a leaking roof dripping on you will have cost us fans. Many little things do add up and each one might only cost us 10, 25 or 50 fans but when you tally them together it might equal 500 (it also might not) but that is over five grand a game or over a hundred grand a season. IT'S MONEY WE NEED - its also more money than it would have cost to have done the work in the first place. It would only have cost a few hundred pounds to have put proper bitumen paint on the roof of the main stand and may need doing every 7-10 years, but it stops people getting wet! If 10 people get wet and don't come again then you have lost that expense within 2-3 games. That is false economy. If 5 people don't have a drink at half time because they don't want to have to carry two half pint plastic cups to hold their £2 can of lager the you have lost the expense it would have cost to have got proper plastic bottles (rectified this season I believe but two years later than necessary) it's false economy. They don't go to the bar next time. They might not come to the game because they can't or won't have a beer at half time. If people think they can't have a smoke at half time they might not come. Can they smoke? Let folk know.

I said earlier on that the club has never done anything that they don't have to for the fans. They could, very quickly, easily and more importantly, cheaply, build some kind of smoking shelter, a wind break of some description for around the beer shed (or just put it on the railing side?). These might not sound like major things, they wouldn't put much, if anything on the gate - but they would make the smokers and drinkers feel a little more welcomed and appreciated. It fosters a slightly better spirit amongst those people and helps them go home maybe a little warmer and a little more willing to come again next week. And they'd be paying again.

Originally Posted by Revived Red View Post
The sad reality is that the club has made promises to some fans which it has not fulfilled. They (the fans) are negative because they feel the club is letting them down. .

this is aimed more at the hardcore loyal fans rather than the general crowd I would imagine. THe hardcore have been battered from pillar to post over the years with the begging bowl. We carry on trying to put a little more into the begging bowl every time but you can't carry on doing this and then seeing nothing coming back from the club. We know that the club is strapped all the time but this is for many reasons and we shouldn't be the ones who seem to suffer for it. ASFC promised Junior Eagles membership would carry various perks for want of a better word. They never materialised. Stanley Legends (see other thread) were told that they would receive various perks. They never materialised. Half time draw, gold bond draw etc - we pay into them so make us feel more involved, draw them on the pitch at half time, get somebody form the crowd to draw it. If the 50-50 draw isn't claimed straight away then re-draw it. If the guy after you won it you would be annoyed that you didn't buy two and next time you might just do so. If you pay to have your newspapers delivered but they didn't come, would you carry on paying for them? Stop the gimmicks and concentrate on one thing at a time. Get it right then do something additional

Originally Posted by Revived Red View Post
Not only has the club failed to build on what it achieved three years ago, but it is in danger of destroying it.
This is the most damning post of the thread so far. Not so much the last part as relegation is part and parcel of football and if it ever comes then we deal with it and move on. I am more worried about the first part. Three years after the single biggest acheivement of any of the Accrington town teams and we don't seem to have improved much. I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT THE TEAM BUT THE CLUB. We have developed an academy and we have developed a much needed Football in the Cummunity department. These are not paid for directly by the club and are set up and funded largely by external agencies. The club can direct them thoguh and make them into whatever they want according to how much effrot they put into it. Beyond those two there is little to differentiate ASFC 2009 to ASFC 2006. We actually seem to have gone backwards in some respects if you use the number of sponsored matches as your yardstick. This can be attributed to the credit crunch or it can be attributed to chopping and changing in the commercial department or it can be attributed to local businesses have had enough of us. Whatever it is can only be judged by those at the helm and in the know. Stuff like that is not really any of our business as we don't know enough about it, but we do have an interest in things like club merchandise and whether it gets to us when we order it, we do have an interest in whether the club tells that a game has been switched to another date, or whether we read it elsewhere two days earlier. ETC ETC.

The club will pretty much continue to operate in this manner for the foreseeable future. It has to because we don't believe in speculating money. But if we never get the fabled cup run, if Bobby Grant isn't the first £500k player through the revolving red and white door, then we will never have the money to build the stand and facilities that will attract another 500 people in, or to build the facilities that we need in order to attract money to the FES on the other six days of the week.

One really worrying thing that has crossed mty mind this week is the FES name. From what I can remember of the limited published details it was a three year deal to name the ground and was for a substantial sum rumoured to be approx £1/4m per year (somebody might find a link to the Telegraph or Observer of the time). This season would be the last of those three years, are they going to renew? Bearing in mind that they pulled out of the shirt sponsorship earlier than we thought they would then I would be inclined to think so. Couple that thought with the knowledge that the leftover Ian Craney transfer money had to go towards balancing the books, and that crowds have continued to dwindle, and the recession is continuing to affect all our local business who will surely be cutting back on sponsorship and you start to see why I would be seriously worried about our future finances.

To all those still reading - sorry
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Last edited by maccawozzagod; 26-01-2009 at 22:51.
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Old 26-01-2009, 23:12   #119
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Re: about message board ?

Originally Posted by Wynonie Harris View Post
A prime example is Macca...he's forever posting on here with a multitude of fresh ideas about how to improve things. The club could have sat down with him, talked his ideas through and maybe some good things would have come out of it.
See?...I TOLD you so!!
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Old 26-01-2009, 23:29   #120
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Re: about message board ?

macca spot on with this great post of yours
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