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Old 14-08-2005, 16:01   #16
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Re: Accrington Fans Where For art you

I think Herefords - Edgar Street ground is one of the best in our league
You ever been? Think those who have will back me up that Herefords is one of the poorest, cue 'Edgar Street is falling down'

I'll add Canvey's too that list too and Crawley and Southport oh and Alty Gravesend average???? that is the conference's WORST ground by a golden mile
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Old 14-08-2005, 16:03   #17
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Re: Accrington Fans Where For art you

ooo just beat you to it smiffy, in fact just gone back to make sure that they really did say that Edgar St is best in league. Shock horror they did!!! that place is a dump!!!

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 14-08-2005, 16:42   #18

Re: Accrington Fans Where For art you

Originally Posted by harwood red
Hereford's ground best in the league!!!????!!!! YOU ARE HAVING A LAUGH

No I said 'one of the best' - and thats my view. It may be an old ground, but it has two good sized covered ends, and two seated stands along the sides - one quite big if I remmber correctly. Home fans stand in the Meadow End and make a hell of a racket! The away end - the Blackfrairs end is the same size I think and creates for a good sing-song too.

Stevenage Boro is nice, as is Morecambe (which just needs one more stand along the open side), the other good grounds are all ex-league sides, so its really unfair to count them together with sides that have never been 'up there'.

I've never been to Cambridge United, but like Hereford they were once in the old second division (championship) so I guess they have a smart ground.
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Old 14-08-2005, 16:57   #19
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Re: Accrington Fans Where For art you

Hereford is miles better than our ground.. yes its delapidated and could do with brightening up.. But we should dream of a ground that big, Stands that big.. Big covered terrace.. Massive car parks..

Stevenage is by far the best ground in the league IMHO. Not just the ground but the whole setup.
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Old 14-08-2005, 18:00   #20
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Re: Accrington Fans Where For art you

Originally Posted by KIPAX
Hereford is miles better than our ground.. yes its delapidated and could do with brightening up.. But we should dream of a ground that big, Stands that big.. Big covered terrace.. Massive car parks...
The trouble with grounds that big, stands that big, big covered terrace etc is that the maintenance costs an absolute fortune. I'd prefer to see a tidy little ground like Stanley's, with lots of room for expansion if needed, and the rest of the money spent on getting decent players. Having done it at another club, I can tell you that the fewer the crush barriers that need painting, the better!

Stanley's ground is perfectly up to the job... just wish it had a roof at each end to improve the atmosphere and therefore improve the crowds, which would improve the atmosphere, which would improve the crowds... The roof needn't cover the whole terrace - just covering the middle third would transform the place.

Last edited by Robaldo; 14-08-2005 at 18:01.
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Old 14-08-2005, 19:15   #21
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Re: Accrington Fans Where For art you

Originally Posted by KIPAX
Hereford is miles better than our ground.. yes its delapidated and could do with brightening up.. But we should dream of a ground that big, Stands that big.. Big covered terrace.. Massive car parks..


The away end is also the worst but with a bit of weeding the concrete and a lick of paint it would be one of the very best in confernce as well as league 2
The Voice of the Terrace
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Old 14-08-2005, 21:14   #22
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Re: Accrington Fans Where For art you

Some factors: It was a lousy, mainly rainy, day; Not everybody is an Ultra-type fan and the increase to twelve quid a throw has clearly, and not altogether unexpectedly, made some people think twice ( especially as the football, as seen against one of the poorer teams in the Conference, ain't got no better); holidays; Forest Green played Cambridge whose supporters were clearly 60% of the crowd so forget that little dig!; the cricket on TV was pretty absorbing; a lot stayed at home sticking pins in Morecambe dolls and wondering why we signed a right back to stand in for Cav when necessary and then played that womble Williams there instead!
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Old 14-08-2005, 21:19   #23
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Re: Accrington Fans Where For art you

I think the best grounds for sure are Stevenage and Exeter......Grays looks very bad too
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Old 14-08-2005, 21:40   #24
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Wink Re: Accrington Fans Where For art you

