And also ......
Jase has finally come up with an idea that he is excited about but won't tell me. The wagon will be in the assembly area from 7am (details to follow) so could as many people as possible start arriving from that moment onwards to help 'dress' the float. If you can't be there that early, please ensure that you have arrived by
9:30am at the latest. Also waiting on confirmation from Zero whether Celtic Cross will be strutting their stuff on the float.
If anybody has an excess of red balloons they don't need (or want to buy and donate) could you please post on here.
Bodies definitely required, young or old, male or female - just proud to be from Accrington (or honorary) and willing to display their Stanley affiliation.
This year we won't be doing the chucking out of sweets or balloons etc but we aim to have as good a do as possible, get as many people involved as possible, and gear up for the mother of all floats next time out.
To everybody who has helped us this year thank you very much but can we have one final push?
To everybody who hasn't helped but would like to have done, this is your last chance for this season.
To everybody who hasn't helped, didn't want to help, and has no intention of helping - please give us a loud cheer as we go past you.
Could all those planning on being on the float please, as far as possible, wear your workwear and a Stanley scarf. It is not terribly important but would help towards the overall theme of the float.
Now then, where are all the Ultra lads?

we need your noise and numbers please