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Old 27-04-2004, 22:22   #1
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Accy Attendances

All Fixtures: Gates: 28,442 (Home: 15,886 - Away: 12,556)

All Fixtures: Gates: 43,377 (Home: 28,606 - Away: 14,771)

All Fixtures: Gates: 117,319 (Home: 57,780 - Away: 59,539)

The home figures have nearly doubled for the last two campaigns.. Can't be bad eh
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Old 28-04-2004, 12:59   #2
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Re: Accy Attendances

That's a very impressive figure.

Considering the attractions (?) of nearby Burnley and Blackburn I think it's far better than we predicted a year ago. (Pity we can't go back to last year's forum threads and see what we actually did predict )
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Old 28-04-2004, 14:35   #3
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Re: Accy Attendances

I think that's brilliant, well done the lads!!
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Old 28-04-2004, 14:51   #4
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Re: Accy Attendances

imagine the truthful figure!
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Old 04-05-2004, 08:00   #5
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Re: Accy Attendances

Although the overall gate figures are very impressive, some of the gates towards the end of the season were very disappointing. Just over a thousand is pretty low for a team that's in the top ten of the Conference. OK, the club can rely on us lot - "the faithful one thousand" - but next season we could do with more support from the Accrington public at large if we're to make a success of going full-time.
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Old 04-05-2004, 08:14   #6
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Re: Accy Attendances

we can try to find ways of getting the public in on matchdays
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Old 04-05-2004, 10:58   #7
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Unhappy Re: Accy Attendances

I would have thought the fact that their town team had a Conference match at home would be enough!! Lets face it, Stanley is one the very few things that Accy has going for it and I don't understand the amount of apathy amongst the footy loving locals. There are many people born and bred in Accy who might follow say, Liverpool, U*D even Newcastle(?!) and can never see them play - yet they prefer to sit in the pub watching Rodney Marsh and Bestie watch the games that they cant go to, when less than a mile away their LOCAL team is playing! A lot of the smaller clubs have this problem - the indigenous football population being swallowed up by the big boys. As for the general public, well maybe they've got better things to do, like counting the different coloured patches of tarmac in the town centre.....
None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
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Old 04-05-2004, 12:41   #8
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Re: Accy Attendances

The improvements to the IES will go a long way to keeping attendances up as winter approaches (especially the Clayton Terrace roof) IMO.

It was also a fairly heft jump in admission prices to £10 per game. At least this has not been raised again for next season.
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Old 04-05-2004, 12:49   #9
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Re: Accy Attendances

Hopefully, Burnley's current turmoil and Blackburn's mediocre season will help, too.
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Old 04-05-2004, 12:54   #10
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Re: Accy Attendances

One of the reasons the junior-reds was formed was so they could go into schools as an organisation and get kids interested in Accrington Stanley... Some of the stuff Burnley FC give away in Accrington schools is very nice.. we can't possibly afford to do the same unless its sponsored..

I don't think there anything wrong with the ground and it's certainly cheap enough.. You just have to make the whole concept more populor for kids... Its the kids you have to attract for future seasons..
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Old 04-05-2004, 13:43   #11
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Re: Accy Attendances

Some times you have to give a little to recive a lot, how much would a couple of hundred T shirts with ASFC on them cost retail, about 2 quid each, a kids baseball cap with ASFC on about the same, so you spend about a thousand pounds and get back kids who want to watch Stanley and who will bring their parents. An other way is have kids under 14 get in free with an adult or 1 pound admission days for kids you just have to sacrifice the big buck every now and again to attract more people. With the local firms who advertise with Stanley get them to have a give away, a keyring or pens with there names on, a coupon for a free burger.

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Old 04-05-2004, 19:51   #12
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Re: Accy Attendances

Sorry Kipax, I have to disagree with you about the ground. Yes its going to be nice having a cover over the Clayton terrace, but what about the Coppice terrace? And lets face it, The Whinney Hill terrace aint up to much. Its O.K. having the plans to rebuild that terrace to come into line with Football League criteria, but the club as a whole cannot get a grant until they gain promotion and who is to say that the goalposts won't be shifted in the near future making it impossible for the team to get into the league prior to having the redevelopment done.

Got to agree with you Bazf, I work at Wigan Athletic and they open up the Family stand to schoolchildren for free on certain match days when unattractive clubs are playing at the JJB. and lets face it Wigan Athletic's attendances are not the best in the world by a long chalk and they were in the play off positions until just recently.

Piston broke owd geezer, Stanley supporter and shareholder, Retired and loving it
Addendum, the views I express on here are my own, if you don't like them: TOUGH!
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Old 12-06-2004, 19:32   #13
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Re: Accy Attendances

i have to agree with Kipax because i dont think theres anything wrong with the ground but there need to be something more for the kids. But i dont think we should comapare the stanley ground to burnley because that is a great ground and i dont think its fair to stanley
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Old 13-06-2004, 11:07   #14
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Re: Accy Attendances

I think a problem is 13-16 where a season ticket costs £100 is it? IMO this is too much. But season ticket sales are up on this time last year, so thats something good and maybe there will be a few more regulars at matches.
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