Originally Posted by qualtrough
Some factors: It was a lousy, mainly rainy, day; Not everybody is an Ultra-type fan and the increase to twelve quid a throw has clearly, and not altogether unexpectedly, made some people think twice ( especially as the football, as seen against one of the poorer teams in the Conference, ain't got no better); holidays; Forest Green played Cambridge whose supporters were clearly 60% of the crowd so forget that little dig!; the cricket on TV was pretty absorbing; a lot stayed at home sticking pins in Morecambe dolls and wondering why we signed a right back to stand in for Cav when necessary and then played that womble Williams there instead!

Nail, head, and hit, spring to mind!
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Old 14-08-2005, 21:46   #25
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Re: Accrington Fans Where For art you

The only thing missing from qualtrough's explanation was the fact that Stanley have never been brilliantly supported for whatever reason.
The general public of Hyndburn are a pretty apathetic bunch and always have been. Having said that, there must be more than 1000 people in the borough who can be attracted to attend matches on a regular basis?
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Old 14-08-2005, 22:06   #26
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Re: Accrington Fans Where For art you

Originally Posted by Blackburn Stanley
. However Hereford - come on man, this use to be a Division Two (what they call the championship now) ground. I think Herefords - Edgar Street ground is one of the best in our league - if not the best

Perhaps you should start a thread on the best - and worst grounds in the Conference?
Sorry but Hereford may have been the bees knees in the 70s but it is a crap hole now.
I went to Burtons ground on Saturday, (for reasons that will become clear when management get my notes), Despite a new ground, only one main stand with seating, capacity set at 6000 & only 1654 in attendance for a first in a new ground. Burton is nearly twice as big as Accy so when looked at pro rata & holiday season still on due to an earlier start to the season, when looked at pro rata dont think there is anything to complain about. Plus three points in the bag & that is what counts!
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Old 14-08-2005, 22:08   #27


Re: Accrington Fans Where For art you

TM "The only thing missing from qualtrough's explanation was the fact that Stanley have never been brilliantly supported for whatever reason. The general public of Hyndburn are a pretty apathetic bunch and always have been. Having said that, there must be more than 1000 people in the borough who can be attracted to attend matches on a regular basis?"

That's a good point, but why……..Maybe people don’t get the message across to the public…..Is there any local support in the press? I’ve only ever seen one kid wearing a Stanley shirt in all the time I’ve been coming back. Does no one wear them; I see cart loads of England shirts on all shapes and size’s in accy centre on a Saturday, but never a Stanley Shirt. More effort should be spent on raising the clubs public profile in to the public arena, the cheapest way is to get people out in the shirts. Player profiles in the local press, free papers etc, and the kids press? School news letters and the like. Get the volunteers out on sports days. The Mela thing that was on last week not one shirt did I see and there was no Stanley Stand. I would have spent money had they been there……..

On - Stanley – On
- Who’s Laughing Now -

Last edited by Doug; 14-08-2005 at 22:10.
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Old 14-08-2005, 22:24   #28
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Re: Accrington Fans Where For art you

A lot of sense talked, particularly by Robaldo, Qualtrough, Redskin, TM . . .
but what a pity it had to be as a result of some mischievous Stanley-baiting by Morecambe_Red - who should go back to school and learn his Shakespeare.

". . . wherefore art thou . . ?" doesn't mean "where" , but "why".
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Old 15-08-2005, 09:29   #29
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Wink Re: Accrington Fans Where For art you

Shakespeare...??? They're only just up to Enid Blyton in those parts, methinks! Always remember, when you're in Morecambe you're half-way to Barrow! Wish I'd thought of that's put me right off me cornflakes.
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Old 15-08-2005, 10:01   #30
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Re: Accrington Fans Where For art you

Do we have a supporters' club?
Do they have a sub-group devoted to increasing attendances?

We set up one of those groups at a previous club I was involved with, and managed to increase the attendances from 250 to over 1000, in the space of about six months. Hyndburn folks would be much easier to haul in than that lot.
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