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Old 05-10-2008, 17:15   #91
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Re: Accrington Stanley - Exactly

Originally Posted by Revived Red View Post
I have yet to hear any discussion or argument made more powerful by the use of bad/industrial language
Too ****ing true
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Old 05-10-2008, 18:36   #92
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Re: Accrington Stanley - Exactly


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Old 05-10-2008, 18:54   #93
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Re: Accrington Stanley - Exactly

Finally got to see it today and i found it interesting,the swearing i didnt find offensive as there just words to me and it wasn't if there was effing and blinding every two seconds.Overall i enjoyed it and it made me love accrington that little bit more.
Heres to the next episode!
i Heart Stanley
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Old 05-10-2008, 22:21   #94
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Re: Accrington Stanley - Exactly

Originally Posted by Revived Red View Post
I have yet to hear any discussion or argument made more powerful by the use of bad/industrial language - whatever term we wish to use. I'm sorry, but when such language is used, it always seems to me to be the last despairing hope of the intellectually inadequate; in other words, the loser.
Being somewhat of a champion of 'using the right words an the right places' and very seldom, if ever using expletives (Unless I'm repeating some risque joke or other!), I am inclined to agree with you Red.
However, much of the incorporate language heard in the Documentary under discussion is, I am sad to say, common usage in most areas of Society today, and by people from 7 to 70!. One of these areas is in the world of Soccer, and you will know that it is not just the Chairman, Manager and Players at the FES who are given to using words that at the best can be described as 'Foul' ( Not Foul as in contravening the laws of the game !). but right across the Board!.
If Granada's 'fly-on-the-wall' series is intended to present a truthful portrayal of life at a Football Club,
then if it's manner of ensuring adequate communications amongst those involved includes words that maybe we wouldn't think of using, then it, being Television!, will without a shadow of doubt, use this to sell the programme to ensure the wider audience which it craves!.
As to whether the use of offensive language might put off Fathers bringing their Children to the FES, then whatever Granada, or the FA say about it , or as many postings as we care to put on our Forum,this will not make it a suitable place for anyone who has any strong feelings about the insensitive use of 'bad language'!,
Although I will watch the ensuing 'episodes' with interest, I am afraid that these might only go to underline the fact that if I want to carry on being a fan of 'the Reds', then I will not have to take that much notice of the strange, and as seen by some, socially-unacceptable words which I know I am going to hear !..
One can only hope that those of a genteel nature are not hurt or embarrassed, either by the Programme, or during a visit to the FES !. This would be totally unforgivable !.
( A brief PS to T-M !)...I hope that you know me better than to think that I'm plunging my head into the
Desert sand !...but honestly,finding any answer to the mixed, and interesting postings on this topic would seem to be an almost impossible task !

Alfred.E. thinks that Stuart Hall is 'the Bee's Knees'!

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Old 06-10-2008, 11:21   #95
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Re: Accrington Stanley - Exactly

well said yonmon
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Old 06-10-2008, 11:31   #96
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Re: Accrington Stanley - Exactly

Don't suppose I could find a copy online?
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Old 06-10-2008, 11:53   #97


Re: Accrington Stanley - Exactly

Oh give me strength…..It’s a documentary of the realities of a belt and braces east lances football club, and regardless of individual sensibilities and our variance of what is and what is not acceptable behaviour this is the reality at the FES.

We only have a club because of Eric Whalley and the likes Messer’s Coleman, Bell and numerous others who put their lives into Accrington Stanley. Yes we the Fans are just as important in Stanley’s make up including us that don’t make it through the gates each week….

At the end of the day who amongst us don’t swear in our own environments, very few of us no doubt. Its real life telly, if it offends then there’s always a repeat of some pretend clap trap on the other channel in which the cast won’t only be saying it; they’ll be doing it as well.

It takes brass bollocks to open the doors in the way they have and I would always prefer the Eric I saw last week to a total false one. And when coalley starts it’ll be like an x rated Brookside. Bring it on Lads, lets suck it and see…..

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- Who’s Laughing Now -

Last edited by Mick; 10-10-2008 at 09:02.
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Old 06-10-2008, 13:32   #98
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Re: Accrington Stanley - Exactly

Has anybody ever complained on this messageboard about the obscene chants that come from the Clayton end (which sometimes are more obscene than Eric's swearing) ? Not as far as I know, why have they not complained? Probably because these chants are part and partial of football and are accepted even though they contain swear words or make implications about certain people's sexuality. When you watch footy on the telly you can lip read players, managers, officials all swearing, it's part of football. We don't have to like it but, I am afraid we have to put up with it.

To the people who are complaining about Eric and Coley swearing - Next time you hear an obscene chant or a swear word on the Clayton End or wherever, why don't you go and complain to the person/persons who is chanting or swearing and see what reaction you get.
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Old 06-10-2008, 14:09   #99
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Re: Accrington Stanley - Exactly

Agree with someone earlier in this thread that likenend it to early phoenix nights. Quality. Exactly what I expected.
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Old 06-10-2008, 16:40   #100
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Re: Accrington Stanley - Exactly

well put Doug. well seconded Jeff
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Old 06-10-2008, 18:20   #101
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Re: Accrington Stanley - Exactly

Originally Posted by Doug View Post
Oh give me ****ing strength…..It’s a documentary of the realities of a belt and braces east lances football club, and regardless of individual sensibilities and our variance of what is and what is not acceptable behaviour this is the reality at the FES.

We only have a club because of Eric Whalley and the likes Messer’s Coleman, Bell and numerous others who put their lives into Accrington Stanley. Yes we the Fans are just as important in Stanley’s make up including us that don’t make it through the gates each week….

At the end of the day who amongst us don’t swear in our own environments, very few of us no doubt. Its real life telly, if it offends then there’s always a
t only be saying it; they’ll be doing it as well.

It takes brass bollocks to open the doors in the way they have and I would always prefer the Eric I saw last week to a total false one. And when coalley starts it’ll be like an x rated Brookside. Bring it on Lads, lets suck it and see…..
That's what I tried to say Doug !, and isn't it strange that it took a Granada Documentary to uncover the sensitivities of some of our contemporaries on the Forum?. I wouldn't have guessed that the odd flight of
invective would have stirred up such controversary in the breasts of dyed-in-the wool Stanleyites!.
In passing, and to underline my previous comments regarding the widespread use of Anglo-Saxonisms with sexual connotations across the entire Soccer scene, I noted, whilst watching a report of a Match on Skysports,a newly-arrived player from a lesser country in Darkest Africa using two of the more extreme examples of 'foul' language in response to a refereeing decision which went against him ( and not in Bantu either!), and it didn't take any well-trained lipreading skills to make out what he was saying !. The thought crossed my mind that seeing that the Referee chose to let the incident go without batting an eyelid, that this behaviour is so commonplace now in our game as to be almost acceptable !, and if you don't use this 'language of Football' then perhaps you are the odd one out!. Our Cairman, Manager and Players are part of this 'Culture'.The Clayton End Fans (berated elsewhere!) are part of this culture, and an important part as far as ensuring the ongoing survival of the Club, and all are under pressure to maintain the stereotype.
This being so, what we see, and hear at the FES on a Saturday afternoon can be quite easily understood.

Alfred.E. says 'Roll on Episode Two!'

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Old 06-10-2008, 18:29   #102
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Re: Accrington Stanley - Exactly

Originally Posted by Jesus_was_A_red_ View Post
Agree with someone earlier in this thread that likenend it to early phoenix nights. Quality. Exactly what I expected.
Perhaps Chorley FM could be a new sponsor.

'Accrington Stanley, brought to you by Chorley FM, coming in your ears.'

You wouldn't be able to hear any swearing then.
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Old 06-10-2008, 20:28   #103
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Re: Accrington Stanley - Exactly

As so often happens, people are replying to what they think others have said without actually reading and/or thinking about what they have said. Those who complained about the bad language are not offended by it - if they were, they would not go to the FES. The whole point was about whether the use of such language could deter others from attending.

Yes, it was a fly-on-the-wall documentary. But Accrington Stanley is a business and, presumably like all businesses, it wants to improve (it certainly NEEDS to improve) and it should be presenting a favourable image to the public. As Wynonie said, Eric could/should have minimised the bad language in the presence of the cameras. This series could have given us a wonderful opportunity to rise above and beyond the "joke" club, and maybe attract some further investment and/or sponsorship. I doubt if it will do so.
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Old 06-10-2008, 20:41   #104
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Question Re: Accrington Stanley - Exactly

Originally Posted by yonmon View Post
and all are under pressure to maintain the stereotype.
I wish you would speak proper english sometimes yonmon instead of talking in riddles . What do you mean by being under pressure to maintain a stereotype?? Its all about passion - plain and simple. When passion is involved and lets not beat about the bush here, there is a lot involved on a matchday from all sides, some people will swear and swear a lot - thats human nature. Agreed though, passion does inevitably lead to pressure. Unfortunately Eric has the evil combination of passion AND pressure as he also owns the whole shabang and is running it on an absolute shoestring so I can fully understand when he is at the workplace, he swears like a trooper - I dont think he or any of us are trying to 'maintain a stereotype'.

As you said about the player cursing the ref, I saw Mark Hughes shout the b word at the touchline on Match of the Day 2 last night. I have said it earlier and was pointed out by K-P very early on in this thread - this is a behind the scenes documentary not an advert and it was never intended to be and I cant see why this has created such a big fuss. Well said Doug btw.

Jimbo T blower

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Last edited by Jimbo T Hornblower; 06-10-2008 at 20:43.
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Old 06-10-2008, 20:59   #105
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Re: Accrington Stanley - Exactly

Originally Posted by Jimbo T Hornblower View Post
I wish you would speak proper english sometimes yonmon instead of talking in riddles . What do you mean by being under pressure to maintain a stereotype?? Its all about passion - plain and simple. When passion is involved and lets not beat about the bush here, there is a lot involved on a matchday from all sides, some people will swear and swear a lot - thats human nature. Agreed though, passion does inevitably lead to pressure. Unfortunately Eric has the evil combination of passion AND pressure as he also owns the whole shabang and is running it on an absolute shoestring so I can fully understand when he is at the workplace, he swears like a trooper - I dont think he or any of us are trying to 'maintain a stereotype'.

As you said about the player cursing the ref, I saw Mark Hughes shout the b word at the touchline on Match of the Day 2 last night. I have said it earlier and was pointed out by K-P very early on in this thread - this is a behind the scenes documentary not an advert and it was never intended to be and I cant see why this has created such a big fuss. Well said Doug btw.

Jimbo T blower

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